Is Kevin Myers racist? (2 Viewers)

The acceptable face of racism

Like the bliztkreig id be finsihed before she knew what was going on.

I'd gladly poison myself in her bunker.
And I'd build an autobahn straight to her heart.
160 kmph baby.
Like Berlin in 1936, there's probably some black guy winning all the medals on her track while I talk of her purity and virtue.
Interesting and quite vivid words on homosexuality from Mr. Myers in today's Independent. FIRE AND BRIMSTONE!!!

"Moreover, such sodomistic self-indulgence is not just a matter of a lifestyle choice; it is actual wickedness, for the human rectum, with its fermenting stew of waste, and its fragile, absorbent walls, has no natural protection against such vile traffic. The mutant consequences, bred and rebred and rebred again in the bacterial cauldrons of serially-active colons, sooner or later must be proportionate to the cause. For long ago did the AIDS pandemic not warn us of this, and the lethal broths that can brew in the lower bowel? "

Wow, the mutant consequences? proportionate to the cause? This guy is mental.
Interesting and quite vivid words on homosexuality from Mr. Myers in today's Independent. FIRE AND BRIMSTONE!!!

"Moreover, such sodomistic self-indulgence is not just a matter of a lifestyle choice; it is actual wickedness, for the human rectum, with its fermenting stew of waste, and its fragile, absorbent walls, has no natural protection against such vile traffic. The mutant consequences, bred and rebred and rebred again in the bacterial cauldrons of serially-active colons, sooner or later must be proportionate to the cause. For long ago did the AIDS pandemic not warn us of this, and the lethal broths that can brew in the lower bowel? "

Wow, the mutant consequences? proportionate to the cause? This guy is mental.

I love his imagery, though. Lethal broth! That's my colon to a tee.

Serially active colons?

"New, fast-acting, superduper All Bran -- it's cereally active!"


Also, is he suggesting people can have babies out their bottomparts? Because I can tell him that, no matter how much it feels like there's a baby coming out, it's not a baby. Even if you try to raise it like one, it's still not gonna get accepted into a school because it won't be baptised because it's a shite and you can't baptise a shite.

Do you think Kevin Myers would be racist against his own shite if he was trying to raise it as a human baby?
Interesting and quite vivid words on homosexuality from Mr. Myers in today's Independent. FIRE AND BRIMSTONE!!!

"Moreover, such sodomistic self-indulgence is not just a matter of a lifestyle choice; it is actual wickedness, for the human rectum, with its fermenting stew of waste, and its fragile, absorbent walls, has no natural protection against such vile traffic. The mutant consequences, bred and rebred and rebred again in the bacterial cauldrons of serially-active colons, sooner or later must be proportionate to the cause. For long ago did the AIDS pandemic not warn us of this, and the lethal broths that can brew in the lower bowel? "

Wow, the mutant consequences? proportionate to the cause? This guy is mental.

he does realize that AIDS is contractual via vaginal penetration too doesn't he?

I love his imagery, though. Lethal broth! That's my colon to a tee.

Serially active colons?

"New, fast-acting, superduper All Bran -- it's cereally active!"


Also, is he suggesting people can have babies out their bottomparts? Because I can tell him that, no matter how much it feels like there's a baby coming out, it's not a baby. Even if you try to raise it like one, it's still not gonna get accepted into a school because it won't be baptised because it's a shite and you can't baptise a shite.

Do you think Kevin Myers would be racist against his own shite if he was trying to raise it as a human baby?

you're on top form today Jane
He seems to be suggesting that homosexual semen, full of bent pervy sperms can somehow inseminate faggy turd-dwelling bacteria (GAYZ BACTERIA REMEMBER), producing with grim inevitability some sort of monstrous gay-antichrist..
he does realize that AIDS is contractual via vaginal penetration too doesn't he?

But see, it was brought to us by the gays who got it from the monkeys because all gays are perverts and have sex with monkeys. That's genuinely what we were taught in school in the early 80s, in nice liberal Boston (in case you Irishers thought you might have had the market cornered on homophobia). So bisexuals are just carriers of disease, and they infect the ladies who all claim they were raped anyway because the feminists told them to.

If it weren't for gays, we'd all be happy and only the filthy monkeys would have the AIDS.

Mr Jane thinks Mr Myers has torn the soft membrane of the space-time continuum and penetrated some sort of 'gay wormhole'.

you're on top form today Jane

Must be my soft, absorbent walls. Or possibly the lethal broth in my lower bowel that keeps my rectal pilot light from going out.
This line.

The mutant consequences, bred and rebred and rebred again in the bacterial cauldrons of serially-active colons, sooner or later must be proportionate to the cause.

Is he actually, as it seems to be, suggesting that what he perceives as the immorality or 'wickedness' of the act will somehow result in a killer disease? 'proportionate to the cause' of the wickedness of the act. Some far-out shit right there....
He seems to be suggesting that homosexual semen, full of bent pervy sperms can somehow inseminate faggy turd-dwelling bacteria (GAYZ BACTERIA REMEMBER), producing with grim inevitability some sort of monstrous gay-antichrist..

OMG, we could totally make a chimera out of that.

It'd be half gay antichrist and half LOLCAT: IM IN UR ANUS GIVIN YOO TEH GAY.

To the laboratory!
This line.

The mutant consequences, bred and rebred and rebred again in the bacterial cauldrons of serially-active colons, sooner or later must be proportionate to the cause.

Is he actually, as it seems to be, suggesting that what he perceives as the immorality or 'wickedness' of the act will somehow result in a killer disease? 'proportionate to the cause' of the wickedness of the act. Some far-out shit right there....

It's really hard to tell what he's trying to say because the piece is so terribly written. 'Serially active colons'? That one really gets me, although I don't know why. I think it's because he sounds like he's suggesting that the colon gets a lot more action than it does.

Whatever it is, it's just about the most homophobic thing written this side of the 19th century.
in defence of myers :)confused: what have i become) his article is actually condemning reckless unsafe sex - he cites some example where some fella told irritating steven fry on tv that he'd had sex with 200 people that weekend and i think the point he's making, with ridiculous homophobic and apocalyptic language, is that letting 200 lads ride you in a weekend is probably reckless - as if only he is capable of seeing how the world really works. GET HIM!!!



Our own admirable Ian O'Doherty briefly referred to the following story last week: forgive me for revisiting it at somewhat greater length. One night last June, four firemen on their engine were driving through a parkland in Bristol called the Broads, a place where homosexual men gather, though not usually to play chess. From the engine, the firemen shone their torches into the bushes, and revealed four men having group-sex. The firemen then drove away.

One of the four homosexuals then complained to Bristol fire brigade that he had been the subject of homophobic intrusions by the firemen. Following a three-month investigation, during which the four firemen were suspended, last week two of them were fined GBP1,000 each, (proceeds, naturally, to a gay charity), one was given a written warning, and one was demoted. All have been transferred to different stations, and all must attend -- ah: no doubt you were wondering when the grisly e-word was going to appear in this wretched affair -- an equality course.

Meanwhile, homosexual men continue to use the Broads for sex-acts, both day and night: which I suppose is equality of a sort -- namely the new ideological "equality", which is not equality at all, but specially-allocated privileges for certain prescribed minorities.

So, this, finally, is the ethos which has been created by both the culture of "gay-rights", and by the broader culture of unprincipled liberalism. A man who was discovered engaging in an illegal act -- and group sex in public is certainly that -- felt so genuinely aggrieved that he complained to his discoverers' employers, who in due course brought near-ruin on the careers of the men who had interrupted this fine lad's merry pleasures.

As interesting as the state-institutional response to this affair has been the reaction to the outcome by other institutions, namely the media: which is to say, none. No outcry, no anger, no cries of disbelief. Effectively, the right of homosexual men to have naked orgies in parkland in the centre of Bristol has been vindicated by a general if silent consensus. Whether that silence is one of approval or of cowardice, I leave to your own judgment. I suspect it is probably both: when a new moral order arises, its enforcement is as much by intimidation as by assent.

And that we are dealing with a new moral order is certain. Let me direct you elsewhere in this shiny bright new regimen, by introducing the homosexual actor and writer Stephen Fry, effectively a secular saint in Britain. Indeed, he enjoys a moral status that is virtually unique, matched only by the queen. The BBC even celebrated his 50th birthday recently by clearing an entire evening's schedules in order to broadcast five hours of programmes, either about or featuring him.

A couple of evenings later -- my, what a constant Fry week it was -- he presented a programme about AIDS amongst homosexuals, in which one man boasted of having had sex with 200 men -- and over what period? In the course of a single weekend. Fry responded with wry surprise: two hundred, eh? Gosh, that seems a lot. How interesting.

It is not interesting. As a responsible homosexual himself, Fry should have condemned it as disgusting, depraved, revolting, demented behaviour: the elevation of a base and disordered sensuality above mankind's physical health and moral well-being. But of course, it is not cool to condemn, to judge, even though a 201-strong male orgy should remind us that without some socialised ethos governing their libidos, men can easily sink into a sexual sewer.

Moreover, such sodomistic self-indulgence is not just a matter of a lifestyle choice; it is actual wickedness, for the human rectum, with its fermenting stew of waste, and its fragile, absorbent walls, has no natural protection against such vile traffic. The mutant consequences, bred and rebred and rebred again in the bacterial cauldrons of serially-active colons, sooner or later must be proportionate to the cause. For long ago did the AIDS pandemic not warn us of this, and the lethal broths that can brew in the lower bowel?

Yet far from this lunatic's claim of a jolly 200-partner weekend causing media indignation, and far from Fry's calm acceptance of his rectal frolics undermining his exalted status in society, there has been total silence.

For this is our brave new world, an ethical Gomorrah in which to have a moral code over sexual conduct is seen as being intolerant, judgmental, and -- worst crime of all! -- homophobic.

Indeed, the Equality Industry, with its priest-like zealots intoning their mumbo-jumbo about minority rights and minority victimhood, is even now probably preparing to condemn, punish and expel those who dissent from this new and abominable consensus.

This is the tale of existence, as old as mankind and men.

We learn old lessons anew, and duly forget them again: that the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire, and the burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire.

So, sooner or later, new flames await our blistered skins, and we cannot know how or when they will again burst into evil life; only that they assuredly will, and as always, burn us to the bone.
Ian Paisley in his hey-day would be hard pressed to come out with zingers like this

"We learn old lessons anew, and duly forget them again: that the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire, and the burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire.

So, sooner or later, new flames await our blistered skins, and we cannot know how or when they will again burst into evil life; only that they assuredly will, and as always, burn us to the bone"
in defence of myers :)confused: what have i become) his article is actually condemning reckless unsafe sex - he cites some example where some fella told irritating steven fry on tv that he'd had sex with 200 people that weekend and i think the point he's making, with ridiculous homophobic and apocalyptic language, is that letting 200 lads ride you in a weekend is probably reckless - as if only he is capable of seeing how the world really works. GET HIM!!!

No I think he has picked that as the most extreme example easily at hand to illustrate a much more simple argument which I determine as this: Homosexuality is wicked and sinful, and will give you AIDS.
in defence of myers :)confused: what have i become) his article is actually condemning reckless unsafe sex - he cites some example where some fella told irritating steven fry on tv that he'd had sex with 200 people that weekend and i think the point he's making, with ridiculous homophobic and apocalyptic language, is that letting 200 lads ride you in a weekend is probably reckless - as if only he is capable of seeing how the world really works. GET HIM!!!

Yeah, reckless unsafe sex is a bit nutty, but he's making it into a thing about gay men, and the judgemental tone of it is straight out of a different and much more Christian fundamentalist century.

And anyway, he's also assuming that the dudes were being unsafe (maybe they were, I dunno) and that being unsafe and being gay are pretty much the same thing. OR that it's up to Stephen Fry -- as a 'responsible homo' -- to preach to them, as if gay men can all be treated as a single unit.

But also, yes, the homo-apocalypse he is predicting kind undermines any point he might otherwise have had, which, even toned down, would have been homophobic. A good article on safe sex is not preachy, let alone fire-and-brimstone.
I think it is fair to say that in this passage he drops the pretence that it is merely reckless sexual behaviour that is wrong, but it is the actual homosexual act of sodomy itself, regardless of the numbers involved, or whether it be with a long-term partner or not

Moreover, such sodomistic self-indulgence is not just a matter of a lifestyle choice; it is actual wickedness, for the human rectum, with its fermenting stew of waste, and its fragile, absorbent walls, has no natural protection against such vile traffic. The mutant consequences, bred and rebred and rebred again in the bacterial cauldrons of serially-active colons, sooner or later must be proportionate to the cause. For long ago did the AIDS pandemic not warn us of this, and the lethal broths that can brew in the lower bowel?
I think it is fair to say that in this passage he drops the pretence that it is merely reckless sexual behaviour that is wrong, but it is the actual homosexual act of sodomy itself, regardless of the numbers involved, or whether it be with a long-term partner or not

heh heh "passage"
I think it is fair to say that in this passage he drops the pretence that it is merely reckless sexual behaviour that is wrong, but it is the actual homosexual act of sodomy itself, regardless of the numbers involved, or whether it be with a long-term partner or not

Moreover, such sodomistic self-indulgence is not just a matter of a lifestyle choice; it is actual wickedness, for the human rectum, with its fermenting stew of waste, and its fragile, absorbent walls, has no natural protection against such vile traffic. The mutant consequences, bred and rebred and rebred again in the bacterial cauldrons of serially-active colons, sooner or later must be proportionate to the cause. For long ago did the AIDS pandemic not warn us of this, and the lethal broths that can brew in the lower bowel?

i think he's saying that to ignore or disregard the dangers of stds and perhaps thereby infect more people is, arguably, "wicked". i dont think his article is about how homosexuality is evil, i do think he's on a safe sex buzz however his careless approach to this topic has exposed his offensive and ill-informed opinions on the gays. i officially withdraw my support from him now. may he give birth to all the chimeras from the chimera thread through his bottom
By the way Mr. Myers, AIDS is a virus found in the bloodstream. It was not brewed up in a bowel, and to suggest this, associating AIDS with faeces, and other food digestate is ludicrous. He may as well get his facts right. But the faecal imagery is used because it suggests filth and degeneracy and rot and sin. Simple as.
By the way Mr. Myers, AIDS is a virus found in the bloodstream. It was not brewed up in a bowel, and to suggest this, associating AIDS with faeces, and other food digestate is ludicrous. He may as well get his facts right. But the faecal imagery is used because it suggests filth and degeneracy and rot and sin. Simple as.
its a load of shit is what it is.


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