People who hate you for no appartent reason (1 Viewer)

I've known guys like this, and unfortunately, I am not convinced that they all somehow fancied me.

If you find out how to make them not do this shit, let me know.

When I first moved up to Dublin, a fella and I became friends, and then he seemed to fancy me a little, and I fancied him back. We hung out nearly every day, and it was cool. Turned out one of the reasons I'd always run into him on my way out of the building was that he sat near a window where he could see right into the place where I was working. Took me a while to figure it out, until one day when I was actually standing where I knew he sat and realised it was like he was watching The Jane Show, Starring Jane, and that he was actually packing up his stuff and timing it so we'd be in the same corridor at the same time. Naively, I thought that was really sweet.

ANYHOO, he was a bit shy around ladies. He'd become so bothered around me sometimes (I was, too, just maybe a teeny bit better at hiding it) that he sometimes looked like he was in pain. So I kinda made a move one night and that went VERY BADLY INDEED. Despite the fact that he'd been flirting, holding my hand, kissing me on the cheek, etc (so like, he wasn't *that* scared, I guess).

During the following months, he took to harassing me, insulting me in front of people (including, at an international conference, saying how crap I was at something and then pointing me out in the audience, in case anyone wanted to see Mrs Crapface up close and personal), on several occasions coming into the room where I worked, standing in front of the door and rattling off a big list of things that are absolutely wrong and shit about me, etc etc.

He cornered my flatmate at a party one time, confronted her about why she was not participating in his campaign to destroy me. Apparently, this went on for about two hours, during which she tried to get away from him and he wasn't leaving her alone about it. He asked why she'd betrayed him, she said she couldn't be friends with someone who was so hateful toward anyone, and he was all, "SHE POISONED YOU, TOOOOOO!"

Next time I saw him, he was all hesitant, but I was all I Am Very Professional And Will Answer Your Question Using My Bestest Manners But I Will Not Lie And Say It's Nice To See You. I assumed that he was so embarrased at that stage that he wouldn't do it again.

Weirdly, we get on really well again now. I don't know why, but I kinda don't even hold it against him. It seems like it was another person who did all that.

And even if he did fancy me, it didn't really matter because it still made me dread going in every day, knowing that I was probably not going to get through the day without crying. It only went on for a couple of months, but it was absolutely awful and I nearly quit my PhD over it.

If someone is treating you with less than zero respect, it doesn't matter if he or she fancies you -- it's not cool at all. There were a few times when the fancying explanation was possible, but also, there's a sense that a certain type of guy who likes a certain type of girl does not want a lady like you around, who doesn't suffer fools. The entire success of his ladykilling operation depends on being able to pretend he's top dog, and if you're not falling for his act, then you're liable to expose him. It's kind of like the shit teenage girls do to each other, undermining those who might pose a threat to their power simply by not buying into it sufficiently. I dunno, that's just my theory, something I concocted once while having my afternoon cry in the first-floor toilets.

By the way, I will say that some of these things did eventually resolve themselves. Others were resolved in drunken conversations. I can't really think of any that didn't stop after a while, usually without much of an incident.

i dunno jane, you sort of undermine your point a little by starting out with "he fancied me"
i dunno jane, you sort of undermine your point a little by starting out with "he fancied me"

This guy did. But I don't think that's generally the explanation for all of the crazy behaviour. It's a fear of someone calling them out on their 'act' more than anything. The fancying bit made it worse, I think, because he was even more conflicted about what sort of madness he was feeling. Other ones, not so much, I think. I knew a guy who, every time the lot of us would go out (he was a friend of my housemate's), he'd end up launching into some tirade at me, and trying to humiliate me, and sometimes leave the whole group in a sort of stunned silence. One night, I just laid into him right back and told him never to fucking talk to me again if he couldn't be nice. The next weekend, we were all out,and he and I were the last ones standing, and he decided to explain himself. It was sort of weird. He just said he was afraid of me, not like that I would do anything, but that he couldn't bullshit me in the way he was used to bullshitting people (although I think he was overestimating the power of bullshit -- lots of people can see through it). Not only did he apologise profusely for being such a big baby, and then never do it again, we became good friends and I think he's sound as a pound.

And I is John, yah, stuff goes right all the time, it just doesn't make the same kinda story. I could also say that in the same place, I've made some of the most awesome and amazing friends of my whole life and I adore them to bits. But that's not really a story. Everyone has people who like them and people who don't really care for them and people who don't like them. For some reason, though, I seem to inspire, in the last group, a spectacular, destructive hatred that is out of control. Even if I try to ignore it it doesn't go away. Ugh. This guy's behaviour is in no way the worst I've encountered in the last few years, and sometimes it's a bit like picking a really nasty scab on a very deep wound -- it's so fascinating to see your own gore that you forget you're injured at all.

But anyway, yeah, shit does go right. It's just that when it goes wrong, sometimes it goes wrong in the insanest way possible.
I think Def Leppard said it best.

'when love and hate collide'

It's true though, it's a cloudy emotional area, and it's a coping mechanism, to turn the object of your affection into the object of your loathing.
I think Def Leppard said it best.

'when love and hate collide'

It's true though, it's a cloudy emotional area, and it's a coping mechanism, to turn the object of your affection into the object of your loathing.

Definitely. But there's also a fear element. You've got this feeling for someone that's so strong that you can't name it, only that it's really powerful. It's not necessarily affection, but it frequently comes out as outrageous behaviour, maybe because there's a frustration that these feelings don't fit into nice, neat emotional categories.

Not saying that the fellas aren't mad about ya, Roisin, 'cause they probably are, like. But still, like I said, whether or not there's fancying doesn't change the fact that it's a fucking pain when someone treats you badly for no apparent reason. Doesn't excuse it, or even sufficiently explain it.
life is full of people who like you and who don't like you.

why people give any attention or heed to the latter confuses the hell out of me. You can't make people like you so get on with it.

Its unfortunate if your path crosses regularly with people you don't like, but shit happens. Get on with it and don't give it a second thought.

I used to care what everyone thought about me. Now I don't. There are people who's opinions matter to me and those who's opinions don't. If something goes awry with the first group, then by all means, the alarm bells go off. As for the second group, to hell with them I say.
Theres this chap in my course who just seems to hate me. He's all lovely and nice to everyone else but actually goes out of his way to avoid me. Im always nice to him asking what he did at the weekend or how hes getting on, but he always looks at me like ive insulted him. All was grand about two weeks ago and hes just turned against me.

He also gets the same bus as me and ive seen him go out of his way to avoid getting on it when I do.

Ended up seeing him out on saturday night and he was grand to me, shook me hand and all. The person who was with me said he looked really nervous talking to me, but im in no way scary at all. Then come yesterday morning he was back to his avoiding, not sound ways.

Why are people so hot and cold?
Yeah anyway, he fancies you.
He probably doesn’t know what to do with himself and he’d make a terrible clumsy boyfriend, or even friend. If you decide to take it to the next step you’ll need to groom him for a while first.
life is full of people who like you and who don't like you.

why people give any attention or heed to the latter confuses the hell out of me. You can't make people like you so get on with it.

Its unfortunate if your path crosses regularly with people you don't like, but shit happens. Get on with it and don't give it a second thought.

I used to care what everyone thought about me. Now I don't. There are people who's opinions matter to me and those who's opinions don't. If something goes awry with the first group, then by all means, the alarm bells go off. As for the second group, to hell with them I say.

Yeah, but the point is, sometimes, there are people who take a strong enough dislike to you that you don't have the luxury of ignoring them. It's pretty hard to ignore when someone comes into the room you're working in and blocks the door so you can't escape the fucking list of Horrible Things About You that he's been working on all day.

Most of the time, you can just shrug your shoulders and decide you don't give a shit if someone doesn't like you. But there are times when that person dislikes you so strongly that they MAKE you pay attention to it. Sometimes ignoring it makes it worse.
Can we get back to Roisins problem please?

The consensus seems to be that the guy fancies her. I am suggesting that this is entirely possible, but that this kind of hatred is not necessarily fancying, although sometimes it goes along with fancying the pants off someone.

And the problem is not that he fancies her, but that regardless of the explanation, he's behaving like a nasty mean prick to her and she doesn't deserve that.

Roisin, have you thought about confronting him about it? Not the fancying, like, but the meanness? Not saying it would necessarily work, but if he's being a dick, he's being a dick. Might make him be a worse dick, but it might also make him stop. He'd probably laugh in your face at first, by the way.
Yeah, but the point is, sometimes, there are people who take a strong enough dislike to you that you don't have the luxury of ignoring them. It's pretty hard to ignore when someone comes into the room you're working in and blocks the door so you can't escape the fucking list of Horrible Things About You that he's been working on all day.

Most of the time, you can just shrug your shoulders and decide you don't give a shit if someone doesn't like you. But there are times when that person dislikes you so strongly that they MAKE you pay attention to it. Sometimes ignoring it makes it worse.

I take the point. But, if theres nothing you can do about it, trying to figure it out, or worse still, trying to change it, will inevitably just make things worse (be it the situation itself, or be it your own state of mind).

I think these situations are being caused by a person being a shit, and thats the only explanation one needs.

And I commiserate totally with anyone in a position where they have to interact with such a person. I have no answers for that. The person who is a shit should stop being a shit. Thats all.
I think these situations are being caused by a person being a shit, and thats the only explanation one needs.

That's exactly why I think it's irrelevant to suggest he fancies her. He may well be head over heels for her, but to suggest it's making him act like that is almost to excuse it, or to evoke some sort of sympathy for the poor sod who is so smitten he can't be a decent human being. There's no excuse.

Unfortunately, though, I dunno, maybe I'm not a particularly strong person, but that kind of shit does get to me. It's less to do with the actual stuff that gets said or done, it's the fact that someone would take the time out of his or her day just to be horrible to me. And these people are also very often good at picking out your weak points. Not that many people are so strong and confident and self-assured-to-the-core to resist being upset by that.

That's what bullies do. They pick on your weak points. Some of the shite an ex of mine used to say to me, you really wouldn't say to your worst enemy, and yet as much as I knew he was just being mean, it really cut deep. You're right, though, it wasn't until I just decided that I could walk away that it got better. In a weird way, because it was my relationship, I could get out of it. It's sometimes harder to do with an aquaintance.

And allowing for any kind of 'he fancies her' excuse does make it harder to walk away because that makes you feel a bit sympathetic. Shitty behaviour is shitty behaviour, period.
Jane's Day:

7:00 - got up and went for a run. got attacked by weirdo in car and constantly insulted by local people.

9:00 - went to work. Creep stared at me all day and spread vicious rumours.

12:00 - went to talk to college. Got patronised and insulted for an hour or two

16:00 - went home to meet boyfriend who WAS happy to see me but met immigration at door who said love means nothing and they will be doing their best to seperate us

18:00 - went for run and someone tried to trip me up. Local kids are jerks

20:00 - looked on thumped at got frustrated at casual anti-americansim


22:00 - Read newspaper and despaired at racism

23:00 - fuck this shit, bed.
Can we get back to Roisins problem please?

there was a girl in my class in college when I was in 1st year. She had a bit of a reputation for getting around all the lads. Being a computer course she was responsible for breaking manys a computer nerd 'in'.

Anyway, it got to a stage where pretty much everyone lost respect for the girl and no one would even acknowledge her existence anymore.

I didn't really know her at all, but one day I bumped into her and started chatting away to her. She told me that people who'd happily talk to her if they met her when no one else was around wouldn't even acknowledge her when people were.

I kind of became good mates with her after that. I never had any bother talking to her when others were around.

Anyway, it was one of the shittest things ever. Poor girl. Her head was done in over it and she ended up dropping out of college.

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