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  • Users: Tombo
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  1. T


    Killer signature RecklessOne!:D My dog has no nose......
  2. T

    The Southern Music Scene??

    I thought Murder of Crows too when I read your post. Dinzy - check out the AMC collective in Limerick too. I don't have a webaddress for them but I know they have one. This thread is pretty embarassing actually but if you can filter through it I think you have some really good info to go on.
  3. T


    Some day a great rain will come and wash all the scum from the streets.... Had a great night there about a year ago. Was walking on George's St at about 3am with a mate and this wench started in on us trying to get us to give her money. We shook our heads and she starts screaming in our faces...
  4. T

    Prolific Songwriters

    I have an illness. If I sit down on a Saturday I will write and write. On a bad day I can finish three songs at a sitting. Some weeks I end up with about 6 or 7 songs. Then we pick out the best ones (not very hard usually) and work with them. As you can imagine that means a pretty big catalog of...
  5. T

    Why Wilco Is the Future of Music

    Wilco are Wilco. That is the highest praise I can bestow upon them. Thanks for this thread by the way. Among other things, it has made me realise that I haven't listened to the boys in wayyyy too long! Did anybody catch them at Witness last year? Un be leevable.
  6. T

    personality jokes

    Quite possibly the best joke ever! Hats off. A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
  7. T

    World's Scientists Admit They Just Don't Like Mice

    Jerry Adams has fallen to new lows.
  8. T

    The Kinks--village green re-issue

    The Kinks are too good to be true. I recommend you buy the singles collection. It is a 2 cd pack with 19 singles on one and a collection of Ray Davies' favourites on another. I am buying it for everybody this Christmas. Even if they have it already. It is a combination of them being magnificent...
  9. T


    When I was small I forged autographs on one of my copybooks and somebody told the teacher and he went mental. It was my homework copybook and it was my mother's autograph. Maybe that had something to do with it.
  10. T


    :D Interesting concept though!
  11. T


    Did somebody just read the Cather in the Rye?
  12. T

    oh my!

    :D Was wondering what was going on until I clicked the link. Class!
  13. T


    Where would be the best place to pick it up in ublin? Would HMV have it?
  14. T


    Excellent! Thank you. You wouldn't happen to know the name of the song by any chance?
  15. T


    There are clips on that site too
  16. T


    It is superb. The guy who uses film plots as an excuse for being late to his wife is my favourite. Anybody know what that song is when he is walking up the stairs? Sort of eerie whistling?
  17. T

    Living in France

    Who is fighting you on this? Is it the voices?
  18. T

    Guitars and airplanes

    I rang ahead before and they told me I'd have to pay for an extra seat for the guitar! Fekkers. It's dodgy cause if you want it to fit in the overheads you can only really bring a soft case. Then if they still insist that your guitar is going in the hold you are proper fcuked. Depends on the...
  19. T

    The Answer!!!!!

    :D Harsh but fair.