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  • Users: Dixer
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  1. Dixer

    Dublin film festival

    Thought this was a complete wasted opportunity. He came across quite well himself and was doing a fine job of providing information and context for his records etc so who gave a tuppenny fuck what Johnny Marr, Damon Albarn, Dot Allisson, Allson Goldfrapp, Gavin fucking Friday, Jarvis Cocker etc...
  2. Dixer

    ireland's nazis

    Mentioned Frank Ryan etc but failed to mention he was hardly a nazi, being a communist sympathiser.
  3. Dixer

    ireland's nazis

    Anybody else find this show completely non-convincing? I mean, ending the segment on folens with the line "Albert Folens may have been involved in interrogations"? Hardly well prosecuted.
  4. Dixer

    XBox 360

    Microsoft staying ahead of the game:
  5. Dixer

    Republican Attack Ad - fucking grotesque

    ...Fáil are clients of Shrum and Fine Gael are clients of Greenberg - but that sort of oul' guff could never work here. Could it? You bet it could. * Pledges are all the rage in politics at the moment, and you can be sure that Irish parties will produce them for the next election."...
  6. Dixer


    Yeah I've heard about this over the phone type cure too, no laying on of hands or anything. Must be some Celtic Tiger type shit.
  7. Dixer

    The Origins of Thumped

  8. Dixer


    An Mhi in the noughties, some peops down my ways have the cure too.
  9. Dixer

    tv/film bad guys-the best thereof

    "Can You Fly, Bobby?"
  10. Dixer

    How rich are you?

    I think Dave said it best:
  11. Dixer

    tv/film bad guys-the best thereof

    Please put down your weapon. You have 20 seconds to comply. (Esp. uncut version).
  12. Dixer

    Record Storage

    Buiochas Said item is a little wide for my quarters but I may roll in there see what else is to be had. Second time ever in Habitat for the Dixer.
  13. Dixer

    Record Storage

    Any new suggestions on this front? Ideally you'd get 12 1/2" stackable wooden cubes with an open side that you could use spine style or bin style but where would a larrier search for such an item? Or could you get them made? Any carpenters on thumped?
  14. Dixer

    ipods: "repositories for stolen music" says someone getting money from zune

    According to the O'Reilly Factor, its much more serious than that. Much more. O’Reilly: iPods Are Endangering America: I don’t own an iPod. I would never wear an iPod… If this is your primary focus in life - the machines… it’s going to have a staggeringly negative effect, all of this, for...
  15. Dixer

    Bertie Ahern Picture Disk 7"

    I might be out of the loop on this but, walking through Georges st Arsecade the other day, I swear I saw one of these with the words "The Most Cunning" 'blazoned over his face. Anybody know who the band are? I think their music deserves a day in court.
  16. Dixer


    Can you see your house from here?
  17. Dixer

    Scott Walker flic

    Do you work PR for the Coughman? Whats with the fixation?
  18. Dixer

    Human Flesh

    If that film had been as good as that character it would probably be my favorite film of all time. "Here's the thing... I don't give a tuppenny fuck about your moral conundrum, you meat-headed shit-sack... That's pretty much the thing. "
  19. Dixer

    Where have you intrepid explorers been this year?

    Yeah but beyond the financial aspect where'd you even get the time to hit all these spots in 12 months? (yr 2 cents on Quebec Por Favor?)
  20. Dixer

    Human Flesh

    This guy is my fckin hero. "You can build your filthy world without me. I took the father. Now I'll take the son. You tell young Vallon I'm gonna paint Paradise Square with his blood. Two coats. I'll festoon my bedchamber with his guts. As for you, Mr. Tammany-fucking-Hall, you come down to...