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  • Users: sasha
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  1. S

    Large Mound Launch this Wednesday!

    come here anthony. I'm sitting in work listening to the album, wearing the t-shirt and hung over 2 fuck... Great night..
  2. S

    Underground Music Awards

    i gives you all more to moan about though!
  3. S

    LOTR: The Return of The King

    nice one for telling us that you fucking cunt face!!!!!!!!11
  4. S

    kelloggs ad

    shut up ya prick
  5. S

    best graffiiti in a jacks youve seen

    Well ya should have seen it! It's like how old now?
  6. S

    First gig

    Jaaaayyyyyy-suuuuuuss! Ya swear it was Bowie's first gig u were @ the way u two carry on!
  7. S

    2 SLAINE TICKETS 4 SALE 70euros 4 da lot

    A friend has 2 tickets they don't want they 70 euros for the 2!
  8. S


  9. S

    The Yoke

  10. S

    drummer available

    I've got a casio keyboard and set of drum sticks! My influences are Travis, coldplay and the red hot chilli peppers! I like to listen to Oasis when I am feeling wild and if I want a reality check I tune into THE FUN LOVIN' CRIMINALS Let me know if u think I fit the profile! We are we...
  11. S

    100 albums you should remove from your collection immediately

    Did I not see you with a Curt Kobain t-shirt in georges street yesterday?
  12. S

    100 albums you should remove from your collection immediately

    Quit Moaning Bitches
  13. S

    Is there anyone on this board that doesn't moan?

    Right on brother! Right on! :cool:
  14. S

    Is there anyone on this board that doesn't moan?

    I love it! I turned a board of moaners into a board of bitches! Mission accomplished ;)
  15. S

    Is there anyone on this board that doesn't moan?

  16. S

    Is there anyone on this board that doesn't moan?

    Who the real bitch here?
  17. S

    Is there anyone on this board that doesn't moan?

    Boys there seems to be a bit of confusion here! U do know that Sasha is also a blokes name! You have obviously never seen the Crying Game :rolleyes:
  18. S

    Is there anyone on this board that doesn't moan?

    Stop trying to steal my thunder
  19. S

    Is there anyone on this board that doesn't moan?

    By happy do you mean LIKE GAY THREADS? :D
  20. S

    Is there anyone on this board that doesn't moan?

    HA HA HA HA HA HA HA :D :D :D :D :D : Get her pee pee