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  1. The

    someone needs to tell me what the hell "myspace" is. and why is it so popular.

    you have 14 friends already, good going!! I'm not foolish enough to my address up here
  2. The

    New Ten Past Seven Tracks Online

    bump I guess
  3. The

    Ever feel like burning everything you own and leaving town....

    not if your photos are going to look like that
  4. The

    Holiday Checklist

    jayz, you're working yourself up. it doesn't matter what you forget once you have your passport and money/credit card. everything else is not that important.
  5. The

    for all the langers...

    glad to hear it.... I trust you will do well.
  6. The

    for all the langers...

    will be there with bells better be fucking good, I'm paying money for this nonsense
  7. The

    Chocolate Chip Cookies

  8. The

    someone needs to tell me what the hell "myspace" is. and why is it so popular.

    love it, this will be my word for the day.......... cocking !cheezy
  9. The

    someone needs to tell me what the hell "myspace" is. and why is it so popular.

    I'm on Myspace just cos it's handy to keep in contact with the feens across the water that I know. Also women put up nasty pictures of themselves- you would like this no?
  10. The

    see 10 past 7's house

    fucking beautiful.........the trolley in the back garden adds a really nice touch
  11. The

    Wisdom Teeth

    I had my wisdom teeth out a year ago or so. I was put to sleep though, couldn't have lay there knowing what was going on, too traumatic for me, although the whole process was traumatic but thats just me, I'd throw up and pass out at the drop of a hat.
  12. The


    barrys tea, loads of milk, fucking lovely, ahhhh
  13. The

    how do people meet people?

    come here Don Juan....... you seem to know sooooooo much about women, How DO you do it???
  14. The

    Depression [Aware Helpline 1890 303 302]

    Re: Depression ahhh don't be sad now. I am doing my final year thesis on depression, it's more than a bit heart-wrenching. It probably isn't the best choice for me, especially in my final year when I am felling mre than a little bit overwhelmed and shitty.
  15. The

    how do people meet people?

    pah........ you meet the best peoples in the most unexpected places I guess.... that been said I have reached the point where I will only go out with people I already I am always asking myself "jaysus if I won't let myself get close to any strangers does that mean I will more then...
  16. The

    the I Hate The Build Up To Christmas Thread

    era sure there's no build up to christmas really unless you're a kid or own your own kids. A few lights here and there, a few festive songs, nothing major like. Xmas is a laff.
  17. The

    What CDs do ye play in the car?

    I don't drive....... I do however carry a boombox on my shoulder when I am walking to and fro between destinations. Vanilla Ice and the like.
  18. The

    Its €42.00 to see Sinead O'Connor live!!

    how much did you think it would be, a fiver........we're not living in the 90s anymore son
  19. The

    Now eating...

    my stomach is currently eating itself.............. if anyone has a few spare biscuits would ya throw them this way. No Rich Tea, gimme something with a bit of substance like
  20. The

    The 5 Second Rule

    the 5 second rule only applies if there are others in the room/vicinity. You know you only stick to the 5 second rule so as other people don't think you're completely hideous, if there's nobody around you can eat whatever you want off the ground at any point of time. Unfortunately I can't even...