Meeting People (1 Viewer)

I could bore everyone shitless again with my tale of woe involving me going out with a snappily dressed Belgian lesbian chick, for a number of weeks, and then dumped fairly brutally, leaving me feeling confused and hard done by.

It was a number of years before someone told me she was in fact a lesbian, and everyone in the whole fucking college knew that, and that she had just broke up with her long term girl friend and wanted to try something new.
Apart from me.
Despite the fact that I slept with her. Which just muddied the waters further.

It then took me another half hour after being informed about the above lesbianism, to realise that I had shagging her girlfriend, who had very big boobs, poor English, and was exceptionally dull. Who I had just dumped, fairly brutally.

This would be the same girl that, much to everyone's surprise, walked in on myself and the snappily dressed Belgian girl one night a week later.
Wearing a towel.

When I dumped the dull girl with big boobs (and the towel) she, quite reasonably, asked me why. Unforunately I am not very bright, so I paniced a little bit and I told her I thought I was probably gay. This thought resulted in some sheepish looks from me whilst lying in snappily dressed Belgium girl's bed.
Oh hai!.. Ehh.

Little did she know the real reason I dumped exceptionally dull girl was this mental Italian girl that I was sporadically with was back on the scene. Or at least I thought I never told her about mental Italian girl. But apparently I had told her about mental Italian girl, and when she confronted me with this information, I struggled for a number of minutes before pressing on with the grim business of the break up shag all the same.

I know that the Italian girl I was having relations with was going out with someone at the time, quite possibly someone that posted on thumped.
I'd say its a reasonably bet to say he'd be sounder than me too.
I could bore everyone shitless again with my tale of woe involving me going out with a snappily dressed Belgian lesbian chick, for a number of weeks, and then dumped fairly brutally, leaving me feeling confused and hard done by.

It was a number of years before someone told me she was in fact a lesbian, and everyone in the whole fucking college knew that, and that she had just broke up with her long term girl friend and wanted to try something new.
Apart from me.
Despite the fact that I slept with her. Which just muddied the waters further.

It then took me another half hour after being informed about the above lesbianism, to realise that I had shagging her girlfriend, who had very big boobs, poor English, and was exceptionally dull. Who I had just dumped, fairly brutally.

This would be the same girl that, much to everyone's surprise, walked in on myself and the snappily dressed Belgian girl one night a week later.
Wearing a towel.

When I dumped the dull girl with big boobs (and the towel) she, quite reasonably, asked me why. Unforunately I am not very bright, so I paniced a little bit and I told her I thought I was probably gay. This thought resulted in some sheepish looks from me whilst lying in snappily dressed Belgium girl's bed.
Oh hai!.. Ehh.

Little did she know the real reason I dumped exceptionally dull girl was this mental Italian girl that I was sporadically with was back on the scene. Or at least I thought I never told her about mental Italian girl. But apparently I had told her about mental Italian girl, and when she confronted me with this information, I struggled for a number of minutes before pressing on with the grim business of the break up shag all the same.

I know that the Italian girl I was having relations with was going out with someone at the time, quite possibly someone that posted on thumped.
I'd say its a reasonably bet to say he'd be sounder than me too.

amazing post. especially after the whining 22 (more like 18/19 I'm thinking) year olds tales of non-life

To be honest, I couldn't follow the story at all really, but still, who cares... its was its general aesthetics of amazingness that won me over
I could bore everyone shitless again with my tale of woe involving me going out with a snappily dressed Belgian lesbian chick, for a number of weeks, and then dumped fairly brutally, leaving me feeling confused and hard done by.

It was a number of years before someone told me she was in fact a lesbian, and everyone in the whole fucking college knew that, and that she had just broke up with her long term girl friend and wanted to try something new.
Apart from me.
Despite the fact that I slept with her. Which just muddied the waters further.

It then took me another half hour after being informed about the above lesbianism, to realise that I had shagging her girlfriend, who had very big boobs, poor English, and was exceptionally dull. Who I had just dumped, fairly brutally.

This would be the same girl that, much to everyone's surprise, walked in on myself and the snappily dressed Belgian girl one night a week later.
Wearing a towel.

When I dumped the dull girl with big boobs (and the towel) she, quite reasonably, asked me why. Unforunately I am not very bright, so I paniced a little bit and I told her I thought I was probably gay. This thought resulted in some sheepish looks from me whilst lying in snappily dressed Belgium girl's bed.
Oh hai!.. Ehh.

Little did she know the real reason I dumped exceptionally dull girl was this mental Italian girl that I was sporadically with was back on the scene. Or at least I thought I never told her about mental Italian girl. But apparently I had told her about mental Italian girl, and when she confronted me with this information, I struggled for a number of minutes before pressing on with the grim business of the break up shag all the same.

I know that the Italian girl I was having relations with was going out with someone at the time, quite possibly someone that posted on thumped.
I'd say its a reasonably bet to say he'd be sounder than me too.
oh yeah, i think i saw that movie
Someone mentioned meeting people in work before. Years ago I had a bit of a Jim and Pam (Office) situation going in work.

The first day I started there was a guy that I felt an instant attraction to. He worked in the same department as me (there were about 40 of us in total). For the sake of simplicity lets call him Jim

After a while it became obvious that Jim felt the same, but both of us were in long-term, committed, relationships so neither of us acted on it. It went on for years, mild flirting, inside jokes etc. Then he decided to leave and go travelling. The night of Jim's work leaving do he stepped things up, making it pretty obvious to everyone what his feelings were. He decided to walk me home, so I said goodbye to some the gang and we headed off, as soon as we were, he thought, out of sight he grabbed me and kissed me. We weren't out of sight though, because one the girls had come after us to see if she could walk part way with us. She saw us and ran away.

So, we ended up having a really long talk, well, he did most of the talking. I was stunned. After 5 years he suddenly decides to tell me how much he loves me just a week before he leaves to go to the other side of the world for a year! Good timing. He'd broken up with his girlfriend, didn't feel that was going anywhere. He asked me to go with him, but there was no way I could just dump my boyfriend, leave my job and drop everything like that and I told him so.

When he came back Jim was even less subtle. The whole department met up with him to welcome him back and in the space of 15 minutes he managed to give everyone clear notice of his feelings. Only problem was that, although I was now single, he'd gotten back with his old girlfriend. He wanted me to tell him to leave her for me, and I just wasn't going to do that.

Anyway, timing was always against us. When he finally stopped stringing that girl along and tried to approach me again I was engaged to someone. I called the gig off, but by that stage Jim was himself engaged to someone else.

So, you can meet people in work, but working together does complicate things, even if one of you doesn't work there any more. And sometimes, as I said, it's not about the sexy result. Knowing that he cared about me helped me through a lot of tough times, and I have a feeling that we'd have wrecked it if we had hooked up.

This is too long.
Someone mentioned meeting people in work before. Years ago I had a bit of a Jim and Pam (Office) situation going in work.

The first day I started there was a guy that I felt an instant attraction to. He worked in the same department as me (there were about 40 of us in total). For the sake of simplicity lets call him Jim

After a while it became obvious that Jim felt the same, but both of us were in long-term, committed, relationships so neither of us acted on it. It went on for years, mild flirting, inside jokes etc. Then he decided to leave and go travelling. The night of Jim's work leaving do he stepped things up, making it pretty obvious to everyone what his feelings were. He decided to walk me home, so I said goodbye to some the gang and we headed off, as soon as we were, he thought, out of sight he grabbed me and kissed me. We weren't out of sight though, because one the girls had come after us to see if she could walk part way with us. She saw us and ran away.

So, we ended up having a really long talk, well, he did most of the talking. I was stunned. After 5 years he suddenly decides to tell me how much he loves me just a week before he leaves to go to the other side of the world for a year! Good timing. He'd broken up with his girlfriend, didn't feel that was going anywhere. He asked me to go with him, but there was no way I could just dump my boyfriend, leave my job and drop everything like that and I told him so.

When he came back Jim was even less subtle. The whole department met up with him to welcome him back and in the space of 15 minutes he managed to give everyone clear notice of his feelings. Only problem was that, although I was now single, he'd gotten back with his old girlfriend. He wanted me to tell him to leave her for me, and I just wasn't going to do that.

Anyway, timing was always against us. When he finally stopped stringing that girl along and tried to approach me again I was engaged to someone. I called the gig off, but by that stage Jim was himself engaged to someone else.

So, you can meet people in work, but working together does complicate things, even if one of you doesn't work there any more. And sometimes, as I said, it's not about the sexy result. Knowing that he cared about me helped me through a lot of tough times, and I have a feeling that we'd have wrecked it if we had hooked up.

This is too long.

jesus.....fuck...At least something positive came out of it for you Squiggs.
Someone mentioned meeting people in work before. Years ago I had a bit of a Jim and Pam (Office) situation going in work.

The first day I started there was a guy that I felt an instant attraction to. He worked in the same department as me (there were about 40 of us in total). For the sake of simplicity lets call him Jim

After a while it became obvious that Jim felt the same, but both of us were in long-term, committed, relationships so neither of us acted on it. It went on for years, mild flirting, inside jokes etc. Then he decided to leave and go travelling. The night of Jim's work leaving do he stepped things up, making it pretty obvious to everyone what his feelings were. He decided to walk me home, so I said goodbye to some the gang and we headed off, as soon as we were, he thought, out of sight he grabbed me and kissed me. We weren't out of sight though, because one the girls had come after us to see if she could walk part way with us. She saw us and ran away.

So, we ended up having a really long talk, well, he did most of the talking. I was stunned. After 5 years he suddenly decides to tell me how much he loves me just a week before he leaves to go to the other side of the world for a year! Good timing. He'd broken up with his girlfriend, didn't feel that was going anywhere. He asked me to go with him, but there was no way I could just dump my boyfriend, leave my job and drop everything like that and I told him so.

When he came back Jim was even less subtle. The whole department met up with him to welcome him back and in the space of 15 minutes he managed to give everyone clear notice of his feelings. Only problem was that, although I was now single, he'd gotten back with his old girlfriend. He wanted me to tell him to leave her for me, and I just wasn't going to do that.

Anyway, timing was always against us. When he finally stopped stringing that girl along and tried to approach me again I was engaged to someone. I called the gig off, but by that stage Jim was himself engaged to someone else.

So, you can meet people in work, but working together does complicate things, even if one of you doesn't work there any more. And sometimes, as I said, it's not about the sexy result. Knowing that he cared about me helped me through a lot of tough times, and I have a feeling that we'd have wrecked it if we had hooked up.

This is too long.

Thats real PG Wodehouse.Great stuff.

Your mans name was'nt Bertie Wooster by any chance?
Thats real PG Wodehouse.Great stuff.

Your mans name was'nt Bertie Wooster by any chance?

That's the short version. I could write a novel!

But he wasn't as gutless or as weedy as Bertie Wooster.

Actually, the Jim analogy is a pretty good one, he had/has a similar look and build, although not quite as tall.
See, Green Goblin? There are lots of floppy-haired alt-romantics out there just waiting for sexy misunderstandings. I predict you'll have a right humdinger to contribute to this thread in a couple of years. Look us up.
I find most of the alternative crowd here down in Cork are pretty rank. I can't stand especially the whole "scene"/emo thing, girls with neon and black and tacky hairclips, which isn't really a scene at all, doubly so for Ireland since we don't have scenes. We also are starting to get far too many skangers.

There's just a such a lack of people with really diverse interests and proper "alternative" types.

I'm a bit at a lost as to how to meet people. I browse Myspace every couple of weeks but that never results in anything good, it's only gotten worse over time. Whenever I browse for other countries, they're always loads better in terms of diversity(but still not fantastic tbh), so I'm not pulling these ideas out of my arse. Maybe there's a better profile site out there, I don't know, I'm embarassed enough using myspace, far too many scene kids.

It's all well and good to say "Well get out more", but pub culture isn't really for me. That's what I hate the most.

I don't see myself meeting a girl in this country, to be honest. It's harsh, but it's just too difficult to socialise here and people are too homogenised.

Well to be fair I can't be sure you have an open mind when asking that question. I think it's a bit too easy to blame a country's problems on an individual's "attitude", it's like something that cattlefucker Brian Cowman would do.

which is EXACTLY what you did in that rambling first post you ballbag! ahhahahah
All you've done is post short posts as to how hilarious/ridiculous you're finding everything with no real reason why. I'm sorry if you're not meant to come off as an Internet Tough Guy /b/ reject, these kind of responses are very archetypal, but that's how you're coming off to an experienced internet person at the moment.

Basically the idea in the field of logic, reason, and not being stupid, is that if it is so "obvious" that someone is being unbelievable, ridiculous, it would be fairly easy for you to point it out, or at least attempt to. People just like to be dicks.

seriously, internet gold. best fake poster in a long time. LOCK THREAD.
out with the tag Nazi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yeah where'd they go?

I'm the tag Nazi. If you have a problem with that you can get out of my thread.

I detest cowardly anonymous bullying, and if I have the opportunity to do something about it I will.

Keep the tags on topic and use Rep and direct responses if you disagree with someone or want to express a view.

This question is slightly off topic, but in the general theme, so please forgive me.

But do you think that attraction is something that can develop over time? I've been asked on a date by a guy that I get on well with, he makes me laugh etc. But... I don't feel attracted to him at all. In fact, if he walks too close to me I instinctivly move away. Should I just tell him that I only want to be friends, or keep my mouth shut?

This is further complicated by other issues, but I'm not going to go into them here.

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