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  1. ostrichsyndrome

    Architecture in Helsinki

    you could have all saved your money by listening to me. sure what do i know.
  2. ostrichsyndrome

    Architecture in Helsinki

    hey wrafter. i expected more i guess. they do an excellent rendition of soulfinger, american audiences arent really the same as here, so the show felt alot more broken up, and the band werent good enough to fill the spaces in between. and besides the sound was absolutely horrific... that still...
  3. ostrichsyndrome

    Architecture in Helsinki

    saw them in LA a couple of weeks ago, save your money...
  4. ostrichsyndrome

    Sound in the Village

    isn't it like that so pretentious cunts can sit down the front and pay to see a band that they dont watch? its got worse after they moved the sound desk from the middle of the room. its think its supposedly designed more for acoustic type acts, but they don't care who they book in there so they...
  5. ostrichsyndrome

    Primavera sound 2005

    preferred poble espanyol last year to the forum. the sound at the festival was just appalling again this year. probably cos bands arent allowed their own sound people. sonic youth were great. the go team are a load of bollix, hadn't heard them before and never want to again, stayed for 2 songs...
  6. ostrichsyndrome

    Primavera sound 2005

    Surely one of the summers finest festivals. brilliant weekend that should be given way more attention in the indie world. I hear rumours out on a limb were also over trying to get some attention in spain for this, anyone know who was over, i can probably pass them on some contacts.... Tortoise...
  7. ostrichsyndrome

    Reggae in wales

    i did a short tour over there, they love their reggae. are you looking to play or just go to the festival? have a few contacts either way.
  8. ostrichsyndrome

    US work permits

    don't go under the 90 day rule, as you simply will not get. if you aren't carrying any musical instruments then you are fine, also if you fly from somewhere else in europe (ie not dublin or shannon, then you will also be fine) its quite complicated actually, basically if you are travelling with...
  9. ostrichsyndrome

    kilkenny promoters

    anyone? any ideas. i've tried contacting brendan at morrissey's, does he post here cos his phone is never on.
  10. ostrichsyndrome


    human league, wedding present, decemberists from what i hear. there's loads of rumours flying around though
  11. ostrichsyndrome

    death cab:sell-outs

    hermie you're a cunt. transatlanticism is their best offering. simple logistics, they finally realised that they had 'sell out' potential. and by making a few commercial songs they managed to break into the mainstream. How's Bright Eyes these days???? dont be so silly....
  12. ostrichsyndrome

    New ...Trail of Dead single

    new albums out 24 jan. they're playing 2 shows in the UK, fucking cunts always missing ireland. i think they peaked at the empire belfast in 2001. and i'm right
  13. ostrichsyndrome


    making a PA out of various things that lay around the venue was fun. Lower deck's PA is tannoy speakers in the ceiling with a microphone insert that makes the sound pop lots. also, if anyone cares, they have an earthing problem in there and bad things could've happened on friday, but somehow we...
  14. ostrichsyndrome

    indymedia gone?

    thats odd, i've a gig booked with them on november 5 in voodoo. they only asked about it on saturday night.
  15. ostrichsyndrome

    Cleeres Kilkenny contact?

    prepare for the worst. this is for sale and if you think it wont affect the gigs then you're wrong. i've had this happen twice before. the new owners are under no obligation to honour gigs booked by previous management. so they can phone you up the day of the gig and decide you're not playing...
  16. ostrichsyndrome

    Free Friday

    September 24 so you actually can go out and have fun and see bands for free King Sativa, Tower records 1 pm Noise Party 7, TBMC 7:30 pm
  17. ostrichsyndrome


    try frazers on o connell st.
  18. ostrichsyndrome

    Talk Like a Pirate Day

    i dont think she'd have a seminal eye, maybe just red eye, eventually..... you need to stop watching programmes on tv that tell you this stuff. so if i burn myself on acid, i'm still not coming on the burn, just so we're straight about that
  19. ostrichsyndrome

    Link these bands in four steps or less...

    hol on didn't they have the same guy producing some of their albums?
  20. ostrichsyndrome

    CD Cases

    try these people see if they'll give you a price. or mid atlantic think its