Rally for the 'Preservance of Ireland' (formerly: stormfront idiots and chickens) (2 Viewers)

Originally posted by Ragnarok
ah you need to relax pete, take a load off guy!
silo, it doesnt have to be a particular period, get over it! preserve ireland for the true irish! because we will end up like a multicultural cesspool like britain and holland.
survival of the fittest. our government and europe are betraying us and importing the foreigners. we shall emerge triumphant. if it weren't for plastic democratic laws we wouldn't even be having this discussion. there would be no doubt as to who is the fittest.

Again, I refer to my first post on this thread - this time to the "spout racist bullshit" part.

people staged an anti-war rally because they were concerned with what was happening and we are merely going to use our rights and do the same.
afterall,this IS a democracy.

Originally posted by Ragnarok
we shall emerge triumphant. if it weren't for plastic democratic laws we wouldn't even be having this discussion. there would be no doubt as to who is the fittest.
Originally posted by Ragnarok
ah you need to relax pete, take a load off guy!
silo, it doesnt have to be a particular period, get over it! preserve ireland for the true irish! because we will end up like a multicultural cesspool like britain and holland.
survival of the fittest. our government and europe are betraying us and importing the foreigners. we shall emerge triumphant. if it weren't for plastic democratic laws we wouldn't even be having this discussion. there would be no doubt as to who is the fittest.

em... i vote against banning. free speech an' all that. he's making so little sense in the first place that to ban him would just justify his ridiculousness to himself.

and as for the stuff above, we're really just going round in circles here. i would like to have a discussion about what you believe and why, but you can't even make consistent sense inside a single paragraph.

for example: "it doesnt have to be a particular period, get over it! preserve ireland for the true irish!"

now that just doesn't make sense. i have no idea how you can believe in the concept of a "true" irish people whilst essentially admitting that there is no true irish because that would have to be a particular period.

please explain what the hell you mean here.

i'm not even going to go into the stuff after that. it makes no sense at all if you debase your argument from the beginning.
in my opinion...

you know, they're is one thing we could all get together and march about and try and get the goverment to act on, and that thing would allow us all to live in peace and harmony, regardless of race colour or creed or, um, "skull thickness"...


:) :) :) :)


Hey, this is for the folks who are into all that single race Ireland stuff.
Gets a bit invloved near the end, but I'm just trying to open the debate up a bit.
My argument FOR welcoming all races onto this lump of land boils down to what I see right in front of me, not what I've read in some books written by some highly opinionated people. Last summer I spent a few weeks working in a coastal fishing villiage in Ireland, and I dont mean the Ireland that most of the folks here are from, I'm talking about places where generations have lived together and never moved more then a few miles in any direction. The population is small and isolated and (strap yourselves in) almost 100% white, as you would seem to like the world. The town is run by bullies and criminals, who have monopoly over the local council. They build factories and houses wherever they like, (I worked on one of these developments) regardless of any planning law whatsoever, thereby destroying the aesthetic beauty of the locality, and undermining the democracy that we share. I live less than 20 miles from this place, and was considered an outsider from day one untill the day i finished the job. this is probably the best example I can give you of an undisturbed white colony. The anthropologist guy might need to clear this one up cos he might have info on the area, but what I saw was a town overrun by inbreeding. The people had serious problems trusting a white guy from 20 miles away, and the majority of them would certainly never leave this town given the choice.
When the shit hit the fan in Ireland during the famine, white folks in britain and the US told us to fuck off and would not help or feed us. I believe the catchphrase was "to hell or to connaught", whatever I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. Now that the shit has hit the fan for the fugees, I think its a really cool thing that we open the door to them rather then tell them that they can go home and starve or die or whatever. Survival of the fittest is a valid argument, but you have to realise that humans are the fittest animal on the planet, and creating divisions between them is not the ideal way to preserve survival.

Mythos, a hissy fit is when somone is standin next to their daddy/racist peer or whatever crying and pointing when they get called names or dont get their way. Grow up you racist fuckwit. Or at least take an IQ test before you presume your fat skinned head is worth boasting about. You are probably a repressed homosexual like that guy in american beauty anyway.
Originally posted by Ragnarok

survival of the fittest. our government and europe are betraying us and importing the foreigners. we shall emerge triumphant. if it weren't for plastic democratic laws we wouldn't even be having this discussion. there would be no doubt as to who is the fittest.

Just going to hedge off any arguments in favour of neo-Evolutionist theories.
Ideas about the end of history and the answer to all societies ills suggested by the likes of Fukuyama ("The End of History") are total nonsense. All though technologically the West has been the leader for a number of centuries, it must be stressed that none of these innovations would have happened without interaction with other people's.

For instance, gun-powder... a genesis for the Western war machine (which played an enormous role in the West colonising and suppressing other parts of the world)... was invented by the Chinese. They used it for an entirely different and more benevolent purpose.

Printing was also invented by the Chinese... the Guttenberg press was just an industrialisation of this process. It was the Islamic world which came up with an analytic approach to medicine (again something that was taken by the West and productionised).

But the West is not the leader in everything:
In fact in areas such as social psychology, the West lags far behind other cultures. Although there are institutions in place to deal with mental illness, the stigma of having attended one remains with people. This is unlike any other culture in the world, where anti-social behaviour is tackled and the "re-habilitated" person is accepted back into society. For the anthropologists among you, I would refer specifically to Sar festivals in Northern Africa and the Middle East.

It can also be said that the West has been primitive in it's conservation techniques. The fact that we're literally scraping the barrel for the world's oil supply shows a lack of perspective on resources on the part of the West. I have examples of where Western agricultural methods have ruined the local terrain.

Indeed, the Mayan calendar is actually more accurate than the Western Julian calendar.

The major factor which has led Western countries to dominate World politics is it's inherently violent nature. By using gun-powder for distructive means, they destroyed several cultures and peoples. To say that somehow immigrants are more violent than us is simplistic finger-pointing.

I don't think I'm alone in saying I would be more afraid of a group of lads in Celtic jerseys than a group of Nigerian men in traditional costume.

If it is down to survival of the fittest, than I would suggest you learn Chinese. Their internal market is bigger than the US, Europe and Russia combined; their economy has quadrupled in size in the past 25 years; and they've so far managed to stay out of the current political turmoil with the middle east.
Originally posted by Ragnarok
i am in favour of everyone learning irish and studying more on the celts.

I'm not nearly as knowledgeable as Billy on all things ethnographic but I've a few points for the white supremacist contingent.

Maybe someone has already mentioned this here but doesn't 'old' Irish have it's roots in Sanskrit?

Also Ragnarok asked in an earlier post for someone to name an inventor from Africa - ever hear of Ancient Egypt? That's a start.

These things are fairly basic - did your 'Tiocfaidh Ar La' textbooks not mention them?
''tiocfaidh ar lá''? a nice idea and sentiment but apart from that comparing us to marxists i.e the ira and sinn fein is a little unusual :D

as for the BNP-i respect what they're doing for THEIR country but they're not big fans of the irish or the idea of a republic so i leave them to their own business and they keep out of ours.

as for superiority-it's certainly an idea.an idea im sorry to tell you has been expressed by your buddies-the black nationalist crowd.
one thing the BNP did recently do was to espouse the fact that RACISM CUTS BOTH WAYS....the media did not like that very much but what can one expect!

its not possible for two races and two cultures to live ''peacefully'' together without fighting and denegrating of either culture or both.it is on the otherhand quite simple to be civil to people of other races and ethnicities and a simple matter of manners and cop on.
you call comparing black people to apes "civil"?

not that I think apes are "inferior" to humans - even a rudimentary knowledge of evolution will expose the thwarting of truth that is linear evolution and the resulting bullshit of social darwinism and the "survival of the fittest" myth launched by Spencer et al.

your crowd seems to believe in a continuum in evolution from "inferior" to "superior". Am I wrong?

I infer from this that the comparison is an insult, and an intended one at that.

So don't even pretend that your movement isn't based on hatred
Originally posted by scathach

its not possible for two races and two cultures to live ''peacefully'' together without fighting and denegrating of either culture or both.it is on the otherhand quite simple to be civil to people of other races and ethnicities and a simple matter of manners and cop on.

Again, you're wrong.

The Mayans were a tapestry of different peoples who lived together quite peacefully. They believed that everyone is equal because everyone is different. What everyone shares is their inherent uniqueness.

There is no such thing as a culture that completely autonomous. People interact with other people. It's a basic freedom of humans to travel and interact with others. It's essential for people to share ideas. There are things that they know that we don't and vice versa.

If we were to live your world, there would be:
rampant genetic disorders;
poor medical treatment;
widespread ignorance about the workings of the world;
incredibly boring lifestyles where the furthest you could go would be within this island;
poor, idiosyncratic diets which would lead to unhealthy lifestyles; and a diabolic economy which wouldn't be able to sustain the lifestyles we currently lead

People from different cultures have to interact. It's a basic part of being a person and the benefits of interacting on a daily basis with other cultures far outway the cons.

Seeing as you claim to be an anthropologist, you should be aware of the maxim which is that through studying and engaging with other cultures (that would be the fieldwork method), you learn more about yourself and your own culture.
Originally posted by snakybus
So don't even pretend that your movement isn't based on hatred

Hmmm this might be a little harsh snaky

I'm sure people get caught up in this racial thing in the same way as people get caught up in other, less dangerous, political shit. Young person observes the world and realises that it is not the happy place it should be. He/she wonders why, and searches for reasons for the fucked-up-ness of the world and, based on these reasons, ways to change the world so that it is less fucked up. Our visitors most likely just want the world to be a better place, but for some reason they have got the (nutty) idea that the cause of the bad things in the world is racial mixing.

How do we change their minds? I think insults and attacks might not be the best way

silo=bad cop
me=good cop

Now, scathach and friends, I'm a nice fella, try and explain to me why ye think what ye think and I'll explain why everyone else thinks that you're wrong.
i never claimed to be an anthropologist actually but i do have an interest in physical anthropolgy relating to europe,particularly northern europe.simple as that.

as for cultures getting on well together-it is not possible today and my proof of that is if cultures can have a lovely time together right now why do so many groups exist worldwide comprised of white nationalists,black nationalists etc?
why are so many crimes race related? that goes for offenders of all ethnicities btw.
why did people like hitler spring up in the first place? because he did not appreciate living with people of other cultures and ethnicities and despite anyone's personal feelings on the man he had a massive following who agreed with him,one which exists to this day and the germany of his time was economically strong and prosperous which refutes your argument that a WN country could not function.

no one is saying interacting with other cultures will ''soil our pure white skin'' but merely that we would prefer to keep those of different race living in their proper country as much as is possible.
it would be real ''white supremacist arrogance'' to assume that all other races wanted to come live permanently in the west in the first place imo.
Originally posted by scathach
i never claimed to be an anthropologist actually but i do have an interest in physical anthropolgy relating to europe,particularly northern europe.simple as that.

That's patently clear. Physical anthropology has long since abandoned the research that was being carried out by the people you mentioned. Frankly it's total nonsense. The type of physical anthropological research you are referring to would be only used in tandem with archaeological research. It's not used in the context of studying modern-day cultures.

as for cultures getting on well together-it is not possible today and my proof of that is if cultures can have a lovely time together right now why do so many groups exist worldwide comprised of white nationalists,black nationalists etc?
why are so many crimes race related? that goes for offenders of all ethnicities btw.

These nationalists are in the extreme minority. The backlash in the second-round of elections for the French presidency saw French people come out in force to ensure that Le Pen was not in office. People may be apathic about politics (that's a whole other issue), but it was clear that the vast majority of people do not want people like Le Pen in government.
I would also refer to the backlash to Jorge Haider in Austria and the negative feelings people in the States had to Pat Buchanan during the nineties.

why did people like hitler spring up in the first place? because he did not appreciate living with people of other cultures and ethnicities and despite anyone's personal feelings on the man he had a massive following who agreed with him,one which exists to this day

If you knew your history, which you don't, you'd know that Hitler was initially elected by only one-third of the population of Germany. The Wiemar Republic was heavily dependent on US aid, and after the crash of 1929, they were pushed into desperation. Hitler was an effective public speaker and, just as Tony Blair is doing in Britain right now, he had an effective spin policy. He made himself out to be a superman. People voted for him as they saw him as a strong leader who could get them out their extra-ordinary economic plight. They didn't know that the man was insane.

and the germany of his time was economically strong and prosperous which refutes your argument that a WN country could not function.

It's true that Hitler reduced unemployment figures to zero from a figure of six million when he took power. However, that figure of six million is synomous with Hitler and Nazi Germany for another reason.
And if say, Gerhard Schroeder decided to employ everyone in developing arms, than the German economy would seem very sound and unemployment would significantly decrease. Nevertheless it's hardly a true reflection on how an economy is actually performing.
Another "racially pure" country which was a total facade was Mussolini's Italy. Indeed, during one military rally, all the aircraft put on display had no engines.

The Fascist regimes of Spain, Italy and Germany were not economically sound at all.

no one is saying interacting with other cultures will ''soil our pure white skin'' but merely that we would prefer to keep those of different race living in their proper country as much as is possible.
it would be real ''white supremacist arrogance'' to assume that all other races wanted to come live permanently in the west in the first place imo.

This idea of a "proper country" needs to be scuppered. The countries of Africa were created back in 1885 at the Council of Berlin by the five main European powers (they were colonies back then). Indeed, most of the countries of mainland Europe have had fluid borders. Germany and Italy have only existed in their current form for about 200 years. Over the past two thousand years France has chopped and changed immeasurably. Lithuania once stretched from the Baltic to the Black Sea. Armenia is in a totally different place than it used to be a couple of hundred years back. Countries are inherently fluid.

I'm very much in favour of traditions and indigenous cultures being respected and kept up. But cultures are not set in stone. Cultures will change. But it's this idea that somehow the West has got it right that needs to be thrown out. We haven't. And we need people from other cultures, other backgrounds to show us where we've gone wrong. And there's a few things we'll be able to share with them.

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