Quotes from your child (1 Viewer)

get used to it egg_, all I hear these days is
"no" "i'm not impressed with that" "nnnnooooooooooo!" "this isn't good" "I wwaaanntt hhhaaarrryyy pppoootttttttteeerrrrr!"
Niamh was telling me, she was making dinner for us the other day while I was at work, and Isabelle was tucking into the cherry tomatoes. She had half one in her hand, and decided she was going to keep it for me - "I'm keepin this for daddy, mam" - and she walked around in circles in the kitchen for a good while, saying "I'm keeping this for daddy". Niamh recommended to her that she put it on the countertop so she wouldn't be tempted to eat it but Isabelle was having none of it "No! I'm keeping it for daddy!" ... after a while, she started licking it and then Niamh looked around and she was sucking the seeds out, still saying "I'm keeping this for daddy". Then when Niamh turned around next all that was left was a tiny sliver of skin. "I'll keep this bit for daddy, mam"

Hehe. egg_ jr sure loves her tomatoes
Frequently when I call my Mum I get to talk to my 2 and a half year old niece.

She informed me very proudly on Saturday "Emily cut her hair" she then gave out about Mommy and Daddy being angry with her.

Yesterday the same child:
"Hi Sa (me)"
"I miserable, I miss Mommy, nanny give out, I love you Sa, goodbye."

The bits in bold were said in the most dramatic voice of abject desperation you ever heard. The rest was all pretty cheerful. She's such a funny kid.

I can't think of any one funny quote, but having spent the afternoon with this child, I can attest to her incredible cuteness so cute, in fact, that she must be seen to be believed. She rules and had me and Mr Jane in giggles and swoons all day. I love when I asked her what her name was and she gave me her full name, first and last.

Bless. And whoa, whoa, does she ever love her Auntie Sarah.
I can't think of any one funny quote, but having spent the afternoon with this child, I can attest to her incredible cuteness so cute, in fact, that she must be seen to be believed. She rules and had me and Mr Jane in giggles and swoons all day. I love when I asked her what her name was and she gave me her full name, first and last.

Bless. And whoa, whoa, does she ever love her Auntie Sarah.

Ah, thanks Jane, she is great!

Some choice quotes from this weekend:

"Arms open! Want to see rabbit" (guess she likes my new jimmy cake t-shirt then)

"Wanna hear sounds" while she's putting on my headphones and trying to figure out how to get my phone to play mp3's again after I'd been playing some Queens of the Stone Age for her earlier.
My eldest niece again. My sister called me this evening and said my niece wanted to talk to me:
"Hiiii Aunt Sarah, I want to go see the monkeys... pause... We go see the monkeys, yeah?"
me "you want to go to the zoo to see the monkeys?"
"yeeaahh, tomorrow"
me "oh, tomorrow... but what about mommy and daddy?"
"oh, daddy's working" (in her miserable voice)

so I said that the next time they're going to the zoo I'll go with them
"I'd like that"

So, talking to my mum later and apparently (according to my kid and my sister) I'm going to the zoo with them on Sunday, although kid said tomorrow because she's still not clear on what day of the week it is yet. I don't think my sis will be getting any peace for the next few days.
The sister was in school there, and the teacher asked all the kids where they came from so they are standing up and saying their piece. Then my sister stood up and told them she was from Power City.

The parents were called in, and there was all sorts of discussions had.

They came home, and we were all sitting around the table. None of us were saying at thing, because we had been telling her for last 4 years that she wasn't a normal baby, since she was from Power City.

We didn't go into too much detail, but it was a very good tool to get her to shut up.
Quieten down there, or we'll take you back to Power City.
Toby (3): I like bears
Me: What do bears eat?
Toby: Fishes
Me: What kind of fishes?
Toby: Dolphins

His sister, also informs me that her teacher, who is female, has "a tiny little beard under her nose".
My three year old niece wanted me to come into the other room to draw with her the other day.
Her: Unca Wee (uncle Will) I have surprise for you!
Me: What is it?
Her: Come with me, close you eyes!
So, I went in and opened my eyes.
Me: What's the surprise?
She looked around for a minute trying to find something.
Her: The curtains! I made them myself!
Not my kid but,
I was walking down the street earlier with a mate who happened to be wearing a Transformers hoodie.
A couple of little asian kids were messing on the street in front of us. Then one of them stops dead, points right at the logo on my mates top, and starts singing the Transformers theme tune, in his own native language.

Inspirational stuff.
The sister was in school there, and the teacher asked all the kids where they came from so they are standing up and saying their piece. Then my sister stood up and told them she was from Power City.

The parents were called in, and there was all sorts of discussions had.

They came home, and we were all sitting around the table. None of us were saying at thing, because we had been telling her for last 4 years that she wasn't a normal baby, since she was from Power City.

We didn't go into too much detail, but it was a very good tool to get her to shut up.
Quieten down there, or we'll take you back to Power City.
i had to explain to my boss why i was laughing.
wee fella, pointing at the lightswitch..
"turn the dark out"

Think it was named after his kid (the one from Music For Babies I'd presume) said something similar...

my two and a half year old niece, after making me an imaginary cup of coffee:
"would like another cup coffee?"
"yes please"
"actually, no, you've had nuff".
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