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  • Before: Dec 5, 2003
  • Users: mc moley
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  1. mc moley

    cops/ nazis/ oly spud and what the fuck is pc.

    i have no problem with someone who joins the 'police force' to make some sort of a change ie catch murderers and stop street violence. but those kind of reasons normaly remain ideals and i think most policemen/women just end up bitter at society and lash out via brutality and petty fucking...
  2. mc moley

    29th kilcoole gig 4e for 9 bands

    i've posted this in various other threads but here we go now its official.. gig on the 29th....... millions of dead girls * kid blunt * langdon beck * margin of error *crooky fix not in my name * evil elvis * the new kilcoole band(feat kendo and eoin)...
  3. mc moley

    Bong on the road

    "last time i show a kilcoolie hospitality..." haha only messin! but kilcoole lads do it best! (lie. matter of fact some of us dont even do it at all. :( how is good ol jim and his house of doob? that was weird we stayed till like 5 in the morning or something.
  4. mc moley

    kilcoole zines...

    someone should really tell phill it aint punk to study... hell he shudda dropped out years ago and hit the streets.... i thought he had more sense?
  5. mc moley

    São Paulo Punk

    ohhh....i sense tension in the air! up for a boxing match at the kilcoole gig? i can make you rich. ill even be in your corner, spunge u down and the like...that is if phill doesn't you?
  6. mc moley

    kilcoole zines...

    hey there... ugh 3 new coolie zines out for the gig this frigging thing... free cdr wit a few bands never thank a bogul #2 and Bollix brigade (turloks new project...twas a last min name ....leave him alone!) i think something like 2 or 3 quid wil get ya all three....dont blame me my one is 50c!
  7. mc moley

    São Paulo Punk

    shit buzz...who was that?
  8. mc moley

    1 way to be hardcore

    liiadian....another way of being hc is comin down to kilcoole, getting really drunk and then falling asleep in the chineese! remember that?! haahahaha twas pretty funny. you happy with the recordings?
  9. mc moley

    Bong on the road

    leo made us deadly food....rhona gave us floor and showed us around.... hell she even let us take turns in getting into bed with her!! gud luck explaining your self!!!! hahah by the way was champion jim 55 or 51 barrack st?? sorry bout the bed thing ....had to be said!
  10. mc moley

    squatting in Toronto.

    theres somekind of ontario revolutionary front or something. this canadian band that was stayin in my gaff were tellin me bout how they just go into the buisness district and fuck shit up wit paint and stuff. as well as put on gigs to raise money and various crusty like behaviour. he was saying...
  11. mc moley

    new album by us

    gud stuff
  12. mc moley


    jesus thats a bit fukin nuts! i never hear of any of these things till i read them hear and usually end up quite frightened! you scary punks!
  13. mc moley

    bnp coming to Ireland

    i know im kinda breakin the flow of things but is it actually illegal to have anarchist material or was that pig just being a cunt? and is that band no remorse or my remorse a nazi band? awfully confused....please explain?
  14. mc moley

    Dear Pete

    your name is brian... i forgot you had a first name i never bothered to ask. thats weird ive known you for about 2 years or so now. brian? doesnt suit. sorry, your gonna have to change it weeler.
  15. mc moley


    i better not be disapointed... jordan is coming to greystones toopen some new club down here....tough choice. not really! can i just get off at the grand canal dart station and giv sum1 a buzz for directions??
  16. mc moley

    So:PORTLAOISE -What's the deal?

    no not yet i ment to ask you...55 or 51 barrack st?? good ol champion jim!!!!! what a legend! have you been hanging out wit him much? thanks once again for the feed and floor by the way!
  17. mc moley

    So:PORTLAOISE -What's the deal?

    M.O.E is my little bro's band. Amy's (hippie girl with multi coloured dreads goes to gigs n dances....) bro is in them as well. they're bout 14-16 so i doubt they'd b allowed play in dub. but tommy trousers kindly said that they could play at an international gig (afternoon) they're bringing...
  18. mc moley

    So:PORTLAOISE -What's the deal?

    maybe not there's some other band. i prob just sed excuse cuz they wer in me head. my apologies. but there is someother band. i think ash's band is playing? god im dodggy!
  19. mc moley


    good call, ya know sometimes i can be so naive!!
  20. mc moley

    So:PORTLAOISE -What's the deal?

    ya can add kilcoole to that list... i know they aint often but if a touring band ever wants to play we can organise it. there's a coolie gig on soon by the way... with this friggin thing w/free cd (includes backhander,dead letter dept, kid blunt, margin of error, and other arse holes!) a new...