Cute Lifestyles (1 Viewer)

I also have pics from home of crazy jumping dogs, Scamper on Roscommunist maneouvres, sheep with horns, and a secretive back garden visitor.....

Coming up soon....
Uh oh!

The mother duck came back, and she's minding the wee ducklings. They've gotten a little more adventurous since then


The neighbours cat showed up. And she's prowling around, biding her time. There's a bit of a duck/cat face off going on at the moment. I don't have much camera battery power left. What'll I do? I don't the cat to eat the ducklings...
seanc said:
Uh oh!

The mother duck came back, and she's minding the wee ducklings. They've gotten a little more adventurous since then


The neighbours cat showed up. And she's prowling around, biding her time. There's a bit of a duck/cat face off going on at the moment. I don't have much camera battery power left. What'll I do? I don't the cat to eat the ducklings...

Fuxake! we need a live BigBrother-type feed here!

Sean, no interference, we need commentary in an attenborough stylee
Sorry but my computers being slow...

So anyway,

The mother duck arrives to care for her brood.

We can quickly see the ducklings becoming more rambunctious
as they work for the affections of the mother.
Also, they no doubt feel safer now that she is here to care for them



There is danger afoot....


The Cat

But the duck sees the predator, and a face off ensues..


This stand off lasted for over half an hour. I was powerless to stop it.
But in this battle of nerves, it was the duck who showed the greater fortitude.
Clearly, it's maternal instincts were more powerful than the cats predatory prediliction.

After the cat retreated to the undergrowth, the duck stood guard..

Meanwhile the ducklings frolicked below,
blissfully unaware of how close they came to a grisly demise

La La said:
oh no! maybe one is having a nap?
btw, that was an amazing photodocumentary you provided, i felt like crying at the end!
Thanks La La. Must spread.......

This is one of my favourite pics, if I may say so myself. You can feel the tension.
It would have been better if the cat was in the dark and the duck was in the light buh....

Serious question:

Do you think the ducklings might be trapped down there? And throughout the night, will they be at risk from cats and rats? My flatmate suggested that we take them out of there, because they'll have a better chance on open ground than down there. What do yee think?
Guys, I'm sorry.

There was two ducklings left yesterday, so we took them inside. They both died today. I'm very sorry.

The consolation I have is that I now know A LOT about duckcare from searching the web.

I also have a video of the ducklings actually having their first ever swim. And though it is tinged with sadness for me, it is certainly cute beyond belief. If you like I can upload the video.

Requiescat in Pace ducklings.
i'm fucking sobbing inside.

you did good sean, at least you tried.

seanc said:
Guys, I'm sorry.

There was two ducklings left yesterday, so we took them inside. They both died today. I'm very sorry.

The consolation I have is that I now know A LOT about duckcare from searching the web.

I also have a video of the ducklings actually having their first ever swim. And though it is tinged with sadness for me, it is certainly cute beyond belief. If you like I can upload the video.

Requiescat in Pace ducklings.
seanc said:
Guys, I'm sorry.

There was two ducklings left yesterday, so we took them inside. They both died today. I'm very sorry.

The consolation I have is that I now know A LOT about duckcare from searching the web.

I also have a video of the ducklings actually having their first ever swim. And though it is tinged with sadness for me, it is certainly cute beyond belief. If you like I can upload the video.

Requiescat in Pace ducklings.

Cripes Sean, that's a nightmare. I feel like crying. Damn PMT coupled with demise of gorgeous ducklings. Sob:(

ICUH8N - that IS terrifying, you're dead right.

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