Rally for the 'Preservance of Ireland' (formerly: stormfront idiots and chickens) (1 Viewer)

Originally posted by Ragnarok
steve my last post was for burgarbarbaby.
ireland throughout all these time periods was white. i am refering to white ireland. we have had a hard tim througout history as you have stated and we are in no way capable of taking on so many immigrants. the celtic tiger is now dead. we are still a small country and we don't need foreigners.
how come the blacks end up in poverty and lack of education? because the white man holds him down?? i don't think so!
white is ancestory and races. celts, angles, saxons and so on are white races.

Who the hell talks like this? You sound like you're wearing a cape and a backwards baseball cap. A subtle blend of darkness, the ridiculous and a total inability to grasp irony in any shape or form. You're either not Irish or you're very poorly educated in which case you should be executed and pissed on.

Goodie. Dinner's ready. Yum yum. Bye everyone!
Originally posted by Ragnarok
i do not hand out personal information.
race mixing (whites and non whires) is bad, maybe you want our country to be like england or holland. crime is rampant, drugs everywhere, and so on. we already suffer from this and we haven't experienced the full force of the foreigners yet. this country is in a bad state at the moment and can only get worse. genetically it destroys your race, you neither this nor that. you belong to no race.
Was that addressed to me? If so, you haven't answered my question, which I expected anyway. In fact, you've just given us another list of stuff you don't like with no cogent justification whatsoever.

Let me get your argument straight. England and Holland have crime. England and Holland have high numbers of immigrants, many who are non-caucasian. Therefore crime in England and Holland is caused by immigrants, so therefore racial mixing is bad. I'm pretty sure, though, that in the past, Irish people have caused crime. Hmm.

I'm not denying that immigrants in Ireland cause crime but you haven't convincingly stated the direct connection between racial mixing and crime. I can't wait to hear how you proved this connection.

I'd say that crime may in fact be rising more as a result of Western-led globalisation than immigration. Yes, that's globalisation led by white people (admittedly a simplification on my part). But maybe I'm betraying my race by saying this.

culture to me is your race, history, traditions and way of life. i use the word in a differant sense also. i sometimes use it in the same sense as 'race'.[/B]
No. Culture is culture. Race is race. It just so happened in previous eras of history that people didn't move around much so cultures tended to cluster around distinct regions which, themselves, were populated by racial groupings. Cultures depend on a lot of things but they're pretty independent of race. What you're saying is that you feel anxious that our 'identity' is slipping away. That says a lot more about your psychological makeup than it does about anything else.
i have no time to waste on the likes of you! what the hell are you talking about? you obviously have nothing constructive to say and all you can manage is worthless insults. uneducated people should be executed and pissed on?? i am irish and educated.

this is aimed at vinnie
i only have one wee point...

if you want to kick out immigrants ragnorak no doubt after one success it will be continued

ie. a black person who moved in yesterday gets kicked out, then thats a success so people chase the black person who was born in ireland 40 yrs ago etc...

eventually as silo pointed out there wont be an ireland due to the nature of our heritage/history

hopefully you get me
vinnie are you on drugs? you have a strange sense of humour but i like it! "In fact, I can use science to prove absolutely, that you are a semi-literate Belgian who likes Mano Negro and walks in the park. Ragnarok indeed! You crack me up."
a semi literate belgian!? you truely are a magnificant scientist! i would like to hit you with a vietnamese spoon you vicious pussy monger!
anyway back to reality. look i came here to talk about a rally for the true irish. we could talk about race all day and i haven't the time. i am driven by love of my people, not hatred of others. the rally suggested is not to kick out all the blacks, etc, it was intended to make people aware of what is happening to our country and to keep ireland for the irish. white irish are becoming 2nd class citizens. blacks use their skin colour as a weapon. if you say anything displeasing to them they will shout 'racist'.
hello everyone :)

firstly im not war maiden-i dont post at stormfront but i have obviously got friends there.i prefer to post at Pantheon Europa as it deals more with physical anthropology and the supposed ''superiority/inferiority'' of races,so thats where i, ''scathach'' can be found.

i skimmed through most of this but i recall someone asking who the white race are and this is my type of question! lol

the white race are the europids.
that is people from europe or americans, for example of european stock formerly.

as for the idea of ''aryan'' and tall blonde,blue eyed men and women-it exists but in scandinavia mainly not here- ''aryan'' is a term that describes those of nordish origins-not neccesarily blonde/blue eyed people as these are few enough anyway.

there are 7 white sub races (depending on which anthropologist's views you favour-i like coon and gunther) and these are the nordish people-the so called aryans

1.hallstatt nordics. (blonde/blue eyed!)
2.keltic nordics. [a large percentage of ireland and germany.]
3. brunn. [also found here-about 30%]
5.anglo saxon

so that, my friends is the white race at its most ''aryan'' other types are the periphery nordics ie neo danubians,atlantids,east baltics etc.

sites of interest would be www.nordish.com and its assorted links.
i expect none of you will have heard of this before and i put that down to the fact that 3 irish colleges[one in ulster] teach anthropology! [pity old bertie wont rectify that!]

if anyone has any interesting questions ill do my best to answer them asap.
i note for everyone's apparent disgust,one person managed to read our ''manifesto'' !!
interesting essay

By: Alexander Winchell, L. L. D.

THE theory of the Hamitic origin of Negroes, Hottentots, Australians and Papuans implies that four races out of seven have experienced a degeneracy. This sweeping backward movement of the work of an all-wise and all-beneficent Creator is appalling to contemplate; and it is not surprising that theorists have existed who could deny the inferiority of these races with the same naivete as any other indisputable fact of observation. Judging from intercourse with friends of the Negro, of the noisy and denunciatory stamp, I should think a large body of "philanthropists " must exist who maintain that it is mere lack of opportunity which causes the Negro to seem inferior to the white man. "Consider how, for two hundred years, he has dwelt in bondage; see him worked, late and early, in all weathers; sheltered, like stock, in inclosures too open for comfort or health, and subsisted on 'sides' and potatoes from January to December. The laws have even made it a crime to teach him to read a newspaper, or the Holy Bible. Think of the hardships which he has endured, and judge whether they are not sufficient to have crushed all intelligence and moral principle and manly spirit cut of a human being."

But, my good friend, I was not proposing to discourse of the Negroes of the 'United States. I am thinking of Africa, the continental home of the Negro. Yet, since the American Negro is suggested, allow me 'to inquire how far the Negro has descended below his native condition by being brought into contact with American civilization? Has he been sheltered in a more storm-riddled hut, or clothed in scantier attire, or subsisted on a leaner diet? Or has he associated with more degraded savages, or learned to practice a more superstitious worship, or been deprived of a more cultivated society?

The Negro, perhaps, is not, in America, what he would have been if left to his own mastery in the midst of civilized society. The condition of the northern Negro will settle this question. But has he not made more progress than his countrymen who were left behind? Can we appeal to the oppression of the American Negro as an apology for the condition of the Negro on the banks of the Senegal and the Congo?

The Israelites were in "the house of bondage" two hundred and sixteen years; and it is not supposable that bondage in the rude infancy of the world, and in heathen Egypt, was less depressing than bondage during the last two centuries in a Christian country. But were the Israelites ever reduced to the mental and moral condition of the Negro? The literature, laws and religion of the Mosaic period will supply the answer.

That the Negro race is an inferior race I shall show by an appeal to anatomical, physiological, psychical and historical facts. I have already pointed out the salient characteristics of the Negro race. Let me advert to those which establish his inferiority. Capacity of cranium is universally recognized as a criterion of psychic power.* No fact is better established than the... "The inferior races hare a less capacity than the superior. The cranial capacity seems to vary according to intellectual endowment." (Topinard, ANTHROPOLOGY, p. 229. general relation of intellect to weight of brain. Welker has shown that the brains of twenty-six men of high intellectual rank surpassed the average weight by fourteen per cent. Of course quality of brain is an equally important factor; and hence not a few men with brains even below the average have distinguished themselves for scholarship or executive ability. The Noachites at large possess a mean capacity of 1500 cubic centimeters. The capacity among the Mongoloids is 1450+ cubic centimeters; among the Negroes, 1360 cubic centimeters, and among the Australians 1276 cubic centimeters. The Noachites surpass the Negro 126 cubic centimeters, or 16 & one-half per cent. Assuming 100 as the average capacity of the Australian skull, that of the Negro is 111.6, and that of the Teuton 124.3"

In respect to the cephalic index, or form of the skull in a horizontal projection, we find that all the lower races are dolichocephalic, and all the higher races are mesocephalic or brachycephalic. The index, for instance, among the Noachites, ranges +from 75 to 83; among the Mongoloids, from 71 to 90; among the Negroes, from 69 to 76; and among the Australians, from 71 to 71.5. The broadest Negro skull does not reach the average of the Germans; nor does the best Australian skull reach the average of the Negro. Mean relative breadth of skull is found to be associated with executive ability.


Among Whites, the relative abundance of "crossheads" having permanently unclosed the longitudinal and transverse sutures on the top of the head is one in seven; among Mongolians, it is one in thirteen; among Negroes, it is one in fifty-two. This peculiarity is supposed by some to favor the prolonged development of the brain. In any event, it is most frequent in the highest races. This completer development of the osseous tissues in the Negro cranium is probably related to that density and thickness of ossification which enables the Negro, both male and female, to fight by means of butting; and to support hard objects and great weights on the top of the head.

The amount of prognathism is another marked criterion of organic rank. One method of expressing this is by means of auricular radii, or distances from the opening of the ear to the roots of the upper teeth1 and to other parts of the head. Among Europeans, the distance to the base of the upper incisors is 99, but among Negroes, it averages 114. On the contrary, the average distance to the top of the head is, among Europeans, 112; but among Negroes, 110. The distance to the upper edge of the occipital bone is, among Europeans, 104; among Negroes, 104. These measurements prove that the Negro possesses more face and particularly of jaws, and less brain above. Other measurements furnish a similar result; and show, also, that the development of the posterior brain, in relation to the anterior, is greater in the Negro. Prognathism is otherwise expressed by means of the "facial angle,11 or general slope the face from the forehead to the jaws, when compared with a horizontal plane. Among the Noachites, the facial line is nearest perpendicular, giving an angle of 770 to 810. Among the Negroes, it averages only 670; among the Hottentots and Bushmen, 600, and among the Australians, 680.

Among Negroes the forearm is longer, in proportion to the arm, than is the case with Whites. The same is true of anthropoid apes. The Negro's arm, when suspended by the side, reaches the knee-pan within a distance which is only four and three-eighths per cent of the whole length of the body. The white man's arm reaches the knee-pan within a distance which is seven and one-half per cent of the whole length of the body. This length of arm is again a quadrumanous characteristic. The Negro pelvis averages but 26 and one-half inches in circumference; that of the White race is 33 inches. In the Negro it is more inclined, which is another quadrumanous character. It is also more narrow and elongated; and this, as Vrolik and Weber have suggested, corresponds to the dolichocephalous head.

I present here views of the skeletons of an Adamite and of a Chimpanzee. Their contrasts are apparent at a glance. In every particular in which the skeleton of the Negro departs from that of the Adamite, it is INTERMEDIATE between that and the skeleton of the Chimpanzee.

The average weight of the European brain, 'males and females, is 1340 grammes; that of the Negro is 1173; of the Hottentot. 974, and of the Australian, 907. The significance of these comparisons appears when we learn that Broca, the most eminent of French anthropologists, states that when the

European brain falls below 978 grammes (mean of males and females), the result is idiocy. In this opinion Thurman coincides. The color of the Negro brain is darker than that of the White, and its density and texture are inferior. The convolutions are fewer and more simple, and, as Agassiz and others long ago pointed out, approximate those of the Quadrumana. According to H. de Serres, the brain of the Caucasian, during embryonic development, presents in Succession the conformations seen in the Negro, the Malay, the American and the Caucasian. This statement rests on excellent authority, but I am not aware that it has been confirmed. Its significance is apparent, in view of the established principle in physiology, that the embryonic characters in any vertebrate resemble the adult characters of other vertebrates lower in rank. Again, the retreating contour of the chin, as compared with the European, approximates the Negro to the prehistoric jaw of La Naulette, and to the Chimpanzee and lower mammals. Finally, the slenderness of the Negro arms and legs is also quadrumanous. This character is still more striking in the structure of the Australians.

In activity and capacity for prolonged and intense effort, the Negro is notably inferior. This point, however, has been sufficiently presented.

Psychically, I have spoken of the Negro to considerable extent. In brief, he possesses a strong curiosity to gaze upon new sights, or even familiar ones; but it is the curiosity of the child; he has a feeble power of combining his perceptions and drawing conclusions. In abstract conceptions he is still more helpless; no American Negro has ever produced any original work in mathematics or philosophy; the imaginative and aesthetic powers are similarly dormant; poetry, sculpture, painting, owe almost nothing to Negro genius. "Never yet," says President Jefferson, "could I find that a black has uttered a thought above the level of plain narration; never saw an elementary trait of painting or sculpture."

In reference to this, Mr. James Parton says: "We cannot fairly deny that facts give support to the opinion of an inherent mental inferiority. It is ninety years since Jefferson published his 'Notes,' and we cannot yet name one Negro of pure blood who has taken the first, the second, the third or the tenth rank, in business, politics, art, literature, scholarship, science or philosophy. To the present hour, the Negro has contributed nothing to the intellectual resources of man. If he turns 'Negro minstrel,' he still imitates the white creators of that black art; and he has not composed one of the airs that have had popular success as Negro melodies.

These statements require slight qualification Phillis Wheatley is said to have been a Negro poetess a hundred years ago, but her poetry, Parton says, was very inferior. She is not mentioned in Tyler's History of American Literature, which, however, ends for the present with 1765. I am not informed respecting the purity of her racial character. Miss Edmondia Lewis is a sculptress of considerable merit, but I am informed that she has the benefit of about fifty per cent of Caucasian blood. It is also true that some of the more gifted Negroes possess a wonderful power of emotional eloquence, but I suspect that in all these cases some infusion of Caucasian blood exists, as in the case of the highly respected marshal of the District of Columbia, and one or two colored members of congress, and also a few colored pulpit orators. Nevertheless such qualifications do not invalidate the statement that "pure African blood, even under the influence of Caucasian civilization, has never achieved any valuable results in the realm of art." These statements have been made in reference to the American-born Negro. It is more appropriate to turn our attention to the Negro in his native haunts. The physical aspect of many native Africans gives them, beyond question, a decidedly beastly look.

This has been remarked again and again. Professor Wyman says: "It cannot be denied, however wide the separation, that the Negro and Orang do afford the points where man and the brute, when the totality of their Organization is considered, most nearly approach each other."
Originally posted by scathach

the white race are the europids.
that is people from europe or americans, for example of european stock formerly.

as for the idea of ''aryan'' and tall blonde,blue eyed men and women-it exists but in scandinavia mainly not here- ''aryan'' is a term that describes those of nordish origins-not neccesarily blonde/blue eyed people as these are few enough anyway.

The term Aryan comes from Northern Indian and denotes a bunch of people, who several hundred years ago, dominated the political sphere of the sub-continent. It's use in the context of Northern Europeans is to somehow denote that Northern Europeans are superior to other peoples.

there are 7 white sub races (depending on which anthropologist's views you favour-i like coon and gunther) and these are the nordish people-the so called aryans

1.hallstatt nordics. (blonde/blue eyed!)
2.keltic nordics. [a large percentage of ireland and germany.]
3. brunn. [also found here-about 30%]
5.anglo saxon

This is an abuse of the term anthropology. This very outdated form of classification was abandoned by the vast majoirty of anthropologists after the Second World War. It harks back to the dark days of Mullman et al. Indeed, it is because of this that in Central and Eastern European universities the phrase "anthropology" is viewed very negatively. What would generally be called anthropology in the States or here is called "Ethnography" in these universities.

i expect none of you will have heard of this before and i put that down to the fact that 3 irish colleges[one in ulster] teach anthropology! [pity old bertie wont rectify that!]

I can assure you that as a graduate of anthropology that what you are suggesting wouldn't be even remotely entertained.
In fact I am disgusted that you are even referencing this subject. It's clear that you haven't read any ethnographies past 1945 and are still in the mindset of James Fraser, sitting on the balcony overlooking the "primitive tribes". Ideas of classification of people is utter nonsense. It shows a total lack of understanding of the amount of interaction that occurs between people, regardless of their background.

if anyone has any interesting questions ill do my best to answer them asap.
i note for everyone's apparent disgust,one person managed to read our ''manifesto'' !!

I would suggest that you actually take a course in Anthropology. Or if you are studying it, that you actually turn up to classes and read the material being suggested to you.
facial angle denotes creativity and intelligence.

i should add that i think the most important point of the day is still that developed countries should be increasing aid to countries who are enduring famine and other problems -problems which cause emigration.
lets be logical-we can all be as proud or arrogant about our homeland but still africans,romanians etc dont want to leave their homeland to come to ours,leaving their families,homes and heritage behind.
immigration only works for the large businesses who recieve cheap labour due to mass immigration generally against the wishes of the host country.
Re: contd.

Originally posted by scathach

Nonsense essay

Okay... Broca and Topinard, the two Frenchmen cited in this essay, were both physicians who began to take up "anthropology" in the mid-19th century. They are credited as being one of the founders of anthropology. However, their theories and methods have been long since discarded. There only relevance to anthropology today would be their position as historical figures in the discipline.
These outdated methods were fundamentally replaced after Bronislaw Malinowski's fieldwork study on the Trobrian Islands between 1914 and 1918.
These techniques cited above would not be supported by any academic institution and their findings would be treated as quirky, oblique and irrelevant.
There is nothing to suggest that a person's intellectual capability is defined by where they are from, or by the colour of their skin.
white devils



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