Recent content by tartaruga

  1. tartaruga

    double room to rent

    This still available? pm me pls
  2. tartaruga

    Sinead Martin plays Bewleys Feb 2

    Oh my god oh my God OMG I hope so! (Faints)
  3. tartaruga

    attn zita: if yer reading which you probably are

    Who's Zita and why should I care? You all need to get laid.
  4. tartaruga

    nice guy eddie's dead!

    Calling you a fascist pig is funnier than simply pointing out that there's already been four threads on this topic already today. Wasn't me what de-repped you though; note how I have no rep power.
  5. tartaruga

    Orgasm problem

    das nugs is spot on. Mimic their noises loud enough for them to hear so that they'll be too embarrassed to carry on making so much racket in future.
  6. tartaruga

    Thinking of killing this kid on my street.

    What is the purpose of posting that? You realise that they're religious commandments, not state laws and as such have nothing to do with anything that's being discussed here?
  7. tartaruga

    Bands That Are Not Bands (really)

    Alsmost every electronica 'act' ever is just one guy. A conversation I've had about 100 times: "I think they're pretty good." "That's just one guy." "Yeah I know I was joking."
  8. tartaruga

    "My bad" and other annoying phrases.

    "Do you want to blah blah blah blah or no?" The only reason for substituting the word 'not' with 'no' is because you desperately want to demonstrate what a stupid moron you are.
  9. tartaruga

    please add one fact to the list
  10. tartaruga

    Cancelling Eircom Connection

    My house mates and I are moving gaff and we want to cancel our Eircom connection. I thought this should be prettty straight forward, but one of my house mates rang Eircom and they said that we have to take the phone line with us to the new place or something, they can't cancel the connection we...
  11. tartaruga

    Near Death Experiences

    I wasn't heralding it as the cleverest thing I've ever done.
  12. tartaruga

    Near Death Experiences

    Oh this happened to me recently. The bell was ringing for ages but I didn't know what a Luas bell sounded like. Some guy on the street was waving at me to get my attention and when I looked over my shoulder to see who he was waving at, there was the Luas coming for me, inches away from my stupid...
  13. tartaruga

    Bands you should like, and do like......

    Making of sense doesn't difficult?
  14. tartaruga

    A cup of tea and coffee

    You remind me of Eastenders. They call tea splosh and don't have jobs.