The stupid thread. (1 Viewer)


New Member
May 4, 2005
Not there. There.
I'm pretty stupid. So naturally, i do lots of stupid things.

The most stupid thing i ever did though was have a smoke during a mild asthma attack years ago.

That was pretty stupid.
i was once hanging off teh edge of a cliff with one hand cos i had broken my other arm when i got an itch on my i let go to scratch it, plummeting a thousand feet into a ravine below where i died.

that was pretty stupid.
Probably the stupidest thing i do on a regular basis is curse at myself out loud in company while giving out to myself for stupid things i did years ago. Be walking down the street with mates and all of a sudden blurt "ah yeh fuckin eejit".
I was in my dorm room once in college, studying and pumping myself full of nuclear strength coffee. The place was a mess, and the phone rang. I went to answer it, tripped over the cord, flew across the room, banging my head off of everything that could possibly cause injury. I felt myself going all funny, so I rolled over and crawled out the door, half laughing with the stupidity of my action and half whimpering with pain. I went down the hall to a friend's room and said something like, "I fell down." I was bruised and battered like a crack whore, but it wasn't until the next day, while I was driving somewhere and had a weird vision that the cars around me were all bouncing up and down like spacehoppers, that it became worrisome. I went straight to the doctor where I discovered that, indeed, I had a mild concussion. Did it teach me to tidy my room? Not at all.

I also was once training on a track about ten years ago. The people I was training with were way way way above my abilities, but I stupidly thought I could keep up with them. I ran ONE (1) 50-something second 400m, and something went RIIIIIIP, and I never, ever was the same again. Ouch. Another stupid, stupid thing I did was to keep running even though I was in constant pain.

I am, in short, a complete fucking idiot.
i knew this guy who stayed in bed all weekend with a violent hangover, til his wife sent him to the doctor cos he was in such a foouler. turns out he had a fractured skull, and no idea how it happned. must have fallen over out on the lash. fooligan.
You know, when I re-read that post after I'd posted it, I shuddered at that line. I don't blame you. It suffices to say that it resulted in a mild concussion for me. You are welcome to fill in the rest with whatver your imagination chooses.

Oh I did. It involved John Travolta, ice-cream, a unicorn and Dr. Phil.

I once worked with a guy, who completed a 12 hour shift and went home as normal. It was Summer, early evening and he felt a little tired, so he went to bed for a nap. He fell into a deep sleep, eventually waking up and he panicked when he saw the time - 9 O'Clock already! So he got dressed in a blur and raced to work. It was only when he arrived at work, that he realized he hadn't actually slept through the night - it was actually only 9pm, as opposed to 9am. Cos it was Summer, it was still bright outside, thus creating the illusion of MORNING as opposed to NIGHT. Nature can be tricky like that. Especially after a 12 hour shift.
Oh I did. It involved John Travolta, ice-cream, a unicorn and Dr. Phil.

Could you show me on a doll?

I once worked with a guy, who completed a 12 hour shift and went home as normal. It was Summer, early evening and he felt a little tired, so he went to bed for a nap. He fell into a deep sleep, eventually waking up and he panicked when he saw the time - 9 O'Clock already! So got dressed in a blur and raced to work. It was only when he arrived at work, that he realized he hadn't actually slept through the night - it was actually only 9pm, as opposed to 9am. Cos it was Summer, it was still bright outside, thus creating the illusion of MORNING as opposed to NIGHT. Nature can be tricky like that. Especially after a 12 hour shift.

Amazing. Actually, fairly recently, I was planning to meet my friend for our usual early-morning run. It was early spring, and we meet at 7, so it would have been dark anyway. I use my phone for an alarm, and it went off, so I leapt out of bed, knowing that if I hit snooze, I often fall back into deep sleep and end up not making it at all. Put on the running clothes, turned on the radio, downed a few swigs of coffee just to get the blood flowing, and got ready. Nothing out of the ordinary -- Newstalk overnight was on, as it normally is at 6am. Usually, I know it's time to leave just after the morning show starts, but before the business bit kicks in.

Out the door, and it's really, really quiet out. I usually see the same people every morning, and none of them were out, and there was almost ZERO traffic. Pass a few people, all stumbling and smelling of booze.

The clocks had just gone forward and, as usually happens, the clock on the church near me hadn't been changed yet (it's usually stopped completely for a while before they change it). Running along, starting to wonder why it's so quiet, and then I get to Baggot St, where the clock is ALWAYS right, and where I realise that it's 3am.

The biggest worry was not that anything would happen, but that I'd witness something horrible happening that would end up being in the news, like, "Jane R****, who was out for a run at the time, witnessed the [whatever] at 3:15 am." I was also worried I'd run into someone I knew and never live it down.

I got home to discover that it wasn't my phone going off at all, but a drunken text from a friend in the States.
my most recent one was walking past freebird records in temple bar, and seeing a poster which said something like "Fluorsalicylic Acid". so i stopped to read, to find out what sort of band would call themselves this, and took about five seconds to realise i was reading about water fluoridation.
...but that I'd witness something horrible happening that would end up being in the news, like, "Jane R****, who was out for a run at the time...

Witnessing Janer running about at 3am would indeed be horrible.
I was once having happy sunny time beers on a garage roof of a house I lived in and we got to talking about how when your a kid you'd do crazy shit like jump off said roof. In a really out of charecter moments of stupidity and bravado (those who know me know this is not a common trait for me, bravado, not stupidity) I jumped off the roof, about 12 foot down on to the lawn. I landed square on my feet, no roll, on run, just straight down on my feet. I fell over and started rolling round in some ammount of pain. It would later turn out I'd torn the muscles in the base of my foot and I'd be on crutches for the next month

While I was lying on the ground my housesmates drank my beer, smoked my fags, threw stuff at me and shouted at me to get up already. When I eventully convinced them to get my to hospital they got a trolly and stuck a piece of paper with a red biro'd cross sellotaped to the front. I was just about to give up and go with it when one of the older girls arrived and rang me a taxi.

Ah college... best years ever...
my most recent one was walking past freebird records in temple bar, and seeing a poster which said something like "Fluorsalicylic Acid". so i stopped to read, to find out what sort of band would call themselves this, and took about five seconds to realise i was reading about water fluoridation.

I was at the British Festival of Science last year, co-presenting for this heritage award thing. I was trying really hard to be all formal and stuff because we were very lucky to have been shortlisted, and to be invited and everything, but I'm absolutely crap. The more I try to suppress my swearing, the more it forces its way out like steam from a manhole (that one's for Johnnyc). The end of the day, there was a reception in the Japanese Institute, where they announced the winners. I was milling around, trying not to make too much small talk, partly because someone actually came up to me, looked me up and down, and said something along the lines of, "Who let you in here?"

There were these flyers out on a table for an exhibition of Mingei, which I now know is Japanese 'art of the people'. With my wonky eyesight and the increasing difficulty suppressing my filthy mouth, I thought it was a leaflet for a filthed-up musical version of the Vagina Monologues (i.e., I thought the final 'i' was an exclamation mark). I'm standing there, trying to say as little as possible to one of the people from the festival and a very, very ancient man made out of tweed, and I pointed to the leaflet, asking the woman to hand me one. She picked it up, and I noticed it wasn't what I thought at all.

The smart chick would have just quietly taken the flier and said nothing, but the smart chick was absent that afternoon. I was just hoping that the old man wasn't up to date on his colloquialisms.

EDIT: I should add that I'd already been tested to the extreme, as one of the final papers of the day -- which was actually very interesting -- was about beavers. The lack of beavers in Britain, in fact. Because why? Because they died out. Because why? Because 'beaver meat is good to eat'.
Could you show me on a doll?

Amazing. Actually, fairly recently, I was planning to meet my friend for our usual early-morning run. It was early spring, and we meet at 7, so it would have been dark anyway. I use my phone for an alarm, and it went off, so I leapt out of bed, knowing that if I hit snooze, I often fall back into deep sleep and end up not making it at all. Put on the running clothes, turned on the radio, downed a few swigs of coffee just to get the blood flowing, and got ready. Nothing out of the ordinary -- Newstalk overnight was on, as it normally is at 6am. Usually, I know it's time to leave just after the morning show starts, but before the business bit kicks in.

Out the door, and it's really, really quiet out. I usually see the same people every morning, and none of them were out, and there was almost ZERO traffic. Pass a few people, all stumbling and smelling of booze.

The clocks had just gone forward and, as usually happens, the clock on the church near me hadn't been changed yet (it's usually stopped completely for a while before they change it). Running along, starting to wonder why it's so quiet, and then I get to Baggot St, where the clock is ALWAYS right, and where I realise that it's 3am.

The biggest worry was not that anything would happen, but that I'd witness something horrible happening that would end up being in the news, like, "Jane R****, who was out for a run at the time, witnessed the [whatever] at 3:15 am." I was also worried I'd run into someone I knew and never live it down.

I got home to discover that it wasn't my phone going off at all, but a drunken text from a friend in the States.
you are my hero
actually there was the time i gave matthew mcconnaughey a tampon. and unlike my previous post in this thread, this one is unfortunately very true. it all happeend in claddagh records in temple bar. long story. if i feel like reiterating it again i will later.

fucking doofus.
well he is a massive bloody cunt

hey, matt is a lovely fella, why would you assume he's a cunt?

you hate succesful people don't you pants, they remind you of your own lowly standing in life. that's why you like briars, cos he wears a jumpers and acts "down to earth". bollocks. clean up your attitude, bucko.

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