Meeting People (2 Viewers)

Ah yeah, I used to go to gigs on my todd, but then I used to smoke at 'em, so I wouldn't feel like a complete tool standing on my own, but later figured that was even more retarded.

Will have to start doing that again.
Laziness is a major factor :)

The smoking thing worked very well for me... even met lots of non-smokers who just agreed with my view that the band currently playing was unlistenable. Going for a smoke when you don't like the current act is a great way to meet like minded people.

Disclaimer: Doesn't necessarily lead to sexy results
it's alright squiggle, i'm over sexy results as much as i'm over people at this point.

From now on my interests are as follows:

John Keats
banning myself from thumped for 30 days.
I love going to gigs on my own.I am heading away on holidays on my own soon. It is a good way of just throwing yourself in at the deep end, especially if like me you can get a bit tongue tied when in a group. Also , if the band notice you are there on your own , (i feel anyway in my own deluded way) they will think you are a real true fan .Maybe if your luck the drummer will flirt a little. !cheezy!cheezy

Nah only messin.Tis a good way of meeting people.not only in a romantic way , but you can make new friends too.
it's alright squiggle, i'm over sexy results as much as i'm over people at this point.

From now on my interests are as follows:

John Keats
banning myself from thumped for 30 days.

What you need to do is either make peace with the fact that you currently appeal mostly to older women, or go for a different image.

I is John, the breaker of hearts of the 28-35 year old woman.

Yeah true, I guess the health risks are worth it for any potential sexy results.

You could do the non-smoker version... just walk outside when you don't approve of the music... of course, you'll mostly meet smokers, who will corrupt you, but smokers are people too.
Cutting off a whole reem of people based on music taste is pretty silly to be honest. I would have been a bit of a music snob a few years back, or at least I thought I was, but when I realised that wasn't workin' for me I think I opened myself up to tonnes of music and people who I otherwise would never have encountered.

I find now though that none of my current bunch of mates really bother going to gigs, so I haven't been to see any live music since last July I think. Which sucks and I'm really missing it, but what can ya do!

Meh :)

But see I don't "cut people off" based on music, most of the people I interact with don't share my musical interests, and I'm getting tired of it. I need some people to talk about music to. What you're doing is trying to further cut me off from people with common interests in the name of being progressive, which is nuts.

hey gg
just so you know - i live in london and it's shit
there you go

I dunno the people I know in the UK say London's not all that great. The smaller cities are were it's at, London is too cosmopolitan. Though personally I've been over to London a good few times and I like it.
What you need to do is either make peace with the fact that you currently appeal mostly to older women, or go for a different image.

I wrote a very long post a few hours ago but there was an error and it didn't post (maybe I could use some of your vast internets experience?). I'd write it again, but seeming as you've tryed to completly dismissively shoot down everyone who went to the effort of giving you constructive criticism, I'm glad it didn't post.
Constructive Criticism? What, like grow up and cop on? That's not constructive. And I wasn't asking for criticism to begin with. Sorry for having some small degree of self confidence.

You give out about cliques yet you have been consistently and effortlessly categorises every single little fucking thing. Let your brain dance dude and forget about aesthetics, forget about the rules, be yourself, it's great having something to believe in but you shouldn't let things completly absorb you. Let them become a part of you, instead of letting it explain your whole existence.
That's my perspective anyway.
You say this, but the problem remains. There still aren't very many interesting people where I live, or at least they're few enough in number to be difficult to find. You're just trying to obscure that. It doesn't matter what I label what and again it's too easy to blame a cultural problem on the individual that recognises it. Most of the time I don't look for "Goths" or "Nerds" or "Hippies", I look for people with common interests. I talk to enough people I have little in common with. I don't want any more. All removing labels really does though, is make it harder to define things. If you're smart enough to realise they're partial descriptors and not something people have to define their lives by, then they're not a problem.

There's plenty of obscure music in Ireland btw, you're just not looking hard enough.
People keep saying this, but don't point me in any direction, when the whole point of posting to begin with was exactly that. This is exactly what I mean when I tell you off for claiming people are being "constructive". "Go to gigs" is about it, but I haven't heard any Cork bands I like yet, or really much from Cork bands at all. Not to mention I do not have the ability to go up to talk to strangers.

Nobody's actually pointed me in any kind of direction at all, yet you're becoming a little defensive with what little advice you've given. I don't HAVE to take anyone's advice, not because I'm arrogant, but I'm entitled to criticise the critics, especially when I wasn't asking for a self help course. If you want to prove me wrong about Ireland having a dire social scene, then prove me wrong, don't give out to me for having a problem with it.

Actually I find pretty much every "advice" thread I've read online regarding these kind of things ends up like this.
People keep saying this, but don't point me in any direction, when the whole point of posting to begin with was exactly that. This is exactly what I mean when I tell you off for claiming people are being "constructive". "Go to gigs" is about it, but I haven't heard any Cork bands I like yet, or really much from Cork bands at all. Not to mention I do not have the ability to go up to talk to strangers.

Nobody's actually pointed me in any kind of direction at all, yet you're becoming a little defensive with what little advice you've given. I don't HAVE to take anyone's advice, not because I'm arrogant, but I'm entitled to criticise the critics, especially when I wasn't asking for a self help course. If you want to prove me wrong about Ireland having a dire social scene, then prove me wrong, don't give out to me for having a problem with it.

Actually I find pretty much every "advice" thread I've read online regarding these kind of things ends up like this.

Hey Green Goblin are you in Cork , Firstly it is a rule that you must post in the Cork thread second, I find the best way to find new music is to ask around.Head into Plug'd look at their posters wall and see whats on.Ask the lads in there , Albert and Jim,they are sound. Tell them you want to get into new music etc .They will point you in the right direction . I suppose once you get known for going to gigs you will find it easier to talk to people.I find you see the same heads at gigs and eventually ye get talking.They know everything thats going on in Cork. Have a look on the peoples republic of corks forum for gig listings. I am not much of a fan of that forum but the gig listings are grand. Put a post up there asking for recommendations.
Hey Green Goblin are you in Cork , Firstly it is a rule that you must post in the Cork thread second, I find the best way to find new music is to ask around.Head into Plug'd look at their posters wall and see whats on.Ask the lads in there , Albert and Jim,they are sound. Tell them you want to get into new music etc .They will point you in the right direction . I suppose once you get known for going to gigs you will find it easier to talk to people.I find you see the same heads at gigs and eventually ye get talking.They know everything thats going on in Cork. Have a look on the peoples republic of corks forum for gig listings. I am not much of a fan of that forum but the gig listings are grand. Put a post up there asking for recommendations.


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