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  1. talkingllama

    provisional drivers license

    damn! if only my twin sister was identical! :p (in reality this wouldn't work cause she can't drive either but she could have sat the test twice for both of us...)
  2. talkingllama

    provisional drivers license

    thanks Squiggle. I think i've just missed it so. crap. anyone fancy doing the driver theory test for me? been putting this off for far too long...
  3. talkingllama

    provisional drivers license

    So, it about time i learn how to drive. :o Thing is, I've already had one provisional drivers license back in around 2000 which expired and i never applied for a second provisional. Now, do I have to do the drivers theory test and get my second provisional that way? or because i've already...
  4. talkingllama


    Q: La La lives in Hong Kong? A: Yes, La La lives in Hong Kong. :p
  5. talkingllama

    Happy Birthday to Wooly, Juno, nofriendo on 20th June 2006

    happy birthday nofriendo. have a good one !ninjaaaa
  6. talkingllama

    MBV Thesis

    hehe! i can just imagine your external examiner flicking through the bibliography and going "hmm, i wonder what this is"....... then finding a full thread of 'Gorillas mot as scare now'! :p
  7. talkingllama

    MBV Thesis

    wow and he has irish music central listed in the bibliography. that's kinda cool for them. that they've been used as a reference for some american dude's thesis. since when do (non- official type) music websites become credible references for something like this?
  8. talkingllama

    Breaking in stiff shoes

    my only suggestion is to buy the plasters now before the pain gets too unbearable. i'm currently breaking in a new pair of shoes for work (ooow), and it's cutting the back of my heels but i'm sure it'll be worth it in the long run.
  9. talkingllama


    i´m waaay too amused by the fact that thumped map is showing me in iceland right now! :p it´s deadly by the way. the icelandic horses rock..|..|
  10. talkingllama

    Happy songs needed!

    Kate by Ben Folds... and then anything by the beach boys. :) hope you feel better soon.
  11. talkingllama

    FRED - Whelans - Wed 3rd May

    listen here Posty, there'd better be sweets....:p
  12. talkingllama

    nada surf play 3 date irish tour in april

    gig was fucking brilliant!.|..|:) had a great time. Well done to the delorentos guys as well- great set.
  13. talkingllama

    Bored in Work 201

    maybe he's got a new girlfriend.... :D
  14. talkingllama

    Bored in Work 201 silly, silly girl :) she deserves to loose the bet....
  15. talkingllama

    Bored In Work 200

    god damn it ... i want to leave already!!! bloody 2 hours 10 minutes left.. plus with the 'hot desk' policy in the office, i happen to be sitting in a particularly bad desk... everybody who walks by can see i'm on the internet and the 10 files around my desk are doing nothing to disguise the...
  16. talkingllama

    nada surf play 3 date irish tour in april

    weird. they seemed very disgruntled about it when they played it in the village last time. was kindof like "oh, here we go...".
  17. talkingllama

    Where to go?

    i'd love to say just jump on the ferry in Rosslare and take the overnight bus from fishguard to london... then stay in the Generator youth hostel in London for the week .... but don't know what your parents would think of you guys skipping off to london for the week. you'd have a fucking...
  18. talkingllama

    Happy Birthday to Clodagh, talkinglama on 31st March 2006

    well happy birthday to you too Sugar_Referee! :) Hope you got some nice pressies. i'm sure pete cares... in the same way here cares about all the other people on thumped (incl. me!) that he's never met!
  19. talkingllama

    Happy Birthday to Clodagh, talkinglama on 31st March 2006

    ah, thanks folks :) just recovering now...
  20. talkingllama

    Rollins on tuesday.

    and that's why they've given his own chat show ... :) THE HENRY ROLLINS SHOW premieres on the Independent Film Channel (IFC) this Saturday, April 1 at 10pm ET. The expanded half-hour talk show airs every Saturday night at 10 pm ET and 1 am ET with an encore airing the following Thursday night...