meltbannana (2 Viewers)

the strange guy said:
Read it again you fucking indie-band cock sucking prick. I never saw them before. THAT'S why they're shit. Any band -I- can't be arsed to see -CAN'T- be good.
indie band cock sucking?just dont see why y'all hate indie so much,yet listen to melt banana,some things shall naver make sense
stephen hughes told me about this thread so i said id take a look at it and i couldnt fuckin make it to this point. i read up till the 7th page...then just skipped ahead.

yous are making such fucking stupid arguments...and its going back and forth... ughh stupid indie fuckers...dumb punk kids etc..
both sides are being really hypacritical. and very close minded.

and im really suprised by some people who i know quite well and the stuff they're coming out with. like weeler...anyone can come on to this site and express their opinion.

us 'punks' have a wierd way of instantly dismissing anyone who hasnt got a back patch or a dread mullet. now obviously im not saying everyone but a lot are guilty.

how do you think the scene is gonna grow if we tell everyone 'fuck off..your not punk enough'

we should be aiming to have as big a community as possible, and their is no way of getting that with attitudes we have now.

me and stephen have been on 'punk for it' site teaching kids about diy and stuff and someone from here logged on and told us we were just trying to look cool and we should come back to the scene and start contributing more! like its fucking rediculous and im getting sick of it. we need to start opening up and trying to get other peopel involved and indie kids and snotty little skaters.....
we all dont just become punk...i was a little fucker in an addidas tracksuit not too long ago.. then that little shit became a little skater kid then he started a band and became a 'punk' (if you would ever call me that...probably not!)
see where im coming from?? all it takes is someone to get you interested and involved then your hooked....we should be trying to do that rather than tellin people to piss off.

and these labells of punk and indie or whatever arent helping...their limiting....we're fucking people.
start thinkin for your self for fuck sake not just what your so called sub culture would have you believe. ie 'we're punks lets break shit!' and so on....

i know this rant is a little late in the game but what ever i hope i made sense.
You know Darragh you made some very good points.. however it's not gonna change anything. It's strange how people can write things in zines, or in songs or on the internet or whatever and say about how people *should* be.. but then in the real world just fucking blank out what they've just said and don't endeavour to become more like their ideal themselves. Oh and I wasn't trying to attack you there, just that's what too many people do, I think anyway. People really depress me.
the whole end of this thread is for the most part a joke "dr easychord" is some1 i know and registered the account for the purpose of starting a fight.
Daragh - in nerd talk some1 who sets out to only start fights for the sake of it on the internet is called a troll - i think allowing them to post is counter productive and will remove them if i want.

I cant see why people take all of this stuff so seriously at the end of the day it's just other peoples opinions which you really shouldn't let get to you that much.
jillface said:
It's strange how people can write things in zines, or in songs or on the internet or whatever and say about how people *should* be.. but then in the real world just fucking blank out what they've just said and don't endeavour to become more like their ideal themselves.
Perhaps we're just products of the society that brought us up and it's harder to escape it than just wanting to become our ideal selves.

I get really dissapointed that people show up to parties no matter when they're on but if say... a certain airport complicit in recent wars is being shut down or hunger strikers are dying they pay no attention. (that's not aimed at anyone.. and yes i realise some ppl "have more important things..")
A lot of people don't believe in direct action or protests or anything like that.

A lot of people maybe feel they once did but became apathetic after so many hours of their time doing things like that proved in vain.

Some people are just lazy.

Some people don't know about things that are happening although they'd like to be involved.

But I also think humans are inherently selfish and put their own self-indulgences before other things. I think people should accept that though.
But I also think humans are inherently selfish and put their own self-indulgences before other things. I think people should accept that though.
It's easy to write people off like that - to write an entire species off as that, but I don't believe that that is true. I believe we are inherently good we just live in a society that sometimes brings out the worst in people.
Doesn't mean we can't change - and it doesn't mean we can't build a much better world out of the ashes of this one.

Jill, when did you become so misanthropic - disagreements on thumped surely didnt make you lose faith in all of humanity?
I can't pinpoint the moment that I lost all faith in humanity, but i believe it was somewhere between Therapy? turning into one of the worst bands ever and Cindy Crawford having another man's baby.
hey oly therapy? never went shit right, i still put em in my top3 of all time, eayh so there, along with the ramones, number 3 is undecided. Anyhoo in regards to what weeler was saying about protests, i dunno i do believe in direct action its just yep sometimes im lazy, i work alot and the night shifts fuck with my body clock alot so when im off work alot of the time i just wanna have fun, to be honest as stupid as it sounds i also dotn wish to get arrested, gettin any sort of criminal record would automatically mean i couldnt get work in alot of social care jobs and as wussy at it sounds that puts me off alot of direct actions as i was lucky not to get charged the last time i was arrested.

In regards to humans i dont think we are inherently good or bad, we all are different, and what one person could consider a good quality others may consider a bad one, one of my favourite sayings is, "if i kick out my demons, my angels might leave too". This is starting to sound weird but i think it's important that humans accept all parts of the human-nature, things are never really inherently good or bad.
I too, think we're intrinsically good y'know. And yeah it is this fucking society that warps our "lives" and blinds people from seeing any true meaning in existence but to fuck everyone else over and buy buy buy or sell sell sell. But I don't think that humans being good cancels out our own desires to satisy our needs and cravings.

I still think that this is just in our nature to look out for number one.

So really our disagreement arises with the use of the word "good" here. Nobody really knows what it fucking means anyway. Maybe your idea of good is a more Mother Theresa kind of good (well, I suppose without all the God stuff thrown in) whereas mine would be more along the lines of Good = Not Evil.

You must be fucking joking. There's no way you could possibly listen to Church of Noise and tell me they rock as much as the Baby Teeth/Pleasure Death days. I used to think you were ok, but now I know you're just a liar.

Direct Action is for kids who don't have a civil case coming up against the system.
While it's more or less globally agreed that Mother Teresa wasn't a cunt, God didn't bless her with good looks. If I was some Indian oul one who looked as bad as she did, I'd probably have no choice but to hang around with street kids all day plus I'd have no trouble holding onto my virginity as long as she did either.
nah church of noise is quite obviously inferior to anyhting off babyteeth and/ord pleasure death but semi-detached as an album is still rawkin, check out tightrope walker for an excellant song. Suicide Pact was alosa good album, but hey my favourite therapy> album is Infernal Love, nice and melodramatic, emo, totally over the top, fucked up on drugs, its a classic. And anyhoo Oly shut the fuck up ya weird depeche mode obsessive, go and mess around with ur mobile phone and you might help the guys write thier new album. p.s. i never thought you were 'ok', i heard you ate meat, so i dont talk to the likes of you...(sarcasm kids)

i dont think there is anything inherently wrong with looking out for 'number 1', as the saying goes ya really dont have to fuck anyone over to survive, looking out for number one does not necessarily mean not giving a fuck about anyone else. I look out ofr number one and i wouldnt consider it selfish, just self-sustaining. I wouldnt be any use to anyone if i put everyone else first most of the time, i'd probably be sectioned to st brendan's.

Mother Thersa was anti-contraception in a huge way though wasn't she, probably not the best attitude to have in what is essentially a third world programme. which goes on to explain my hate for Bono, that cunt who pretended to actually give a fuck about the spread of aids in africa and then he goes and shakes the hands of the fuckin pope, a man who still demonises the use of contraception in this same countries, fuckin prick.
see now...isnt this better than going....ehh your a stupid indie head!
theres actual conversation!!
i know what your saying about the direct action thing weeler, but you've gotta take into consideration that some people like myself dont really know or care for politics all to much. like im against eating meat, cuz i know its selfish, i try and support the reclaim the streets things cuz what they are doing is good and easy to understand...
but most politics i dont have a fuckin clue about and i dont really intend on learning about it either. i know the basics about most things and would have certain views in tings but dont know too much of what really therefore wont be the first to stand up and protest about it. i tend to care moer about local politics as it affects me more.
as far as the war on iraq is against it obviously, but at the same time do not know much about it at all.
ignorance is bliss
but then your side of the argument could say
knowledge is power.

and if i had that knowledge it would be great but i way prefer to read wussy emo zines than anarchist handbooks and such. i just cant digest them or relate to them in a huge way. thats why im not an anarchist, cuz im not really sure of the true meaning. obviously i know what one is but not 100% sure....and thats why i find it cringfull to see every guy with a stud in his jacket waving the anarchy flag cuz sometimes i wonder do they really get it as much as other well read people such as your self.

i also wonder why people are hung up on all this direct action when it comes to major political issues (which is gud dont get me wrong) but at the same time dont really address issues in their own environment. ie the homeless
thats not aimed at anyone in particular just makin a point.
the strange guy said:
While it's more or less globally agreed that Mother Teresa wasn't a cunt, God didn't bless her with good looks. If I was some Indian oul one who looked as bad as she did, I'd probably have no choice but to hang around with street kids all day plus I'd have no trouble holding onto my virginity as long as she did either.

except she was Albanian not Indian you racist fuck.
I feel the same as Moley, but you have to see it's very frustrating. I don't want to go to a Direct action demo because someone else told me to or because I feel guilty that my friends are and I'm not, I want to go because I fully understand the reasons behind it and feel strongly enough to do something about it. I don't undrestand the reasons behind it.

I have been thinking about all these things here - Are people intrinsically bad? What is the best way to stop violence in the world? Is there a system or non-system that would achieve this? War...death....left....right....wrong... all of this stuff and I've come to the conclusion that I really have not got the brain capacity to figure out what every single human being on this planet wants or even begin to try and understand a plan to stop people being greedy and make everyone happy. I don't get it now and I don't think I ever will.

I hate half-knowing everything and then read one sentence from someone that can change your entire view on something you thought you finally had got! Some people can understand all this stuff and work out what they want, others can't and they have to be allowed not be interested in politics or not understand it. I find it easier, as Moley said, to focus my attention on things in my local environment like homelessness or alcoholism as it's something I can see and understand and hopefully do something to make a change, however small, for the good.

I am like you for the most part, I don't want anyone to be murdered, I don't want people to suffer and I want people to be free to do what they want, but I don't understand how to change things from the way they are now to this ideal.

This sytem perpetuates the suffering of millions - I can't understand why people in a position to understand and take on the system don't.
If you're waiting for inspiration, come to shannon, we are going to send a very strong message on that day.
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