Unsigned... (2 Viewers)

joss spuked:
Course we're not fighting, you big galoot.

And you were the very fella who went crazy about the mail to that PR woman because you din't like someone speaking for you without czeching it out.

Re: 'I Say What I Mean', if you spoke to people in real life like you do on the board you'd have a few more bumps on that big ol' head.

Jeekers. Your write something on the internet, next thing Hag's coming over all bent :)

we are fighting now.
i do speak to people in real life like i speak here. it's just in real life, people aren't as gay as you are here and always.
the world is full of over-reactors, some are called path and some are called joss and they all have wirey hair and no willies.
Conor (11 Feb, 2002 12:07 p.m.):
but did read that extremely scary tale in the culture yesterday of kerbdog accumulating £1.1 million in debt. $400,000 for the second album - wow!

Hmmm? Where can I read this?
hag buboled:
i do speak to people in real life like i speak here. it's just in real life, people aren't as gay as you are here and always.

Balls. You're all smiley and friendly.
I defy you to call a complete stranger a cunt next time I see you.

All this gayism talk of yours.
I wonder what it could mean.
Time for a synopsis and an update...?

First, though, please note: I don't usually respond to a person, only to a post. In this case, I can't even remember who said what cos I read about 10 in a row without responding, so if you feel like I am attacking you in particular, then I apologise. Maybe it's because you are the one doing the attacking?

Anyway, hopefully not.

Irish Unsigned is not Things and Things is not Irish Unsigned. Now, don't go getting all hot under the collar and screaming 'COURSE NOT, PRICK' or whatever. IU never claimed to be anything near what Things is. I saw the Voice articel and was impressed. After a while I was disillusioned. I really did think, let's be honest here, that you lot were as much a bunch of self centred, self-serving wankers as everyone in the music Industry, except that you were playing snobs with the 'indie' apporach.

IU may well end up diverting musicians and artists to Things by educating them in the ways of the world in music, bearing in mind we access it from the bottom level (at least 10 years before Irish Unsigned in my own case) and from the top end (Sony, RCA, RTE, IMRO, Mercury Music Prize, all that shit. Name them, we talk to them... except dave Fanning cos he's a bit "busy"!).

Anyway, our aim is this: People come into music thinking Louis Walsh (who my father in law lives near in Mayo) is going to make them a star. For one or two, he will. Samantha Mumba is no treading the path that was written for my cousin but she refused to dump the two lads in 'Dove' for it. She sufferd. If I had been involved (I happen to know my way around Law and other such neaderthal subjects) tehn it may have been a more acceptable offer.

As many of you will admit, if you can get a deal that says "Here, have half a million quid and do what you want with it as long as it is music of some sort" you'd all fucking die for it. We want to be able to empower teenyboppers who see all sweetness and light in the 'biz' and can't wait to get themselves sucked in and blown out in bubbles.

We also want to say to other people "Look, we know you're not gonna be WestLife and don't want to be, so maybe you should do X,Y and Z"

We also want to arrange for the provision of free graphic design, animations creation and video making etc for bands who wouldn;t know where to start, while rewarding such designers with professionally imaged exposure/ portfolio.

Neither of us is naive to think we know it all (although Dave knows so fucking much about who did what to whom, when and why its scary) and we know we will be working - or is that the wrong word, without pay :0) - with groups like Things and the FMC and so on, but we will also be working with the likes of IMRO, IRMA Trust, blah, blah (I hope to fuck none of them read all my posts carefully).

In fact, we hope IU will be a 1st step for everyone and they will be directed to somewhere more appropriate (which may be Things or may be Hugh Murray of Sony) depending on what they want to do.

Ultimately, it is an extension of what I said to the two bands I was ever involved in: "I will advise you in any way I can, I will suggest alternatives and options, I will examine documents and act as a central point for contacts. I will talk business speak to those who would respect it, I will talk slang to those who use that form of our language. I will do absolutely anything that is not going to cost me (and, by extension, my wife and children) any money that we can't afford. I will put myself out without hesitation for anyone I think has ability and talent (Joe Travers, you fucking Carlow waster, call me!!). I will do whatever is within the power that I currently have to put you in the position to make an educated decision. But that's it. I WILL NOT make decisions for anyone."

And that's it, basically.

The rest is just window dressing. Yes, we use business language as we intend to run this thing eventually as a business, so we can provide more and more services. Also, business people respect the ability to speak and understand them. You all know that more than I need to tell you. If you take the time to read the Irish Unsigned write up in the articles section of Thumped you will see my philosophy neatly encapsulated into one single paragraph. It's also in my signature.

Whether it is in National College of Ireland, using my minimal influence but superb manipulation skills, or in the Berkeley Court Hotel using those same skills (which, at this level are called Machievellian, but mean the same thing) to get tehings done and to (and I know someone will jump on this) right any wrongs I see getting done, then I will do it.

From London Transport, where I became a Health and Safety Rep to 'advise' drivers without being branded a Union activist, to NCI as President of the Journalism Society and (again, being a bit big headed) pressurising the College and the SU both into doing what was right for the Students (www.nciGrapevine.com in the Archives section, back issues, look for ITG if you are interested) via numerous legal and technical battles with everyone from Insurance companies to superstores to investment houses and everywhere in between (for other people!) I do whatever I can, wherever I can, However I can to inform others with Information that I have a knack of being able to recall but, more than that, to apply to situations it was not necessarily designed to be used in.

In effect, the ability to think laterally where the use (misuse?) of information is concerned in order to achieve the desired result for someone who may not have that ability or access to that sort of information otherwise.

To tidy up, then: IU wants to be a start-point for all those people who would otherwise look at the billions of websites and webpages and resources and think "Fuck, where do I start" because, let's face it, it's needed.

And, finally, sorry for this thing being so long (not sure if it'll even fit on one page!) but I wanted to cover every point that I could recall. Eventually, I think IU and Things will have some co-operative arrangement and I can only hope that it is in a better atmosphere.

Last thing, because I just remembered it: 'Wordsmith', not spellsmith (at this hour of the morning?). Some of you took the 'Wordsmith' comment and made it your own. That was fun (well, the blacksmith one was since it was so clever, and then it was imitated by the cunt-smith). Others simply went "nah, nah nah nah nah" (don't worry, that's a metaphor, not literally). What that comment meant was all of the above. Waht it meant in terms of my taste in music is that I absolutely love clever words, lyrics and arrangemts of them. Somebody, by Depeche Mode is perhaps my favourite song of all time and I doubt any of you would know it to quote it, but it's clever. I like Beautiful South because, using clever techniques, they make sad songs sound cheerful. I like Queen (some of it) because Freddie Mercury could say some really stupid things and make them sound like he was proclaiming the faith.

To paraphrase one of your group, I am not and never will be, a failed rock star. Maybe a failed lyricist, though :0)

And if any of you ever want me to write anything for you (like, perhaps a BES proposal to self-finance your Album thru tax-payers money) or to read over something looking for the loopholes and 'angles' (like a contract, for example) before taking them to a professional, then ask me.

Enjoy life. Enjoy music. Enjoy each other

ps: If you want to chat, then email would be preferrable. And imagine me having the cheek to put a ps after something that length (oooeerrr missus!)
Anthony (13 Feb, 2002 10:42 a.m.):
I was being ironical. See how I played with words there.

aah, sure i do be playin with words all the time.
"look at my sig, that sums me up!"
joss shat:

Balls. You're all smiley and friendly.
I defy you to call a complete stranger a cunt next time I see you.

All this gayism talk of yours.
I wonder what it could mean.

when did i call a complete stranger a cunt on this board? you're a cunt but i know you so it doesn't count.
and all the gay talk, there's nothing weird behind it, no hidden meaning, i just mean you're a gayist. you're all pompy.
IU (13 Feb, 2002 05:24 a.m.):
Time for a synopsis and an update...?

First, though, please note: I don't usually respond to a person, only to a post. In this case, I can't even remember who said what cos I read about 10 in a row without responding, so if you feel like I am attacking you in particular, then I apologise. Maybe it's because you are the one doing the attacking?

Anyway, hopefully not.

Irish Unsigned is not Things and Things is not Irish Unsigned. Now, don't go getting all hot under the collar and screaming 'COURSE NOT, PRICK' or whatever. IU never claimed to be anything near what Things is. I saw the Voice articel and was impressed. After a while I was disillusioned. I really did think, let's be honest here, that you lot were as much a bunch of self centred, self-serving wankers as everyone in the music Industry, except that you were playing snobs with the 'indie' apporach.

IU may well end up diverting musicians and artists to Things by educating them in the ways of the world in music, bearing in mind we access it from the bottom level (at least 10 years before Irish Unsigned in my own case) and from the top end (Sony, RCA, RTE, IMRO, Mercury Music Prize, all that shit. Name them, we talk to them... except dave Fanning cos he's a bit "busy"!).

Anyway, our aim is this: People come into music thinking Louis Walsh (who my father in law lives near in Mayo) is going to make them a star. For one or two, he will. Samantha Mumba is no treading the path that was written for my cousin but she refused to dump the two lads in 'Dove' for it. She sufferd. If I had been involved (I happen to know my way around Law and other such neaderthal subjects) tehn it may have been a more acceptable offer.

As many of you will admit, if you can get a deal that says "Here, have half a million quid and do what you want with it as long as it is music of some sort" you'd all fucking die for it. We want to be able to empower teenyboppers who see all sweetness and light in the 'biz' and can't wait to get themselves sucked in and blown out in bubbles.

We also want to say to other people "Look, we know you're not gonna be WestLife and don't want to be, so maybe you should do X,Y and Z"

We also want to arrange for the provision of free graphic design, animations creation and video making etc for bands who wouldn;t know where to start, while rewarding such designers with professionally imaged exposure/ portfolio.

Neither of us is naive to think we know it all (although Dave knows so fucking much about who did what to whom, when and why its scary) and we know we will be working - or is that the wrong word, without pay :0) - with groups like Things and the FMC and so on, but we will also be working with the likes of IMRO, IRMA Trust, blah, blah (I hope to fuck none of them read all my posts carefully).

In fact, we hope IU will be a 1st step for everyone and they will be directed to somewhere more appropriate (which may be Things or may be Hugh Murray of Sony) depending on what they want to do.

Ultimately, it is an extension of what I said to the two bands I was ever involved in: "I will advise you in any way I can, I will suggest alternatives and options, I will examine documents and act as a central point for contacts. I will talk business speak to those who would respect it, I will talk slang to those who use that form of our language. I will do absolutely anything that is not going to cost me (and, by extension, my wife and children) any money that we can't afford. I will put myself out without hesitation for anyone I think has ability and talent (Joe Travers, you fucking Carlow waster, call me!!). I will do whatever is within the power that I currently have to put you in the position to make an educated decision. But that's it. I WILL NOT make decisions for anyone."

And that's it, basically.

The rest is just window dressing. Yes, we use business language as we intend to run this thing eventually as a business, so we can provide more and more services. Also, business people respect the ability to speak and understand them. You all know that more than I need to tell you. If you take the time to read the Irish Unsigned write up in the articles section of Thumped you will see my philosophy neatly encapsulated into one single paragraph. It's also in my signature.

Whether it is in National College of Ireland, using my minimal influence but superb manipulation skills, or in the Berkeley Court Hotel using those same skills (which, at this level are called Machievellian, but mean the same thing) to get tehings done and to (and I know someone will jump on this) right any wrongs I see getting done, then I will do it.

From London Transport, where I became a Health and Safety Rep to 'advise' drivers without being branded a Union activist, to NCI as President of the Journalism Society and (again, being a bit big headed) pressurising the College and the SU both into doing what was right for the Students (www.nciGrapevine.com in the Archives section, back issues, look for ITG if you are interested) via numerous legal and technical battles with everyone from Insurance companies to superstores to investment houses and everywhere in between (for other people!) I do whatever I can, wherever I can, However I can to inform others with Information that I have a knack of being able to recall but, more than that, to apply to situations it was not necessarily designed to be used in.

In effect, the ability to think laterally where the use (misuse?) of information is concerned in order to achieve the desired result for someone who may not have that ability or access to that sort of information otherwise.

To tidy up, then: IU wants to be a start-point for all those people who would otherwise look at the billions of websites and webpages and resources and think "Fuck, where do I start" because, let's face it, it's needed.

And, finally, sorry for this thing being so long (not sure if it'll even fit on one page!) but I wanted to cover every point that I could recall. Eventually, I think IU and Things will have some co-operative arrangement and I can only hope that it is in a better atmosphere.

Last thing, because I just remembered it: 'Wordsmith', not spellsmith (at this hour of the morning?). Some of you took the 'Wordsmith' comment and made it your own. That was fun (well, the blacksmith one was since it was so clever, and then it was imitated by the cunt-smith). Others simply went "nah, nah nah nah nah" (don't worry, that's a metaphor, not literally). What that comment meant was all of the above. Waht it meant in terms of my taste in music is that I absolutely love clever words, lyrics and arrangemts of them. Somebody, by Depeche Mode is perhaps my favourite song of all time and I doubt any of you would know it to quote it, but it's clever. I like Beautiful South because, using clever techniques, they make sad songs sound cheerful. I like Queen (some of it) because Freddie Mercury could say some really stupid things and make them sound like he was proclaiming the faith.

To paraphrase one of your group, I am not and never will be, a failed rock star. Maybe a failed lyricist, though :0)

And if any of you ever want me to write anything for you (like, perhaps a BES proposal to self-finance your Album thru tax-payers money) or to read over something looking for the loopholes and 'angles' (like a contract, for example) before taking them to a professional, then ask me.

Enjoy life. Enjoy music. Enjoy each other

ps: If you want to chat, then email would be preferrable. And imagine me having the cheek to put a ps after something that length (oooeerrr missus!)

Anthony (13 Feb, 2002 11:07 p.m.):
ronan (13 Feb, 2002 10:45 a.m.):
Anthony (13 Feb, 2002 10:42 a.m.):

aah, sure i do be playin with words all the time.
"look at my sig, that sums me up!"

Noticed that a while back. Funny.

nah, it's not that i think it's that funny.

i was just trying to take a jab at a ridiculous comment i read over on the THiNGS board.

people, please... i would never use the word 'sig' in real life.
or any kind of life for that matter.
dudley (13 Feb, 2002 09:10 a.m.):
don't understand the samantha mumba/dove bit though

My cousin, latterly lead singer in 'Dove' was offered a pre-planned route to the stars by Louis Walsh if she dropped the lads in the band (allegedly!). She said no, then Samantha Mumba (very quickly) got signed and launched. The pre-planned route to the stars was then hers. Not to suggest she wouldn't have made it anyway, without that offer.
ah, that clears it all up

how are dove doing these days anyway. i sometimes see one of them walking around georges st.

not heard from them in a long time which is never a good thing in pop music 8)
IU (13 Feb, 2002 05:24 a.m.):
Time for a synopsis and an update...?

. Enjoy music. Enjoy each other

ps: If you want to chat, then email would be preferrable. And imagine me having the cheek to put a ps after something that length (oooeerrr missus!)

That's way too much time and energy to be putting into convincing the ginnets on this board of anything...
Fucking hell. This multiple id on one computer thing has to stop.

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