economic meltdown (3 Viewers)

This dog and chicken bone thing always bugged me. Has a wild dog never ever killed a chicken. Don't foxes kill chickens, they're not far off dogs.

I think I've been lied to.

Maybe foxes are just different enough, but also domesticated dogs can be really dumb.
As an example, I'll again mention how a vet friend saw an xray of a dog that had swallowed an entire toy plastic arrow. The arrow ran from the back of it's throat all the way back to its anus. How did he do it? No one knows, but he managed it somehow.

Arrows or bones or sticks can break inside the dog and hurt his guts. That's what I thought the big problem was with bones, but these other posts have me confused a little.
Arrows or bones or sticks can break inside the dog and hurt his guts. That's what I thought the big problem was with bones, but these other posts have me confused a little.

It's the way the bones break that is the problem. chicken and fish bones shatter leaving lots of sharp bits whereas most others don't or can't be broken by dogs.
reckon it could be a goldmine!

A lad used to rent vids and megadrive games around my way from the back of his van.
Interesting essay from another forum that looks just like thumped. Not Sure if it belongs here, or the Iraqi thread of the Presidential Election 2008 thread, but here...
By Paul Craig Roberts

In his famous book, The Collapse of British Power (1972), Correlli Barnett reports that in the opening days of World War II Great Britain only had enough gold and foreign exchange to finance war expenditures for a few months. The British turned to the Americans to finance their ability to wage war. Barnett writes that this dependency signaled the end of British power.

From their inception, America's 21st century wars against Afghanistan and Iraq have been red ink wars financed by foreigners, principally the Chinese and Japanese, who purchase the US Treasury bonds that the US government issues to finance its red ink budgets.

The Bush administration forecasts a $410 billion federal budget deficit for this year, an indication that, as the US saving rate is approximately zero, the US is not only dependent on foreigners to finance its wars but also dependent on foreigners to finance part of the US government's domestic expenditures.

Foreign borrowing is paying US government salaries--perhaps that of the President himself--or funding the expenditures of the various cabinet departments. Financially, the US is not an independent country.

The Bush administration's $410 billion deficit forecast is based on the unrealistic assumption of 2.7% GDP growth in 2008, whereas in actual fact the US economy has fallen into a recession that could be severe. There will be no 2.7% growth, and the actual deficit will be substantially larger than $410 billion.

Just as the government's budget is in disarray, so is the US dollar which continues to decline in value in relation to other currencies. The dollar is under pressure not only from budget deficits, but also from very large trade deficits and from inflation expectations resulting from the Federal Reserve's effort to stabilize the very troubled financial system with large injections of liquidity.

A troubled currency and financial system and large budget and trade deficits do not present an attractive face to creditors. Yet Washington in its hubris seems to believe that the US can forever rely on the Chinese, Japanese and Saudis to finance America's life beyond its means. Imagine the shock when the day arrives that a US Treasury auction of new debt instruments is not fully subscribed.

The US has squandered $500 billion dollars on a war that serves no American purpose. Moreover, the $500 billion is only the out-of-pocket costs. It does not include the replacement cost of the destroyed equipment, the future costs of care for veterans, the cost of the interests on the loans that have financed the war, or the lost US GDP from diverting scarce resources to war. Experts who are not part of the government's spin machine estimate the cost of the Iraq war to be as much as $3 trillion.

The Republican candidate for President said he would be content to continue the war for 100 years. With what resources? When America's creditors consider our behavior they see total fiscal irresponsibility. They see a deluded country that acts as if it is a privilege for foreigners to lend to it, and a deluded country that believes that foreigners will continue to accumulate US debt until the end of time.

The fact of the matter is that the US is bankrupt. David M. Walker, Comptroller General of the US and head of the Government Accountability Office, in his December 17, 2007, report to the US Congress on the financial statements of the US government noted that "the federal government did not maintain effective internal control over financial reporting (including safeguarding assets)

and compliance with significant laws and regulations as of September 30, 2007." In everyday language, the US government cannot pass an audit.

Moreover, the GAO report pointed out that the accrued liabilities of the federal government "totaled approximately $53 trillion as of September 30, 2007." No funds have been set aside against this mind boggling liability.

Just so the reader understands, $53 trillion is $53,000 billion.

Frustrated by speaking to deaf ears, Walker recently resigned as head of the Government Accountability Office.

As of March 17, 2008, one Swiss franc is worth more than $1 dollar. In 1970, the exchange rate was 4.2 Swiss francs to the dollar. In 1970, $1 purchased 360 Japanese yen. Today $1 dollar purchases less than 100 yen.

If you were a creditor, would you want to hold debt in a currency that has such a poor record against the currency of a small island country that was nuked and defeated in WW II, or against a small landlocked European country that clings to its independence and is not a member of the EU?

Would you want to hold the debt of a country whose imports exceed its industrial production? According to the latest US statistics as reported in the February 28 issue of Manufacturing and Technology News, in 2007 imports were 14 percent of US GDP and US manufacturing comprised 12% of US GDP. A country whose imports exceed its industrial production cannot close its trade deficit by exporting more.

The dollar has even collapsed in value against the euro, the currency of a make-believe country that does not exist: the European Union. France, Germany, Italy, England and the other members of the EU still exist as sovereign nations. England even retains its own currency. Yet the euro hits new highs daily against the dollar.

Noam Chomsky recently wrote that America thinks that it owns the world. That is definitely the view of the neoconized Bush administration. But the fact of the matter is that the US owes the world. The US "superpower" cannot even finance its own domestic operations, much less its gratuitous wars except via the kindness of foreigners to lend it money that cannot be repaid.

The US will never repay the loans. The American economy has been devastated by offshoring, by foreign competition, and by the importation of foreigners on work visas, while it holds to a free trade ideology that benefits corporate fat cats and shareholders at the expense of American labor. The dollar is failing in its role as reserve currency and will soon be abandoned.

When the dollar ceases to be the reserve currency, the US will no longer be able to pay its bills by borrowing more from foreigners.

I sometimes wonder if the bankrupt "superpower" will be able to scrape together the resources to bring home the troops stationed in its hundreds of bases overseas, or whether they will just be abandoned.
Mind you, they could pay off all these debts by just printing more dollars and devaluing it beyond recognition.
America has nearly left the building.
Sure this is not news the dolar has been goin down constatly for years... every day
because they have blown all there money on a stupid war that they arnt evan winning... Or maybe a bit..?
Massive money down they tube.. every day for years

nobody in iraq was alowed do any trade with the outside world excpt sadam with oil ,or just oil thanks to ,NATO or ,U.N.
No trade? no medicine in or oranges out?
Nocked back to the stone age they were

What you need to build an ark Big stones ,straw ,mud ,animails plenty of sunshine and lentals and millions of plants
asher ayeah asher thats all maybe water and skies? spear?

What you need for economic boom ,Concrete ,Metal (sound Building ideas!) NEW CARS New Road.. electricity (read- radioactivity) Minerals raw matereal, compulsory land purchases! Ceap radioactive metals, workers raw matereals ,punters
Ships, agricultural products ...Milk..
Houseing market one off houseing aposed to houseing estates? Large mansions in country side smaller single houses, repared old houses, alcahol TOBACO nuts spring buds yummy dafodils yummy wood house eight crops of spuds in year organic aposed to one single crop non organic farm machinery ,stone concrete wood cement tools clothes detergents fishs ditches solar radation wind thing

For ESB melting black tar plastic cheap poles from sweden things on poles transformeres ninety fiftys technology board na mona

concrete tecknology

NO job just drive

Brick plaster slate natural syntetic halfed hasel reeds

Coffe Cocaine katy french alcahol
,soap bars bycicles over head power lines kettles toaster
Meat products SAUCEPRODUCTS wine wine wine grass

Horses bets races trainers ...leather
Clothes syntetic oild based badly treated russian workers
Maximun mass produced


TV advertisments brutaly disected aliens

England poulation Irish population

alternative t3chnology

carrots fruit trees goats (eating ivy) corn barely oats pigs small wild boars Rubarb WATER ditches fish bees wind hedges odl buildings fotbal sponership Farm machinery ownership
Space ships radation pomegranits Bums lads in dole office send to the war....


Homeless mental ilness bag ladies bag men recyle cans raw material wealth.. glass bottles apose carbord TETRApack
Crokery new bowl Clay heat oven vibration radioactive burning buter wine olives grecce goat cheese sambuca vodka paint stripper paints fumes

Indutriys cds cds players records -l stereos ipods runners reeds grass shoed hay seeds concret

Iran Nato UN sanction no trade with outside contries no medicint or books comeing in ,no oranges going out no rugs only person allowed to buissness sadam sell oil out side

America all aples trown in hedge to rot, russia person shot at for picking apple

Dublin factorys sacks horses tea bags bleach
england train bridges elisabetians

Its about raw materilas I mean who has a right to them anyway?
And is it better to be wrecking county meath with masive ridiculas planned roads??????????????

Tacther england mobilew phones ownership of house perri water
homeless SHOPING bling bling


hahah rant

Led zeplin
sea beaches worms
make up

Health bills Cancer
digital tech


There is going to be 2 or maybe three less Stealth Bombers bought this quarter.

AHHHH no, only messing. No no. The Stealth Bombers are grand.

No, ehh, yeah, I'd say there are going to be loads of hungry people having wars in Africa... or wait, emm, yeah so the CO2 levels in the atmosphere are not going to be sorted out by September after all... no no, I mean, emm, homeless shelters are going to start being underfunded.

Nah. Singapore. All the missing money ends up in Singapore and Abu Dubai. They'll be keeping a close eye on it until they reckon we can be trusted again.

Music intremants cds 7"s
Montains water ice fish

Katy french

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roads fridges plastic hair brush bones fuel
war war war Quanity surverors
South Ireland Asphalt Company
SHELL siac
Temples india

Religien books books pens paper office suplies printer


slaves sex workers

not to be in comon with anything
Wood hut
Reiss sprake
kinichi wha

House wireing
Atomic beam resonators

Health and fitness

New dog
Vegatarian lassange
lental carrot

Stinged by books bikes cabels
Necesity necesity
Homeless old mentalers




surf boards

Electric shocks
Sure this is not news the dolar has been goin down constatly for years... every day
because they have blown all there money on a stupid war that they arnt evan winning... Or maybe a bit..?
Massive money down they tube.. every day for years

nobody in iraq was alowed do any trade with the outside world excpt sadam with oil ,or just oil thanks to ,NATO or ,U.N.
No trade? no medicine in or oranges out?
Nocked back to the stone age they were

What you need to build an ark Big stones ,straw ,mud ,animails plenty of sunshine and lentals and millions of plants
asher ayeah asher thats all maybe water and skies? spear?

What you need for economic boom ,Concrete ,Metal (sound Building ideas!) NEW CARS New Road.. electricity (read- radioactivity) Minerals raw matereal, compulsory land purchases! Ceap radioactive metals, workers raw matereals ,punters
Ships, agricultural products ...Milk..
Houseing market one off houseing aposed to houseing estates? Large mansions in country side smaller single houses, repared old houses, alcahol TOBACO nuts spring buds yummy dafodils yummy wood house eight crops of spuds in year organic aposed to one single crop non organic farm machinery ,stone concrete wood cement tools clothes detergents fishs ditches solar radation wind thing

For ESB melting black tar plastic cheap poles from sweden things on poles transformeres ninety fiftys technology board na mona

concrete tecknology

NO job just drive

Brick plaster slate natural syntetic halfed hasel reeds

Coffe Cocaine katy french alcahol
,soap bars bycicles over head power lines kettles toaster
Meat products SAUCEPRODUCTS wine wine wine grass

Horses bets races trainers ...leather
Clothes syntetic oild based badly treated russian workers
Maximun mass produced


TV advertisments brutaly disected aliens

England poulation Irish population

alternative t3chnology

carrots fruit trees goats (eating ivy) corn barely oats pigs small wild boars Rubarb WATER ditches fish bees wind hedges odl buildings fotbal sponership Farm machinery ownership
Space ships radation pomegranits Bums lads in dole office send to the war....


Homeless mental ilness bag ladies bag men recyle cans raw material wealth.. glass bottles apose carbord TETRApack
Crokery new bowl Clay heat oven vibration radioactive burning buter wine olives grecce goat cheese sambuca vodka paint stripper paints fumes

Indutriys cds cds players records -l stereos ipods runners reeds grass shoed hay seeds concret

Iran Nato UN sanction no trade with outside contries no medicint or books comeing in ,no oranges going out no rugs only person allowed to buissness sadam sell oil out side

America all aples trown in hedge to rot, russia person shot at for picking apple

Dublin factorys sacks horses tea bags bleach
england train bridges elisabetians

Its about raw materilas I mean who has a right to them anyway?
And is it better to be wrecking county meath with masive ridiculas planned roads??????????????

Tacther england mobilew phones ownership of house perri water
homeless SHOPING bling bling


hahah rant

Led zeplin
sea beaches worms
make up

Health bills Cancer
digital tech


There is going to be 2 or maybe three less Stealth Bombers bought this quarter.

AHHHH no, only messing. No no. The Stealth Bombers are grand.

No, ehh, yeah, I'd say there are going to be loads of hungry people having wars in Africa... or wait, emm, yeah so the CO2 levels in the atmosphere are not going to be sorted out by September after all... no no, I mean, emm, homeless shelters are going to start being underfunded.

Nah. Singapore. All the missing money ends up in Singapore and Abu Dubai. They'll be keeping a close eye on it until they reckon we can be trusted again.

Music intremants cds 7"s
Montains water ice fish

Katy french

roads fridges plastic hair brush bones fuel
war war war Quanity surverors
South Ireland Asphalt Company
SHELL siac
Temples india

Religien books books pens paper office suplies printer


slaves sex workers

not to be in comon with anything
Wood hut
Reiss sprake
kinichi wha

House wireing
Atomic beam resonators

Health and fitness

New dog
Vegatarian lassange
lental carrot

Stinged by books bikes cabels
Necesity necesity
Homeless old mentalers




surf boards

Electric shocks
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For more detailed information, see our cookies page.
Interesting essay from another forum that looks just like thumped. Not Sure if it belongs here, or the Iraqi thread of the Presidential Election 2008 thread, but here...

I don't like it when good points are muddled up with silly stuff like "Japan is a small island". It's GDP is as big as anywhere. Economically it's huge, geographically it's pretty big too.

i lost my mind: yes.

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