new liverpool thread - everyone loves them (4 Viewers)

I'd fucking love that

I hope Suarez scores one with his hand, dives to get a penalty for another, then breaks Evra's leg and gets sent off.

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pity that sahin is gone tbh, would have been good to see more of him. i know with lucas, hendo, shelvey, allen and gerrard there it would have great to see how he would have done.
The verdict here was that Liverpool were shite and didn't even show up till Sturridge came on.

Woeful in the first half. Midfield were absent with Allen and Lucas giving tons of room to United. There was so much space United really should have been 2-3 up by half time. Pool much better in the second half when Sturridge came on for Lucas. Sturridge got a goal and showed some early signs of good link play with Suarez. He had good control and got a couple of half chances in decent positions. Promising start. Ultimately, United deserved the win for their 1st half dominance. Have to say, it was nice to have a game that flowed well and was incident/racism free.
Hey, when he "dives" during the game, it's a matter of conjecture: there was contact, he anticipated contact, etc. But when he SAYS IT EXPLICITLY there's really nowhere to hide. It's politics. After all, we all saw Huth stamp on his chest in that game, but as Robert has yet to come out and say "Yeah, i attempted the reverse chest-burster on Luis, why not" he gets away free. I think it's pretty clear that Suarez isn't the smartest cookie. But yet again, a fucking ridiculous furore over nothing, which pretty much proves his point. He's a pantomime villain, and the papers keep printing this bollocks.

I'm a bit surprised that Brendan didn't do the old "lost in translation" excuse that they always use. It would have been much better if he's just said "who gives a fuck?" Because, let's face it, who actually gives a fuck?

I see that the papers, after correctly predicting Pep Guardiola pitching up at stamford bridge in August, have said that Wesley Snyjijyjijder is Liverpool bound. That would be deadly, if it happened. I expect a signing like that will entice Diego Maradona out of retirement too. What a midfield!
I'm a bit surprised that Brendan didn't do the old "lost in translation" excuse that they always use. It would have been much better if he's just said "who gives a fuck?" Because, let's face it, who actually gives a fuck?

I give a fuck, I'm sure Stoke fans give a fuck, though to be fair I couldn't give a fuck what Stoke fans think. He's a cheating little bollox and we all fucking hate him. If he's fucking thick and pig fucking ignorant enough to go in front of the media and go "yeah I cheated, I did it before and I'll do it again" then he deserves whatever he gets. And fair play to Rogers. Your too used to that half wit Dagliesh attitude of "I see nothing wrong" that's absolute bullshit. If one of our lads went out and said "I'm a cheating cunt" can you imagine David Moyes saying "Yeah that's grand keep it up" ? Besides it really has fuck all to do with Suarez cheating not even god could stop that cunt cheating. It's giving interviews about cheating that Rogers is trying to put a stop to. He couldn't get a spot kick if he was literally stabbed, and then he gets one and says "I cheated" he's a fucking retard. If Rogers was Fergie he'd have kicked a boot into his face repeatedly for an hour.

Rogers is trying to make Liverpool into fucking Liverpool again and it's starting to work, they play like Liverpool again, they haven't quite found the right balance yet but it's better than the last 10 years. Suarez has been excellent this season but he clearly couldn't give two fucks about reputation. Rogers does I'd back him all the way
I give a fuck, I'm sure Stoke fans give a fuck, though to be fair I couldn't give a fuck what Stoke fans think. He's a cheating little bollox and we all fucking hate him. If he's fucking thick and pig fucking ignorant enough to go in front of the media and go "yeah I cheated, I did it before and I'll do it again" then he deserves whatever he gets. And fair play to Rogers. Your too used to that half wit Dagliesh attitude of "I see nothing wrong" that's absolute bullshit. If one of our lads went out and said "I'm a cheating cunt" can you imagine David Moyes saying "Yeah that's grand keep it up" ? Besides it really has fuck all to do with Suarez cheating not even god could stop that cunt cheating. It's giving interviews about cheating that Rogers is trying to put a stop to. He couldn't get a spot kick if he was literally stabbed, and then he gets one and says "I cheated" he's a fucking retard. If Rogers was Fergie he'd have kicked a boot into his face repeatedly for an hour.

Rogers is trying to make Liverpool into fucking Liverpool again and it's starting to work, they play like Liverpool again, they haven't quite found the right balance yet but it's better than the last 10 years. Suarez has been excellent this season but he clearly couldn't give two fucks about reputation. Rogers does I'd back him all the way
Yes. I remember Fergie repeatedly kicking Cantona in the face for sticking his studs into a supporters chest. Yes. I remember him shipping Rio out of the club 8 years ago for missing a drug test. Etc. It's pretty easy to hate Suarez. It's not even sport. Fergie has mollycoddled his favourite players when he feels like it. Roy going out to snap some shins or swing some punches isn't in the rules either. Do we need Robert Huth to "admit" he stamped, deliberately, on Suarez's chest for it to be wrong? Or Feliani to admit he yozzed Shawcross for it to be a crime? What about when Crouch, a Stoke player, openly admitted he'd handled the ball against Man City?

As far as i'm concerned Stoke are the biggest cheating cunts around, so what ever it takes to beat them is okay by me. Don't get me wrong, I'm no Suarez apologist, but it's getting fucking ridiculous at this stage. I've heard plenty of people pine over Drogba and Ronaldo since they left the Prem. Seems to me if everyone got their way we'd be watching a league of Grant Holts.
Yes. I remember Fergie repeatedly kicking Cantona in the face for sticking his studs into a supporters chest. Yes. I remember him shipping Rio out of the club 8 years ago for missing a drug test. Etc. It's pretty easy to hate Suarez. It's not even sport. Fergie has mollycoddled his favourite players when he feels like it. Roy going out to snap some shins or swing some punches isn't in the rules either. Do we need Robert Huth to "admit" he stamped, deliberately, on Suarez's chest for it to be wrong? Or Feliani to admit he yozzed Shawcross for it to be a crime? What about when Crouch, a Stoke player, openly admitted he'd handled the ball against Man City?

As far as i'm concerned Stoke are the biggest cheating cunts around, so what ever it takes to beat them is okay by me. Don't get me wrong, I'm no Suarez apologist, but it's getting fucking ridiculous at this stage. I've heard plenty of people pine over Drogba and Ronaldo since they left the Prem. Seems to me if everyone got their way we'd be watching a league of Grant Holts.

Fellani did admit he "yozzed" Shawcross and got a ban and a fine

Cantona, Ferdinand and Keane got fucking caught they got 18 months in bans and £235,000 in fines between them, you think Fergie went "ah that's fucking grand sure, as long as your happy lads. Sure it won't effect the club at all and everything is fine see you monday"?

Like I said it's nothing to do with Stoke and it's nothing to do with cheating it's all about Suarez running his mouth in front of the media and the effect that has on Liverpool FC. Refs hate him, supporters hate him, he's already dragged Liverpool through the mud once by being a racist now he's trying to insure he doesn't get a penalty for the rest of the season. If I was Rogers I'd be bouncing off the walls.
Fellani did admit he "yozzed" Shawcross and got a ban and a fine

Cantona, Ferdinand and Keane got fucking caught they got 18 months in bans and £235,000 in fines between them, you think Fergie went "ah that's fucking grand sure, as long as your happy lads. Sure it won't effect the club at all and everything is fine see you monday"?

Like I said it's nothing to do with Stoke and it's nothing to do with cheating it's all about Suarez running his mouth in front of the media and the effect that has on Liverpool FC. Refs hate him, supporters hate him, he's already dragged Liverpool through the mud once by being a racist now he's trying to insure he doesn't get a penalty for the rest of the season. If I was Rogers I'd be bouncing off the walls.

You're wrong there. Supporters of teams that are not Liverpool hate him. Liverpool fans don't really give a shit what those supporters think, because why should they? Seems to me if you have a team everyone likes, then you're doing something wrong. I mean EVERYBODY hates Man United, after all. And they do alright, i think.
You're wrong there. Supporters of teams that are not Liverpool hate him. Liverpool fans don't really give a shit what those supporters think, because why should they? Seems to me if you have a team everyone likes, then you're doing something wrong. I mean EVERYBODY hates Man United, after all. And they do alright, i think.

Everyone who supports football except liverpool fans hate Suarez yes, that was obviously my point.
People hate United because they win trophies.

This is the last time I'm saying this, Suarez runs his mouth off to the press, people read it, supporters hate him even more, Refs hate him even more and it makes life more difficult for Liverpool. Rogers has every right to impose sanctions on him.

Did any ref think twice about giving Gary Lineker a penalty ? No.

Do they think twice about giving one to Suarez ? Yes.

If Liverpool had gotten all the penalties that Suarez could have had this season they'd be better off but the fact he's a complete cunt may have had an effect on this. If you were his manager you'd want him to be less of a cunt get more penalties.

And it's not just that either, we were well and truly fucked in the derby until he goes diving in front of Moyes. Then the crowd got all fired up again and we were back in it by half time. If he had a brain he would have strolled back to half way and basked in the silence of a deflated Goodison. He's thick. That's it in a nutshell and like it or not these things do matter in matches.
Everyone who supports football except liverpool fans hate Suarez yes, that was obviously my point.
People hate United because they win trophies.

This is the last time I'm saying this, Suarez runs his mouth off to the press, people read it, supporters hate him even more, Refs hate him even more and it makes life more difficult for Liverpool. Rogers has every right to impose sanctions on him.

Did any ref think twice about giving Gary Lineker a penalty ? No.

Do they think twice about giving one to Suarez ? Yes.

If Liverpool had gotten all the penalties that Suarez could have had this season they'd be better off but the fact he's a complete cunt may have had an effect on this. If you were his manager you'd want him to be less of a cunt get more penalties.

And it's not just that either, we were well and truly fucked in the derby until he goes diving in front of Moyes. Then the crowd got all fired up again and we were back in it by half time. If he had a brain he would have strolled back to half way and basked in the silence of a deflated Goodison. He's thick. That's it in a nutshell and like it or not these things do matter in matches.

THis is silly, it's just what he wants. An interview IN ARGENTINA, in a language i don't speak, that may or may not have other words other than "I fell against stoke" is hardly running his mouth off. Obviously he shouldn't say shit like that, but it wouldn't raise an eyebrow back in Sarf Americay. And as for the diving in front of Moyes yoke? Come off it. That's not what got Everton back into the game, it was a load of factors. Jesus, can't we have the odd laugh. If Mary Whitehouse came out and said that Roger Milla's dance around the corner flag was too provocative for pre-watershed tv, you'd stand up and applaud, would you. A stiff handshake and take the studs in your shin with good grace, sir. Communal baths. Two and six a week. Pass the hat around on the tram home. Having a tab while warming up. Tiger balm in your jockstrap.

Lineker would get his peno alright, and he was one of the most boring footballers of all time. EVERYBODY hated Lineker. Everyone.
THis is silly, it's just what he wants. An interview IN ARGENTINA, in a language i don't speak, that may or may not have other words other than "I fell against stoke" is hardly running his mouth off. Obviously he shouldn't say shit like that, but it wouldn't raise an eyebrow back in Sarf Americay. And as for the diving in front of Moyes yoke? Come off it. That's not what got Everton back into the game, it was a load of factors. Jesus, can't we have the odd laugh. If Mary Whitehouse came out and said that Roger Milla's dance around the corner flag was too provocative for pre-watershed tv, you'd stand up and applaud, would you. A stiff handshake and take the studs in your shin with good grace, sir. Communal baths. Two and six a week. Pass the hat around on the tram home. Having a tab while warming up. Tiger balm in your jockstrap.

Lineker would get his peno alright, and he was one of the most boring footballers of all time. EVERYBODY hated Lineker. Everyone.

Refs didn't hate him and that's what mattered.

Suarez riles up every crowd he plays against, this only helps Liverpools opposition. I'm all for craic. I thought Suarez's celebration against us was hillarious but when our crowd went mad and we got the first goal I knew we weren't going to lose.

The problem you're having here is that, yes, I hate Suarez but I can't deny that he's a good player and that the game is better off for him being around to keep things interesting. The question I'm posing is whether Liverpool would be better off if he got his fucking act together and shut his mouth. They would and Rogers is absolutely right to impose sanctions on him until he stops acting like a petulent child.
Refs didn't hate him and that's what mattered.

Suarez riles up every crowd he plays against, this only helps Liverpools opposition. I'm all for craic. I thought Suarez's celebration against us was hillarious but when our crowd went mad and we got the first goal I knew we weren't going to lose.

The problem you're having here is that, yes, I hate Suarez but I can't deny that he's a good player and that the game is better off for him being around to keep things interesting. The question I'm posing is whether Liverpool would be better off if he got his fucking act together and shut his mouth. They would and Rogers is absolutely right to impose sanctions on him until he stops acting like a petulent child.

I don't get this. This is the first interview i've come accross that Suarez has done, and it's in Spanish and for a mag or tv company 7,000 miles away. I don't get how he has to shut his mouth. Has he ever done an interview in England or actually said anything? As for what he said, everyone pilloried him at the time for the dive, everyone on earth saw that it was a dive, in a game where he was lucky to not have some broken ribs after being stamped on. So, even on MOTD where the resolutely stay on the fence they were calling it a dive. Why is it a big deal that he's admitted to something everyone already knew? It's not as if he even got a peno out of it. The ref laughed.

You know what's bullshit, players coming ut and saying "i don't dive, i was anticipating contact. i thought i felt something. He had my shirt. i have piles" whatever bullshit excuses you hear from lads who can speak english and have mates in the media. Gareth Bale doesn't dive, he's just so fast that we can't see the contact. Bollocks. At least Suarez isn't giving us that bullshit. And frankly there's worse things footballers have done over the years.
Also, if you think refs are deliberately not giving Suarez decisions (such as the winner against Everton), is that the real issue? That's institutionalised cheating of the worst kind. That's like some kind of of industrial bullying shit right there. You think it's a good idea to brownose to the prefects, do you?

I see.

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