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  • Users: God
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  1. G

    the death penalty. right or wrong?

    Just for the record, I don't agree with the Death Penalty.
  2. G

    No Guigsy Tonight...

    Pope.... you're sacked.
  3. G

    LOTR: The Two Towers

    I don't like the cut of your jib. You're fired.
  4. G Christmas Extravaganza!

    Shut it underling. OIK!
  5. G

    I am smoking a fag!!

    A little known fact about Saint Andrew is that he won a Tony for his portrayal of Jesus in "Jesus II: Resurrection"
  6. G

    I am smoking a fag!!

    Thank you for asking Anne. I came up with the idea for Heinz Weight Watchers after the success of my son's diet that lasted for 40 days and 40 nights. Jesus was busy with the tour of Palestine, and needed to detox. He lost three stone in a month and gained a greater life-focus... and a great...
  7. G

    I am smoking a fag!!

    I'm glad you asked that. You can buy one of my E.Ps here:
  8. G

    Two One

    I don't like the cut of your gib, Mr. Littbarski. I'm going to send you to Hell. And your family. And some of your friends. And that fellow there, in row 6.
  9. G

    Twing Twing Twing ***

    Each time a drinks ad is aired, another piece of me dies.
  10. G


    Ban enchance too.
  11. G

    Bored in Work XX(x)

    Thou art a cunt.
  12. G

    GOD is a ****

    I'm in love with Hag. I'm in love with you too. "Happy happy joy joy". Keep singing those words.
  13. G

    Bored in Work XX(x)

    Look, I'm not entering into your sordid betting games with your measly, rat-like friends. I've got loads of fivers up here in heaven. And I'm going to take that one of you. And your friend. Now, do some penance, before I give you a hiding ye little scut.
  14. G

    Bored in Work XX(x)

    Squirrels are evil. The keep evil in their nut-holes.
  15. G

    $1m to advertise our weight loss programme

    I can see where he is coming from, being really loaded and operating from the moral highground.
  16. G

    Ballroom # (if the Devil is 6 then God is)7 Fri 15th of Nov

    I will be there. I'm not paying in though.
  17. G

    Is a golden Age upon us?

    The Golden Age is not yet upon you my people. I have given you "The Golden Girls" as a taster though.
  18. G

    the good and the bad

    Confey is really posh
  19. G

    Troy McClure

    I too was a member of Jimmy Cake. I played the ethereal drums. Then I discovered my destiny and went on to rule the universe.
  20. G

    Ballroom #6(66)

    Yes, I must be thanked. It was I who brought the rock from the mountains and merged them with the roll from the waters. And it was I who added the "a" to electronic. And it was I who changed the definition of hardcore to mean music.