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  1. Ciansy


    The only reason I'm on this thread is that it's one of the only active ones at this time of the morning. Honest. Seriously though, how did ye get from menstruation pain-relief to thongs? I wear hiking boots all the time, if that's any help.
  2. Ciansy

    Night Shift

    I am at work - this is all they expect me to do. Sit here and talk to bums on the internets.
  3. Ciansy

    Night Shift

    This is a big load of my hole. I'm sitting at this here reception drinking coffee till eight in the morning, and I've to do it about forty times in the next few weeks. Bored, bored, bored. At least I have a 'pooter I suppose. Anyone else out there work nights?
  4. Ciansy

    Thumped Big Brother

    Wouldn't we need to buy them another computer in order to have webcam footage of them turning off their first one?
  5. Ciansy

    I called in sick, now what?

    I'm sitting in work. This is my first paid job ever. Not too bad either.
  6. Ciansy

    Big Brother 8

    I think BB is fantastic entertainment. It's a groundbreaking show, not afraid to push the envelope in exploring new paradigms.
  7. Ciansy

    redneck child slays monster pig

    What a fucking shame that that pig is no longer alive. Wankers.
  8. Ciansy

    creation museum

    Yup. And in science, something that doesn't stand up to testing is irrelevant and unworthy of discussion regardless of how many poeple believe it.
  9. Ciansy

    An Post Overcharging

    Ah come on now, it's not their fault.
  10. Ciansy

    Beth Ditto - shut up

    Ah yih, she's not the worst. Tis all in good fun, though.
  11. Ciansy

    creation museum

    I have no problem at all with the ideas of Creationism, Intelligent Design or anything else, I just really wish people who support them would stop pretending that they can be succesfully argued for within the constraints of science and scientific method. They just can't, because there're always...
  12. Ciansy

    weekend plans

    The weather in Rimlick is shite. I'm going out for a friend's birthday party, I don't expect to come home till Monday. Ah, the student lifestyle. Starting work on Tuesday though.
  13. Ciansy

    Racist Taxi Driver

    Fair play to you. Sounds like quite a prick.
  14. Ciansy

    Beth Ditto - shut up

    She reminds me of Andrea Dworkin. Remember her? That may have been said before, but damnded if I'm reading through twenty-something pages of complaining about Beth Ditto. To be honest, she strikes me as so full of herself already that if she did coke she'd explode in a cloud of rapidly-expanding...
  15. Ciansy

    Sinn Fein's support of the PSNI cost them votes in ROI

    I think the Shinners shouldn't have bothered playing the 32-county Republic card to skangers who weren't going to bother voting anyway. I know a few people who are bothered about the North, but most of them are more worried about the economic and social state of the place rather than whether...
  16. Ciansy

    Battles fri may 25 tbmc

    I thought it was a good thing, actually.
  17. Ciansy

    Battles fri may 25 tbmc

    It wasn't quite loud enough I suppose, but as I haven't been to too many gigs my ears aren't as desensitised as some people's might be. The only way I noticed that the sound was down a bit was that afterwards my ears weren't ringing for the night.
  18. Ciansy

    The Rules of Love

    I don't think they're likely to describe it as such before ye actually get it on: "Would you... would you like maybe to stay over at mine tonight, and we could... we could ::clef::DO THE HORIZONTAL MAMBO!:)::clef::"
  19. Ciansy

    The line between Brasseye and reality is ever more blurred.

    One might as well laugh at that. I wonder if they'll film the terminally-ill woman's death.
  20. Ciansy

    The Rules of Love

    What about someone that never seems to get properly passionate about anything, ever? I don't think I could get jiggy with someone like that.