gig discussion, please read and give opinion (1 Viewer)

the pyrate dead

Active Member
Mar 4, 2005
castle ming
sorry bout the length of this!

over the last while, ive seen and taken part in a lot of discussions about various gig things, and wanted to bring some of them up, first off, im NOT in anyway bitching, or relating this thread to particular gigs that i put on, i just wanted to find out peoples opinions on things to make people life easier when putting on future gigs.

time-how come people dont come out any earlier than 10 or so? the first band playing are rarely watched, the first bands can often be the most interesting ones that you probably havnt seen before? what is thought of the different price for after 9? its unfortunately a necessity at the moment, but what do people make of it, would it encourage anyone to turn up earlier?

money-what do people think about prices? in my humble opinion, they need to go up for touring bands, but i know people wont like that idea. often the gigs in other counties in ireland can have small attendance, and the same can sometimes be found here, considering all the costs of van hire, petrol, ferrys etc, touring ireland can be a huge added expense to a band on tour what with the amount of gigs available. some gigs literally need to be around 8-10euros to cover band expenses, especially if there is more than one touring band on the bill, im not saying this is what price it is going to be, just wondering what others think. money for the venue, p.a. rental, taxis, posters etc also adds up alot. on the other hand im aware that alot of people just wont come out at all if the gig is a couple of euros more expensive.
another thing about raising prices is that if the gig is all ages, teenagers cant afford to go at all. what about a different lower price for people under 18? they go to school and live off pocket money which doesnt stretch that far, and as im sure everyone is aware, there are not very many younger folk around at gigs, it would be nice to see more.
lastly in the money department, please please dont drink outside the venue untill last band so you can get in free, this really effects things badly. i understand why, and am sure its a very tempting idea, but the 7euros it cost to buy a six pack of beer to drink outside the gig would really really help the promoter to cover costs. promoters lose alot of money sometimes just to put a band on, which i dont think enough people take into account.

cans-everyone knows what im gonna say here allready. i am guilty of drinking many cans at gigs. one thing that i will say though is, obviosly for gigs to remain in good venues, they need to make a little at the bar, so maybe if the gig is very badly attended, and you can only see two people with pints, and you want a beer, could you afford to buy a pint and have your cans after? if you are gonna drink em, at least clean up after yerselves and be subtle.

posters etc-what ways do people think gigs should be advertised? what ways can the gigs be pushed to people that arnt just our mates? postering is a hard and disapointing affair these days, with things being covered over before they've been seen once, but do people notice them when they are up? what kind of things/places do you tend to notice on a walk around town? do you ever go looking for posters? or is the internet our only tool here? does the look of a poster/flyer effect your opinion if you dont know the bands?

lastly, and i hope this wont be taken in a negative way at all, cause its not ment in one, but with the beginning of a fortnightly club, if a touring band contacts someone and has only the friday available in dublin, and there was a club/gig the night before...not critisising at all, just wondering if people have considered how hard two gig weeks are to both attend as a spectator or to promote, should this be worried about or am i reading to much into things? (i am however delighted that there will be a regular good night out, nice one for coming together on that!)

and is there anything else people want to talk about?
Everytime this discussion comes up about the price being charged into gigs for touring bands everyone seems to agree that its a good idea to put the price up and that they wouldn't mind paying a bit more in. If everyone starts putting the price up slightly at gigs then people are just gonna be forced to deal with it or else not see the bands they like. Most people I reckon understand that promoters need to make a decent amount of money to cover costs etc.

The people not showing up until later thing pisses me off as well. The other night when Like a kind of matador played, Selah was first on and it was amazing but there was literally a handful of people there. I am usually there pretty early at gigs so I dont get asked for ID but even if that wasnt the case I think its pretty shit when theres a gig on that whoever opens up doesnt get barely anyone watching them. I guess though you shouldn't have to go if your not interested in watching the band but it still sucks for the opening band. I can't really see much though to fix the problem of this one.

In some ways I think postering is a bit of a waste of time. I doubt most people pay attention to the posters anyway. If theres a gig on people are more likely to find out about here or through word of mouth. I dont think posters are gonna draw many new people in. I reckon if people wanna find these type of things they will eventually.

One other thing I would like to discuss is earlier finishing times for gigs. If a touring band is playing during the week and they arent on till nearer to 11.30-12 then people are gonna have to leave to get home as they have school/work the next day. I can't even remember the amount of bands I've only saw half their set because I have had to go home for school the next day. But then this relates back to people not coming to gigs until later on in the night. Then if gigs start earlier people are forced to come out earlier I guess.
I agree with people coming too late for a gig but have also seen some headlining bands play 2nd last so they have an audience so people leaving for bus get to see 'em

I agree that maybe a couple of euros could be added to gig entry esp for touring bands.

I also think that people should cut out the cans but do realise how dear booze is in pubs, yet Bohs are def cheap compared to town pubs.

I and others would have went last nite but to be fair it was all doom/metal bands, You gotta have 1/2 Punk bands to attract a bigger crowd.

The poster element, well in all honesty most people should have the 'net by now as that is easily the best way for promoting stuff.

Nice sensible post btw.
JANER said:
IThe poster element, well in all honesty most people should have the 'net by now as that is easily the best way for promoting stuff.
you reckon??? if they have access is also depends on what sitest they check out and how often
JANER said:
I and others would have went last nite but to be fair it was all doom/metal bands, You gotta have 1/2 Punk bands to attract a bigger crowd.


Thats like saying that at all punk gigs there should be at least half metal bands though
Times: Open doors at 8:30 and make sure somebody is actually sitting at the door to take money. Have music playing over PA to create some sort of atmosphere even if the bands are still setting up. Have a cheaper admission price before 9:30. ie. €6 before 9:30, €7 after. Some people may arrive early to get a stamp and then feck off for a while to drink some cans but at least you have some money at the door. Get the first band on earlyish (before 9:30) and have the last band over by 11:30 during the week. I recently handed out flyers at one of my heavy gigs which gave you €1 off the following weeks gig (a melodic punk gig). This got some people to come who sometimes wouldnt go to that sort of thing. I also handed some to people who i thought would consider going to the gig more if it was a little cheaper.
Cans/drink: Don't really have a problem with people bringing in cans unless Dublin bands play:rolleyes: . Both venues i run gigs at have Fosters for €3 which is cool.
Posters: I think they are very important and vital for any punk show. Some people collect them and its great to see them around town and it gives people an impression that there is actually a bit of a scene. I for one would be (have been) very disappointed if i was playing a show in Dublin and didnt see a single poster in temple bar or the usual poster places. Its the least a promoter should do. And there really is no point in having flyers for the show at the show itself is there.? I know posters get covered up all the time but you'll just have to reposter everyday in the week coming up to the gig. Also if you are running a few shows it works out cheaper if you photocopy all the posters together in bulk. I dont think the net is enough to promote gigs. Tourists will not know the local sites and flyers/posters visible on the day can attract alot of out of towners.
niallmc said:
you reckon??? if they have access is also depends on what sitest they check out and how often
Surely thats straight forward enough? Don't forget that most that have net access will pass on the info onto their non 'net friends :)
Thats how I got back into the scene, a friend of mine always told me and infact printed out that months gigs each month .|..|
Ciaran Mackle said:
Thats like saying that at all punk gigs there should be at least half metal bands though
How do u think I discovered metal :p
John "Toxic" Foley" always had at least 1 band in alot of his gigs at the Temple in Dorset street............
In some ways I think postering is a bit of a waste of time. I doubt most people pay attention to the posters anyway. If theres a gig on people are more likely to find out about here or through word of mouth. I dont think posters are gonna draw many new people in. I reckon if people wanna find these type of things they will eventually.

I disagree, I mean when I was younger, posters where my only source of gig information. I think people rely on the internet and forums way too much. Lets be honest, Eirecore, Punk For It, Moshspace, they're all just different groups of friends posting the same shite, biggin' up their own bands and mates gigs. Anytime some one "new" posts looking for info on gigs etc. they're slagged off. Think about it, how is anyone ever gonna find out about gigs if only "we" know about them. If it wasn't for posters and fliers I wouldn't of attended half the gigs that I have. Posters in public places are so very worthwhile, even if for every 15 posters I stuck up, one new person attended the gig, I'd be happy. If you're not arsed putting up posters for the general public to see then just hold a private party for you and your mates. I also think it's unfair for bands, especially touring ones, if a gig isn't advertised. Take the Grabass gig on Thursday, two bands from the States came all the way over here to play in front of 10 people. It's gonna get to the stage were bands probaly won't bother anymore becuase it's far too expensive. Sure the internet helps but not everyone bothers with it...

I'm sure I could said that in fewer words but I'm far too hungover...
2 cool 2 dance said:
Times: Open doors at 8:30 and make sure somebody is actually sitting at the door to take money. Have music playing over PA to create some sort of atmosphere even if the bands are still setting up. Have a cheaper admission price before 9:30. ie. €6 before 9:30, €7 after. .
Yes I agree, nothing bothers me fucking more than that wanker sound man in the Voodoo playing country and western b4/during bands at a gig, at the Temple the pure Punk that Deco pld always got me "raring to go!"
where do people think should be postered?
I know posters get covered up all the time but you'll just have to reposter everyday in the week coming up to the gig.
i have come to a realisation that to look apealing to people from outside our little clique, its usefull to have eye catching colour posters, which unfortunately cost almost a euro each. i need to figure out key spots where these will be used to full advantage. also there just isnt time to go around everyday, college/work etc. continual repostering is a good idea, but above and beyond the call of duty of any normal person.
Judging from ur post I take it last nights gig could have being better attended?
To be fair it was a bank holiday and if this makes u feel better, I watched GBH play in the Temple pub on a bank holiday monday a few years back and the crowd was around a bakers dozen ;/
I could count the number of gigs I've been to on one hand, 1 in Voodoo, 2 in Bohs, 1 in Annsely House and 1 in RDS. Bohs is the best by far, small pub gigs easily have the best atmosphere. The main reason I can't go to a lot of gigs is either there 18+ or on during the week. If there where more weekend gigs I;d be able to go to alot more, the price of gigs isn't a problem, and I wouldn't mind paying a few extra quid for touring bands.
the pyrate dead said:
time-how come people dont come out any earlier than 10 or so? the first band playing are rarely watched, the first bands can often be the most interesting ones that you probably havnt seen before? what is thought of the different price for after 9? its unfortunately a necessity at the moment, but what do people make of it, would it encourage anyone to turn up earlier?

money-what do people think about prices? in my humble opinion, they need to go up for touring bands, but i know people wont like that idea. often the gigs in other counties in ireland can have small attendance, and the same can sometimes be found here, considering all the costs of van hire, petrol, ferrys etc, touring ireland can be a huge added expense to a band on tour what with the amount of gigs available. some gigs literally need to be around 8-10euros to cover band expenses, especially if there is more than one touring band on the bill, im not saying this is what price it is going to be, just wondering what others think. money for the venue, p.a. rental, taxis, posters etc also adds up alot. on the other hand im aware that alot of people just wont come out at all if the gig is a couple of euros more expensive.
another thing about raising prices is that if the gig is all ages, teenagers cant afford to go at all. what about a different lower price for people under 18? they go to school and live off pocket money which doesnt stretch that far, and as im sure everyone is aware, there are not very many younger folk around at gigs, it would be nice to see more.
lastly in the money department, please please dont drink outside the venue untill last band so you can get in free, this really effects things badly. i understand why, and am sure its a very tempting idea, but the 7euros it cost to buy a six pack of beer to drink outside the gig would really really help the promoter to cover costs. promoters lose alot of money sometimes just to put a band on, which i dont think enough people take into account.

posters etc-what ways do people think gigs should be advertised? what ways can the gigs be pushed to people that arnt just our mates? postering is a hard and disapointing affair these days, with things being covered over before they've been seen once, but do people notice them when they are up? what kind of things/places do you tend to notice on a walk around town? do you ever go looking for posters? or is the internet our only tool here? does the look of a poster/flyer effect your opinion if you dont know the bands?

re:time. this isn't intended as an attack on diy/punk promoters, but, diy punk gigs tend to happen in "punk time" so if a gig is advertised as having doors at say 8.30, everyone knows if you show up between 9.30/10 the first band will probably have only finished sound checking/be about to start. if gigs were run better according to time scedual and bands actually started earlier people might cop on to arriving earlier.

prices: i agree were spoilt here with so many gigs costing less than a tenner in, its just not fesable espically if your covering the cost of touring bands. one idea is to maby get venues to help sponcer gigs/lower cost of hiring them , so cost is slightly lessoned if you can get regularly attended gigs?
posters: there a great idea and should be used more. i to have found out about some great gigs via posters. plus no everyone knows about thumped/metalireland. posters may inform people who dont have regular net access/know these sites.
also time wise- it would be nice to have the bands between 8.30 and 11 for the sake of bus people, and then straight after the last band spin some tunes and get your pint on, hang out in the venue a while, avail of their booze, etc. this would give everyone the opertunity to watch everything, and the venue would get some hard earned beer money for putting up with us. this is only an idea to get reactions but: touring band, 6euros before 9, 8 after, then charge 4euros for the remainder of the 'club' time, so if the bands didnt get much, money would still come in from cheapo's who just want to come hang out and drink?!!;) sounds very complicated. any suggestions?
unfortunately i cant see anyone showing up till after the bands, and then complaining about paying in.
xsteox said:
re:time. this isn't intended as an attack on diy/punk promoters, but, diy punk gigs tend to happen in "punk time" so if a gig is advertised as having doors at say 8.30, everyone knows if you show up between 9.30/10 the first band will probably have only finished sound checking/be about to start. if gigs were run better according to time scedual and bands actually started earlier people might cop on to arriving earlier.

Its even shittier for people who dont live in punk time. I had a load of people in the door at 8:30 and then had to wait over an hour for the rest of the crowd to turn up because they still think that gigs dont start till after 10. I wasnt gonna stick on the opening band at 9pm when i knew there were 20 people on the way. By waiting for these people the whole show ran about 15 mins late. It wasnt a big deal but it could have been if there had been any delays with the bands changing over. I open the doors at 8:30 because i actually aim to have the first band on stage at 9:15.
Judging from ur post I take it last nights gig could have being better attended?
To be fair it was a bank holiday and if this makes u feel better, I watched GBH play in the Temple pub on a bank holiday monday a few years back and the crowd was around a bakers dozen ;/

s'alright janer. not to concerned about yesterday, i understand when things happen that way. i told the bands before everything was booked about all the other bands over around their planned date and that sunday was difficult, so we were prepared for that, and sure it cant be helped.

...but this is all relavent to all of the gigs i think tho. peoples complacency towards gigs now isnt going to bode well in the future when bands have to make an economical descision on whether to bother going through the extra effort of coming to ireland. worth talking about anyway
as a far distant observer maybe theres too much gigs on in dublin?? eg look at may gig thread

thurs 18th porco dio club portobello
fri 19th reactionary 3 Bohs
Sat 20th aft greystones gig
Sat 20th night hjetr stop Bohs
Sat 20th night roosky in the Hub

how many people going to go out thurs fri sat?
I think the most important issue to be addressed is how to get more NEW people coming to gigs.
I'm really trying to hold back on a rambling rant on this.
Not everyone hangs around music forums. Posters work but you have to be dilligent, be in town everyday, because people have a habit of covering each other's posters up all the time. Sticking them up in alternative gaffs like record shops, nice coffee shops, tourist hostels and clothes shops generally attract the right crowd/ new people. Flyering gigs that might have people attending with similar tastes to what you're promoting can help aswell.

Re. times: You can see it in boozers even when bands aren't playing, people are coming out later and later because they want to save money by drinking cans at home/on the canal/whatever, and they want to smoke while they drink for a while, among other reasons I guess.

We used to run a live music thing in a pub in town, and they did a Stella promotion where pints were €3 a pop. This encouraged student types to get down a bit earlier. Beyond that I don't really know what the solution is. I don't like being at gigs for 3 hours myself.

I know the price of drink is exorbitant in pubs, but drinking cans in boozers is pretty scabby behaviour for anyone who is eligible to/capable of earning a living. If you can't afford it, don't drink, instead of jeopardising independent promoters' relationships with venues.
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