I am smoking a fag!! (1 Viewer)

Got a fag bud?

  • No, I don't smoke

    Votes: 23 62.2%
  • Yes, there you go boss

    Votes: 10 27.0%
  • uh hang on, no, sorry, I only smoke when I'm drinking

    Votes: 4 10.8%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Since 2000
Nov 6, 2000
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so the EU have said health warnings on ciggies has to be bigger (bigger then the black and white panels just introducded) and have banned the words 'light' and 'mild' from packets of happy sticks.

All this and the traditional annual price increase makes smoking seem more and more stupid then it already is, but should we smokers be left to chuff our way happily to our graves with out poncy euro saps interfering, or should they just keep hiking the price and coming up with ever more outlandish ways to put be people off even starting the fags and try and save us already fallen?

Anyway the poll is to see how many of folk still smoke despite it all.

and just out of interest if you are a smoker whats your brand and how many a day do you put away too, I'm a 15 Johnny Blue a day man.

I'm only doing this cause I'm bored like...
I'm one of those anoying hambones who can quit neh bother

I was really getting into the cigs for a few years, then one night in july last I just said 'nah, I'm sick of that'

may go back on them one day. I like them.

most I ever did - 20 silk cut blue a day...

what a stooopid name

silk cut
A smokers story.
I gave up 5 days ago. It's no good. I'd been smoking for 10 years, gave up a couple of years back for around 6 months and have since been furious with myself for going back on them. I smoked up to 20 John Player special a day for six years - until they took them off the market - and forever since had been weening myself onto lighter cigarettes (Dunhill lights was my last brand 10 -15 a day). My dad got lung cancer a couple of years back and died after it spread to his brain. He never smoked a day in his life. My Sister had leukaemia and spent years in and out of hospital. After spending so much time in cancer ward you start to realise how insane smoking actually is, and it's great that the warnings are getting bigger to remind you of that.
I promised myself this budget that if cigarettes went above 6euro I would quit, but when they weight in at 5.82 I realised that thats a stupid excuse to quit. So I quit. For my pop and my sis, and so that my family may not have to spend any more time visiting cancer wards.

I don't mean to preach or anything, I just thought, you know, seeing as you asked pantone, I'd tell you.

Not smoking sucks though.
Real bad.
Originally posted by The Chilli King
I don't mean to preach or anything, I just thought, you know, seeing as you asked pantone, I'd tell you.

not at all Chilli, I think smokers can't be told about situations like yours often enough. I'm very sorry to hear about it all too, and I totally appreciate that it must still be murder to give up the fags. To a non-smoker it must seem demeted, and its impossible to explain in any sensible manner

My own grandmother passed away from ephasima (sp?), which was directly caused by smoking, and I swore I'd give up. But two years later still smoking. Its totally stupid and there is no excuse for it bar the pretty weak 'its a drug, I'm an addict!' or any of that crap.

Its interesting stuff, well I think it is.

Snaky I might just take you up on that... I'll talk to you tomorrow about it.
You'll have to beat me with sticks but if I get that smokers look in me eyes... seriously, big bloody sticks.
My Story

This is for anyone who is quitting or wants to quit smoking in the future. I'll try not to prattle on because ex-smokers are generally awful wankers, and I'm no exception. But there is a suggestion here that some people might find useful. And anyone who wants further advice can PM me afterwards to avoid pissing the smokers off. After all, if they don't want to quit, they won't, and nothing can change that except death.

I was a 30-a-day man for about 8 years. On particularly boozy nights I could consume as many as 60. It was a real addiction, both physical and psychological. I'd get depressed at a party if I ran out of smokes and I'd start to panic - mad stuff. Needless to say, my lungs were in pieces for most of my 20s. Did you ever hear a GP suggest that one of his patients might have a "death wish"? Mine did.

But I quit about two and a half years ago and I haven't had a single doubt or weak moment since. In fact, I haven't touched tobacco in any form - cigar, joint, whatever.

Originally posted by The Chilli King
A smokers story.
I gave up 5 days ago. It's no good. I'd been smoking for 10 years, gave up a couple of years back for around 6 months and have since been furious with myself for going back on them. I smoked up to 20 John Player special a day for six years - until they took them off the market - and forever since had been weening myself onto lighter cigarettes (Dunhill lights was my last brand 10 -15 a day). My dad got lung cancer a couple of years back and died after it spread to his brain. He never smoked a day in his life. My Sister had leukaemia and spent years in and out of hospital. After spending so much time in cancer ward you start to realise how insane smoking actually is, and it's great that the warnings are getting bigger to remind you of that.
I promised myself this budget that if cigarettes went above 6euro I would quit, but when they weight in at 5.82 I realised that thats a stupid excuse to quit. So I quit. For my pop and my sis, and so that my family may not have to spend any more time visiting cancer wards.

I don't mean to preach or anything, I just thought, you know, seeing as you asked pantone, I'd tell you.

Not smoking sucks though.
Real bad.

(Sorry - half of that message got lost.)

Here's how I quit: I planned it two years in advance to the exact day, and on the morning of quitting I started to read Alan Carr's book "Easy Way To Stop Smoking".

You've probably heard of the book. It is, in many respects, unbearable - hectoring, repetitive, and laden with hackneyed anecdotes. But I'm here to tell you: it worked a kind of magic on me.

Chilli King, my message was just to say that if you ever find yourself having any doubts or weaknesses, get that book and read it over a day or two. I'd say it'll make a difference. The year I gave up, two of my best friends did likewise - both having read the book. (One eejit has taken to smoking cigars since then, but that's another story...)

On the other hand, if you're having no doubts or weak moments at all, then more power to you.
Re: [cont.]

Originally posted by Anne OMalley
Here's how I quit: I planned it two years in advance to the exact day, and on the morning of quitting I started to read Alan Carr's book "Easy Way To Stop Smoking".

You've probably heard of the book. It is, in many respects, unbearable - hectoring, repetitive, and laden with hackneyed anecdotes. But I'm here to tell you: it worked a kind of magic on me.

I tried that book and it was working great for about a week until I tried not smoking in a pub....fell at the first hurdle. That was about two years ago and I've tried those herbal fags that smell like grass (not of the field kind), Nicorette gum, large amounts of chewing gum (apparently I looked like a wicked cow) and I've even resorted to will power on a few occasions. Am still on 10-15 Marlboro Red per day (add 10 or more if I go out) and I've had a wheeze thing going on for about a month. Anyone got any new suggestions?:(
hypnotherapy worked for me. went to one 4 years ago. i smoked about 15 a day for about 8 years. i really wanted to give up by the time i went to the hynotherapist. before i had made half hearted attempts with patches but never actually stopped smoking even while i had the patches on.

the first few days after i visited the hypnotherapist were the hardest and i stayed away from the pub for a couple of weeks for fear of the temptation of the delicious fags and alcohol combination overcoming my no smoking resolve. after that it was strangely easy. one thing i noticed though was i drank a lot more when i did return to the pub. i needed something to do with my hands to replace smoking fags so my hand kept reaching for my glass.
one of my best mates has been smoking since he was 8, he's now 26. i'm going to get him that book for for christmas. cheers lads.
Cheers folks.
The more I think about quitting, the more determined I get.
Pubs are tough, though. I've been in a pub 3 times in the last five days and couldn't get out quick enough because everywhere I looked people are enjoying lovely fags. It really puts you on edge and turns you into a bit of a freak. I think I'll pick up that book Anne - thanks for the advice. You're all very lovely.
Except for Herv. He's a wally.

I smoked occasionally all through school, stopped for 4 years and started again in 1995 when doing my finals. It was 20 a day Marlboro Reds from then on.

Stopped suddenly in June 2000 and haven't had one since. No joints nor cigars either.

I say this with absolute seriousness

The thought of never smoking another cigarette again fills me with depression.
Originally posted by brownfury
Cheers folks.
The more I think about quitting, the more determined I get.
Pubs are tough, though. I've been in a pub 3 times in the last five days and couldn't get out quick enough because everywhere I looked people are enjoying lovely fags. It really puts you on edge and turns you into a bit of a freak. I think I'll pick up that book Anne - thanks for the advice. You're all very lovely.
Except for Herv. He's a wally.


That's weird. I haven't been brownfury in ages. Sorry that makes no sense, but my computer won't let me log on as The Chilli King. I miss my avatar
I gave up a couple of years ago aswell,but i was only on ten a day and found it fairly easy to give them up,s'pose a bit like rumpus there.

Seems like most people here find that the pub is what kills them when they try to give up.here in canada,you're not allowed smoke ANYWHERE in a pub,no smoker's section or anything like that.You have to go outside.I cannot tell you how much it improves pub-life for a non-smoker.They also have warnings covering half the box here.And it's not just "Stop Smoking" in bold letters,it's pictures of a brain after a stroke,lung cancer and heart disease,very graphic.
Originally posted by littleloopine
one thing i noticed though was i drank a lot more when i did return to the pub. i needed something to do with my hands to replace smoking fags so my hand kept reaching for my glass.

I quit a few months ago and for about a month afterwards I was getting totally hammered every time I went out. I hadn't been so drunk since I was a teenager on the Scrumpy Jack. In retrospect I should have got one of those tampon things to occupy my hand.
Another thing I found was because you knew the pub was going to be a difficult situation you could be prepared for that and be strong but it was the situations that I overlooked that nearly fucked the whole plan up. I remember finding the pub just grand because, well everyone knows it shit hard to drink and not smoke (if you're a smoker that is) so I was all psyched up for it. But I found when I went to band rehearsals I nearly went out of my mind with desire for a cigarette. So now I 'play' the drums while the others smoke:)

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