why are there so many threads started by men on thumped about how shit women are? (1 Viewer)

I don't read your posts once they start rambling on.....try a reply with 10 words or less.....think of the workload you give my brain !bing

If you don't read posts on a thread because they have 'too many words' in them, why are you posting on it?

I like how you resort to playing into this whole, too-stupid-to-know-better thing, where if anyone tries to respond with something other than a fucking stupid sexist comment, you play the I-left-school-early card. JANER, I left school at the same fucking age you did, and I didn't grow up to be a moron.
If you don't read posts on a thread because they have 'too many words' in them, why are you posting on it?

I like how you resort to playing into this whole, too-stupid-to-know-better thing, where if anyone tries to respond with something other than a fucking stupid sexist comment, you play the I-left-school-early card. JANER, I left school at the same fucking age you did, and I didn't grow up to be a moron.
No u grew up with plenty of these on those broad shoulders
i got into an awful habit of buying stupid magazines to read, and then gettin so angry when I would read them. It was like a compulsion. So frustrating. I hate the idea that I support this world where women are reduced to nothing but their weight/looks.

That's interesting - It could just as easily have been written by a man about wank mags only I could never imagine a man confessing to feeling so conflicted about it.

It sickens me to see women reading that shit. I think they're worse than mens mags. Lads mags project a blanded-out, narrow view of both women and men. It's one thing to ogle airbrushed pictures but taking pleasure in seeing a rich/famous/beautiful woman look like shit is sick n twisted.

The sexism is largely a symptom of the knee-jerk reaction to post something funny that clogs up message boards in general. There's some damn funny people posting here but there's a lot of predictable inanity. I usually lose interest in threads after two pages.
That's interesting - It could just as easily have been written by a man about wank mags only I could never imagine a man confessing to feeling so conflicted about it.

It sickens me to see women reading that shit. I think they're worse than mens mags. Lads mags project a blanded-out, narrow view of both women and men. It's one thing to ogle airbrushed pictures but taking pleasure in seeing a rich/famous/beautiful woman look like shit is sick n twisted.

The sexism is largely a symptom of the knee-jerk reaction to post something funny that clogs up message boards in general. There's some damn funny people posting here but there's a lot of predictable inanity. I usually lose interest in threads after two pages.

I think the Now and Heat mags of the world are pretty much just versions of Zoo and Nuts for women. They are different, obviously, but they achieve the same goals, to use the degradation of women as a form of amusement. (Sure, Heat and Now pick on dudes, too, but the real bile is saved for the females.)

And yeah, I agree that in some ways, the ones aimed at women are more vicious because they are more vicious towards individual women who, if they don't have the emotional ability to rise above the fact that one week, they are on the cover of Now with "Look who's anorexic!" and the next, on the cover of Heat with, "Fatty of the Week", can really fuck you up. Becoming famous (whether or not you've courted the tabloids' interests) does not give the publishing industry licence to be a pack of bullies. Unfortunately, we all buy into it to some extent. Even when we talk about it, we're perpetuating the market for it.

Unfortunately, too, though, lads mags actually encourage violence against women, and not specific famous women, but all women. They discourage listening to your partner, and encourage you to give her a good whack. I had to read a bunch of them for an item once, and it was fucking shocking. I thought they'd be like what Loaded used to be -- ignorant, childish, sexist rubbish but not the worst thing in the world -- but they were fucking appalling, full of homophobia, racism, and jokes about people with disabilities, in addition to the blatantly sexist bullshit. And their readerships are very young, is the thing. They are aimed at a readership that is only just beginning to explore adult relationships with women, and while they aren't the only ones peddling these negative messages, they're reinforcing them very strongly, and using the very 'comic sexism' that gets bandied about on the internet to do so. Oh, and by the way, according to a publisher of some of these mags, women are not fucking queuing up to be in them. In fact, the reason every mag has the same women in them is not due to their popularity, it's because they are all having trouble finding new models.

It would be really nice to have the luxury of just 'ignoring' the comedy sexism. Unfortunately, that's not always possible for most of us, especially because this apparently 'harmless' comedy is a symptom of a much more sinister problem. If you try to talk about root causes, you get accused of being doctrinaire, and if you challenge the expressions of that sexism (the ha ha isn't it funny to pull the piss out of women, sure they're equal enough to shut the fuck up and remember their place), you just don't have a sense of humour. The fact is, it's not just on Thumped, but it's important to challenge it wherever it is. The more it's tolerated on Thumped, and on whatever message boards it is found, the more easily it creeps into every day conversation, and the more it is accepted in everyday conversation, the more it is imprinted on the psyche.

Like someone pointed out before (I think it was oh shit), 20 years ago, it was considered acceptable to use casually racist terms as part of conversation. These are no longer okay, and no one died over it. Certainly, being the Language Police doesn't actually change people's attitudes, but tacitly accepting the use of these terms does make things harder.

I find it sad that people on Thumped who would not tolerate racism or jokes about disabilities think sexism is just a laugh. And that so few people are actually willing to say anything about it.

And before you say it, Fuck you, Janer. If you don't actually have anything of value to add, please refrain from posting in this thread.
Well least that reply was original....unlike the majority in this thread.

Janer, as you have just stated that you didn't read any of Janes posts (too long) and there is a good chance you didn't read, or understand, very much of what anyone has been saying in this thread, that is just another example of the uninformed opinions that you are full of.

You defend emotive opinions that you cannot back up with empirical evidence and fight for causes that have no direct relevance to you, the nation in which you live, or anyone connected with you and yet you attack others for having any opinion at all.

Particularly childish when you confess that you actually don't know what their opinions are as you can't be bothered reading them.

If you don't know what you're talking about it is best to just shut up.
I think the Now and Heat mags of the world are pretty much just versions of Zoo and Nuts for women. They are different, obviously, but they achieve the same goals, to use the degradation of women as a form of amusement. (Sure, Heat and Now pick on dudes, too, but the real bile is saved for the females.)

i have found that these magazines, in the cases of both the kinds for men and women, work to instill a sense of inadequacy in the readers in order to sell products. the mens magazines have images of what are called conventionally "beautiful" and "sexy" women, and then articles on the latest gadgets and cars and so forth: the message being, "buy these and you can have a woman like this". in the case of the womens magazines, often the images are of the same type of conventionally "beautiful" women, but this time the text is about products and methods to attract a man: this message this time is "buy this, do this, so you can look like this and get a man".
its a bizarre, almost-circular though totally manipulative and unhealthy phemonenon.

oh, and as for:

Janer said:
But do we not also play by their rules??
Well the likes of you and others who are scared to say boo for fear of being castrated by the females.

so this time, i respect women and make a stand against sexism simply because i'm afraid those dangerous, irrational women will cut my dick off if i dont do what they say? piss off. you really dont fucking get it.
I reckon you'd get a friendlier welcome in a thread about shoes than any woman would get in the football forum.

The football forum, however, is seen as a place where if you open your mouth, you're expected to tolerate casual sexism because sure, that's what you get for entering a male-dominated environment. Which shouldn't be the case.

Secondly, your statement about the football forum tolerating casual sexism is just complete bullshit. It's completely unsubstantiated and as unwarranted a generalization as any others in this thread. If you got stick there it's because you're talking out of your arse about football. Which should be the case.

Wow, there's really no need for your level of hostility. I'm doing my best to discuss an emotive issue sensitively, but you're the one who's cocksure, and I've said nothing to you, or to anyone on here that warrants that kind of nasty response.

And anyway, so it's not only okay but encouraged for people to make casually sexist comments for asking a question about football? Seriously? Wow. That's....amazing.

This is just ridiculous. It's only unsubstantiated because you want me to dig up every single thread, wheras your argument is based entirely on your 100% sure assumption that I was allegedly 'talking out my arse' about football, which you don't have to substantiate for some reason or another. So your argument is not only unnecessarily hostile, it's a pretty weak argument in general.

If you are going to object to something, please quote specific examples (in their contexts) and explain, without resorting to sweeping generalisations, what exactly you are upset about. It's amazing that you don't even recognise what you're doing.
Eh jane, you made a complete generalisation here about the football forum, and BTHCT was just pointing this out. Read this again:

The football forum, however, is seen as a place where if you open your mouth, you're expected to tolerate casual sexism because sure, that's what you get for entering a male-dominated environment. Which shouldn't be the case.
Now if we switched this around:
The shoe thread, however, is seen as a place where if you open your mouth, you're expected to tolerate casual sexism because sure, that's what you get for entering a female-dominated environment. Which shouldn't be the case.
Would you find this objectionable? Of course - because it has no basis on reality. As several other female posters subsequently pointed out, they've posted there several times with no gender based hostility. If you got stick for starting a thread on a non-football related sport - what do you expect? It's a football forum, not a sports forum, you have to expect some stick for that.

I mean, i agree with you on most things here (though not this - i have no idea about the football forum, being a pansy and all), but you can't turn around in the middle of an argument about sweeping generalisations and then go and make one like that.
Eh jane, you made a complete generalisation here about the football forum, and BTHCT was just pointing this out. Read this again:

Now if we switched this around:

Would you find this objectionable? Of course - because it has no basis on reality. As several other female posters subsequently pointed out, they've posted there several times with no gender based hostility. If you got stick for starting a thread on a non-football related sport - what do you expect? It's a football forum, not a sports forum, you have to expect some stick for that.

I mean, i agree with you on most things here (though not this - i have no idea about the football forum, being a pansy and all), but you can't turn around in the middle of an argument about sweeping generalisations and then go and make one like that.

So wait, you are still basing your assumption on an assumption that I say nothing based on experience?

There are lots of threads about non-football sports on the football forum. And how is the women's world cup not football? I don't get it? How is contributing to a discussion in which women were being denigrated and then being met with casual sexism not 'from experience'? Just because some women have posted there without being talked down to doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Or that if I have seen it and been on the end of it, I've made it up. I don't particularly want to talk about football, so I don't really look at it unless there's something on the front page that is of interest to me, and I don't post there.

I'm not saying that I don't post there because it will definitely be hostile toward women, I don't because I'm not particularly interested in football. But stop acting so surprised that discussions of sport are not the most feminist- or woman-friendly places. I don't really expect a largely male discussion about football to turn to feminist issues. Why should it? They're talking about a match, and they're talking about their interest in the match, and that's what they do.

If that's a generalisation, that's based on something. And anyway, if someone posted a nasty thing about a dude in the shoe thread and I saw it, I would challenge it, and there are a number of women on here who would probably do the same. Likewise, there are dudes who post in the football forum who would challenge casual sexism were it used.

And to answer your question, if someone did get gender-based hostility in the shoe forum, I would not say that his or her experience was not based in reality, or dismiss his or her experience as made-up. I would be disappointed if it weren't challenged, and I would be disappointed in myself if it turned out that I was responsible for making someone feel uncomfortable for such a reason. I never said that anyone getting stick in the shoe forum was made-up. I said that it would be disappointing if someone felt it wasn't a place where their input was welcome. So actually, you are just twisting my words.
Oh, and to be fair, a thread I once started about women's football was not greeted with sexist comments, no one responded to it, so I can't read anyone's response into a lack of response.

But fine, perhaps I should not have suggested that the football forum was unfriendly towards women, but that doesn't mean that casual sexism doesn't exist on Thumped, or that casual sexism or homophobia hasn't been bandied about in the football forum or in all of these forums.

For example, the fact that Squiggle noted her discomfort with the shopping vibe, despite there not being any overt statements connecting shopping with being a woman, that is of concern to me. I don't dismiss that, I've been thinking about it. The BTHCT comment that he doesn't feel comfortable posting on a shoe thread despite liking shoe shopping, that is also of concern to me. It's better to think about this stuff and to think about how the conversation can be more inclusive. I don't really know what to do about it, but if someone feels uncomfortable, I'm not going to instantly dredge up everything that person has ever said that wasn't 100% right on and then suggest that this is evidence that nothing that person says should be taken seriously because they aren't 100% right on 100% of the time.
Yes, but that doesn't mean it's necessarily woman-friendly. Did you try to post about women's sports? I once did. Bad idea.

And anyway, so it's not only okay but encouraged for people to make casually sexist comments for asking a question about football? Seriously? Wow. That's....amazing.
It's amazing that you don't even recognise what you're doing.

Oh, and to be fair, a thread I once started about women's football was not greeted with sexist comments, no one responded to it, so I can't read anyone's response into a lack of response.

But fine, perhaps I should not have suggested that the football forum was unfriendly towards women, but that doesn't mean that casual sexism doesn't exist on Thumped, or that casual sexism or homophobia hasn't been bandied about in the football forum or in all of these forums. .

Truly amazing.

Let me just say Jane that I post in the football forum more than the rest of Thumped put together and I can tell you that I have not experienced the level of sexism and homophobia that I've seen elsewhere in Thumped. And if I did I would confront it.

Saying that no-one responded to your thread on women's football is hardly sexism, is it?

The reason I get irked by your comments (and I apologize that you think it's nasty - it's not meant to be) is because you seem to be so absolutely steadfast on everything you say, and sometimes I think you are just way off the mark.
For the record, I agree with most of it.

This is the last time I'll post here because it's tedious for other people to have to read. I'll take it up with you in the PMs if you wish.
But do we not also play by their rules??
Well the likes of you and others who are scared to say boo for fear of being castrated by the females.

Unbelievable. Bizarrely, and in the face of all evidence to the contrary, I still cling to the belief that some tiny part of your lizard brain knows that this sort of shit is vastly dumb.
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