What think ye of the supernatural? (1 Viewer)

Eoddy Gorilla said:


so beautiful i nearly cried

I saw a proper, fully-fledged ghost when I was 11.

I was in this house down in Waterford. I was off to bed and was trying to turn the light on for the bathroom (one of those out-of-room switches).
Anyway, was standing in front of a door when I was busy messing with the stitches. As I was doing this, the door opened in front of me and there was this completely black shadow standing in front of me. I could see over its head into the bedroom.

Just thinking about it now gives me the shits.
There was a good few funny incidents in that house - doors slamming, my fearless dog being a total wimp and whimpering as it seemed to stare at nothing, nobody being able to stay in the house on their own.

Yeah... that wasn't the nicest of holidays.
i, up until somewhat recently, lived in an old house reputed in the area to be haunted. the previous tenant before us was a woman, with a child, who went completely insane and spray painted everything in the house, including slogans (the nature of which i do not know) all over the walls. most of it was painted over by the landlord before we moved in.

i later met other people who had lived there a couple of years previously, and they told me in all seriousness of all sorts of "poltergeist" type activity: they claimed to have seen many glasses and dinnerplates shatter without warning, doors slamming, sounds of footsteps, objects moving violently without being touched and so forth. my attitude when i heard of this was pretty much "yeah yeah, right, bollocks, they were probably just stoned".

within a couple of weeks of living there, one of the ladies i lived with started claiming with absolute certainty that there was the spirit of a middle aged woman living there, and she could sense her presence constantly in the house. and i must point out that this woman, my friend and housemate, is highly skeptical, to the point of atheism. but she was absolutely convinced of this. she later moved out.

then, one night, myself and my girlfriend of the time woke up at the same time in the middle of the night. my ex said, in a highly disturbed way, that there was a woman in a black dress standing in the corner of the room. i looked over there, and i saw a middle aged woman in black dress. completely real. i just put the duvet over us, and said "yes, i see her, oh dear, oh dear". we both fell asleep then at the same time. now, when i woke up in the morning, i thought, "well, must have been a dream". i mentioned this odd "dream" to my ex, then the colour drained from her face, and she said, "no, i saw the same thing, i remember that." I should point out that we were completely sober at this general time. so, huh, a shared dream?

a couple of nights later. we again (completely sober again i shall point out) both woke up at the same time. this time we both saw about eight glowing blobs on one side of the room, moving insanely and erratically. i think i said something like "maybe... its just a trick of the light, eyes fooling us". then there was a sort of a tearing sound, and all the blobs rushed over us to the other side of the room. both our heads turned to watch this. then they disappeared, and there was the shadow of someone standing very close to us. we freaked out, and then both fell asleep insantly. woke up the next day and we both recounted what we had seen. so, huh, another shared dream? one would be weird enough, but two in succession? hmm.

a couple of weeks later. i was asleep, alone this time, but woke up in the night. and saw, completely vividly, a middle aged woman in a black dress standing at the end of my bed. where her face should have been, there was just a hole of rotting flesh. i cannot overstate the absolute vividness and clarity of this moment. i was awake, in my bed, everything in the room as it was, but with this thing there... then i fell asleep insantly.

about a week later, i went into my room one evening, and i knew there was something standing in the corner of the room behind me, and approaching me. then a heard, clearly, a powerful male voice coming from right beside my head shouting "GET OUT OF HERE!". then, the feeling of there being someone there was gone. after that i experienced no more visitations or apparitions.
Brian Conniffe said:
i, up until somewhat recently, lived in an old house reputed in the area to be haunted. the previous tenant before us was a woman, with a child, who went completely insane and spray painted everything in the house, including slogans (the nature of which i do not know) all over the walls. most of it was painted over by the landlord before we moved in.

i later met other people who had lived there a couple of years previously, and they told me in all seriousness of all sorts of "poltergeist" type activity: they claimed to have seen many glasses and dinnerplates shatter without warning, doors slamming, sounds of footsteps, objects moving violently without being touched and so forth. my attitude when i heard of this was pretty much "yeah yeah, right, bollocks, they were probably just stoned".

within a couple of weeks of living there, one of the ladies i lived with started claiming with absolute certainty that there was the spirit of a middle aged woman living there, and she could sense her presence constantly in the house. and i must point out that this woman, my friend and housemate, is highly skeptical, to the point of atheism. but she was absolutely convinced of this. she later moved out.

then, one night, myself and my girlfriend of the time woke up at the same time in the middle of the night. my ex said, in a highly disturbed way, that there was a woman in a black dress standing in the corner of the room. i looked over there, and i saw a middle aged woman in black dress. completely real. i just put the duvet over us, and said "yes, i see her, oh dear, oh dear". we both fell asleep then at the same time. now, when i woke up in the morning, i thought, "well, must have been a dream". i mentioned this odd "dream" to my ex, then the colour drained from her face, and she said, "no, i saw the same thing, i remember that." I should point out that we were completely sober at this general time. so, huh, a shared dream?

a couple of nights later. we again (completely sober again i shall point out) both woke up at the same time. this time we both saw about eight glowing blobs on one side of the room, moving insanely and erratically. i think i said something like "maybe... its just a trick of the light, eyes fooling us". then there was a sort of a tearing sound, and all the blobs rushed over us to the other side of the room. both our heads turned to watch this. then they disappeared, and there was the shadow of someone standing very close to us. we freaked out, and then both fell asleep insantly. woke up the next day and we both recounted what we had seen. so, huh, another shared dream? one would be weird enough, but two in succession? hmm.

a couple of weeks later. i was asleep, alone this time, but woke up in the night. and saw, completely vividly, a middle aged woman in a black dress standing at the end of my bed. where her face should have been, there was just a hole of rotting flesh. i cannot overstate the absolute vividness and clarity of this moment. i was awake, in my bed, everything in the room as it was, but with this thing there... then i fell asleep insantly.

about a week later, i went into my room one evening, and i knew there was something standing in the corner of the room behind me, and approaching me. then a heard, clearly, a powerful male voice coming from right beside my head shouting "GET OUT OF HERE!". then, the feeling of there being someone there was gone. after that i experienced no more visitations or apparitions.
FUCK THAT!!! Now you've got me all freaked out...
Thats pretty freaky Brian.
I remember me and the ex where parked in this church car park near my old house.We were having a massive arguement,completely yelling at each other like,then she just stops and goes "drive the car".Im like"what are you talking about?".She said there was an old man in the back seat staring at us.So I couldnt see it but I could feel something and was petrified so drove home real quick.

Anyway a few months went by and I was moving house so she was helping me move.We had forgotten about what had happened till she was looking through old photos and came across a picture of my grandad and she went all white and goes "thats who was in the back of the car".Now there is no way she would have known what my grandad looked like because he was dead years before I met her and there were no pictures up or anything.Freaked me out for a while
Brian Conniffe said:
we both fell asleep then at the same time.

then both fell asleep insantly.

then i fell asleep insantly.

I can't believe you fell asleep, i'd be having the shits.
me eleven. I'm glad I read this now, as opposed to right before bedtime, aaaiieee.

sleur said:
I can't believe you fell asleep, i'd be having the shits.
me ma supposedly had an out of body experience before.. she was staying in a b and b with her friend and in the middle of the night her friend woke up and saw my ma standing by the window and lying in bed asleep at the same time. when my ma woke up she said she'd been having a dream about pain trying to escape from the body and her arm was killing her cos she'd been lying on it (she hates it if i tell the story without mentioning the bit about her dream).

former flatmate of mine who reads these boards occasionally (james! tell the story!) had mad freaky experiences before and he's the most un-given to flights of fancy person i know.
sleur said:
I can't believe you fell asleep, i'd be having the shits.

that is one of the weirdest things. we were in a state of panic, yes just instantly fell asleep (and as far as we can tell, at the same time). thats not right. when you're freaked out, it should be nearly impossible to sleep? i really dont understand that. it was as if someone just turned off our consciousness.

another odd unearthly thing that happened in that house: myself, my best friend and my ex were all in one evening having a couple of drinks. there was a knock at the door, i apparently went out into the hall and answered it and could be heard speaking to someone. i then invited them in, and myself and my friend had a converation with this person. next thing we know its just three of us, myself and my mate said "someone was just here weren't they? where have they gone?". then the two of us realized that we couldnt remember who was just here, what they looked like, anything about them, save from the notion that it was a man of somekind. it was like our memory concerning only this man's identity was erased. my ex then informed us that i had gone out into the hall, opened the door, talked to nobody, came back in, and myself and my friend had an involved conversation with nobody. she informed us with all certainly that there was no visitor, and she watched us talk with nobody. we had only had a couple of drinks, and we had not used any other form of intoxicant of any kind.

later that night, we went for a walk to try and clear our heads somewhat from the odd feeling we were having. my mate disappeared for about half an hour, we couldnt find him. he later returned to the house saying he walked to the nearby canal, was approached by the same "man" and had another long and involved conversation. but as soon as this was done, his memories of who this person was, looked like, or said were completely gone.
do you guys know about sleep paralysis? i read up on it when i was 16 cos my friend had been having really mad dreams like that.
during REM (dream) sleep your brain stops sending motor signals to the spine, to prevent you thrashing around and acting out your dreams. sleep paralysis is when your mind wakes up but your body doesn't, you're literally paralysed. the subconcious begins to take over again, a lot like those kind of weird half-dreams you get when you're in a really slow lecture or something. usually they're fucking twisted because of the alarming nature of waking up paralysed. a common one is floating up and "hitting" the ceiling, moving out over the stairways, or hearing voices and seeing shadows, and feeling a weight crushing the chest.

not suggesting that's an explanation for any of those stories but it's still pretty cool, as it's a good starting point for learning to maintain lucidity in dreams and eventually exercise some level of dream control, which my friend developed over the course of about six months. richard p feynman also trained himself to do this, there's a section on it in 'surely you're joking mr feynman' (which is a great book btw).

anyways, claire from my band has a ton of weird ghost stories. she's really nonchalant about a lot of them. my favourite is when she was about thirteen (i think) and was woken up by her mum who was drunk after a party, shouting 'claire come and look at the lights'... went out into the landing and there were loads of bright lights moving all over the wallls and roof like some glitter ball. all the curtains were pulled. she freaked out when she put her hand over a light and rather than the light fall onto the back of her hand, it stayed bright underneath it. then she ran back to her room and it was covered with the same lights.
not to discount anyone's stories or anything, but i thought this was a good read: subsonic frequencies and ghosts. i've had occasional wake-up-freaked-out stuff happen to me, but after reading this thread i feel disappointed that i've never had a proper ghostlike experience.

one thing that might be influencing this is that i find it extremely hard to remember my dreams. strangely enough, i am able to remember if a dream i've had was scary or not, but i can't remember the dream itself. i've spent quite a few mornings feeling really freaked out with a gnawing in my stomach, and only realised in the afternoon that i was feeling that way because i had dreamed something really horrible, but couldn't remember what it was. anyone else get this?
Let's assume that dreams are more than flashbacks of what happened to you during the day. I'm gonna roll with the notion that dreams may have some significance as to what's going on in your subconcious. Tom. Tell me about your fahzzer.

Seriously though. I used to think dream interpretation was a load of me hole til I started reading Jung. Do it. I'm so inarticulate that I can't begin to talk about my ideas on the whole thing. Now here's a story....

So I'm walking around this suburban estate, in Japan, but it looks like Ballyroan library. And I come to a pylon .|..| . Remember them ads in the 80's about not going after your be-pyloned football because electricity kills? one of them.
So I'm hanging round all electricitied up, except I'm not a little naff boy, like in the ads, I'm a trained torture artist. And there's some filthy foul tortures being executed by handsome Japanese boys all around me. Gruesome like. But I think if my snooze brain were appreciated, I'd be a very very good movie director in an Ichi the Killer/ the Audition kind of way

The weird thing being (or not, let's psychoanalyse buddies) that I can't even watch a horror movie or casualty without hiding behind a cushion. If I even watch one shooting on the telly I'll have bad dreams. No joke.
oh shit said:
do you guys know about sleep paralysis? i read up on it when i was 16 cos my friend had been having really mad dreams like that.
during REM (dream) sleep your brain stops sending motor signals to the spine, to prevent you thrashing around and acting out your dreams. sleep paralysis is when your mind wakes up but your body doesn't, you're literally paralysed. the subconcious begins to take over again, a lot like those kind of weird half-dreams you get when you're in a really slow lecture or something. usually they're fucking twisted because of the alarming nature of waking up paralysed. a common one is floating up and "hitting" the ceiling, moving out over the stairways, or hearing voices and seeing shadows, and feeling a weight crushing the chest.

aoifed said:
Let's assume that dreams are more than flashbacks of what happened to you during the day. I'm gonna roll with the notion that dreams may have some significance as to what's going on in your subconcious. Tom. Tell me about your fahzzer. Seriously though. I used to think dream interpretation was a load of me hole til I started reading Jung. Do it.

yes, it's an area i'm fascinated with at the moment. the states between sleeping and waking (hypnagogic / hypnopompic) can be the most amazing hallucinogenic places, full of odd thoughts and strange visual patterns. if one practices, this state of (un?)consciousness can be extended, cultivated and explored.
lucid dreaming i also recommend as highly as i can. it takes some practice to will it to happen, but when it does it is astonishing. fuck drugs, this stuff is totally real as you experience it.
the native american and aboriginal traditions have the notion of "dreamtime", an alternate but absolutely real reality that one lives in while dreaming. they attribute as much validity to the experiences of "dreamtime" as those of the life lived while awake. which i would tend to think is a fairly healthy attitude.
tom. said:
not to discount anyone's stories or anything, but i thought this was a good read: subsonic frequencies and ghosts. i've had occasional wake-up-freaked-out stuff happen to me, but after reading this thread i feel disappointed that i've never had a proper ghostlike experience.

Sounds like what most apparitions are.

That said, the ghost I saw actually opened the door right in front of me - and I was very much wide awake (it was only 7 or 8 in the evening). It's appearance was a black silhouette with a very distinct outline. It can't have been more than a foot from me.

Brian Coniffe's posts were seriously scary. It seems there's people who get these occurances quite a bit. Although the second post about the stranger himself and his friend were talking to made me think he had been visited by the Men in Black.
Roisin said:
I dont believe in ghosts or anything , but aliens I have serious belief in. But it really pisses me off when people that believe in God dont believe in Aliens. I just dont get that.

this made me laugh out loud! its like something Jack Handy would say :D

all the shit Brian Conniffe recounted makes me want to run away and keep running until Im dead. also sorta makes me wanna sleep over, just to see the ghosts like. Ive never seen anything - bar when I was a kid and saw a glowing dead child in a cave on Brittas Bay. although that was probably a plastic bag.

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