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  1. T

    Piano Man

    Ha hah! I wasn't really taking a shit*. *I was having a wank thinking about Avernus. ;)
  2. T

    Piano Man

    Gee sorry for not waiting by my computer to make a witty reply. When you gotta go take a shit, you gotta go take a shit. I'll ask your permission next time...
  3. T

    Piano Man

    So what's with all the crap photos you posted? They had so much relevance to Wheels initial thread. Man you are so unfunny.
  4. T

    Piano Man

    Without doubt the unfunniest thread ever.
  5. T


    Aw thanks. Of course you meant to use this smiley right!? :cool:
  6. T


    Yep, purely cos it annoy's you so. In case you hadn't noticed that seems to be the idea of Rep.:)
  7. T

    rep docking

    Because they told me. Also that was meant to read a rep power of 6. So can anyone explain this?
  8. T

    rep docking

    So can anyone explain how I was docked 21 points from someone who has a rep of 6? It doesn't add up.
  9. T

    best cover version in history

    Best ever: Jose Gonzales - Hand On Your Heart (the kylie song) which proves that sometimes under all the crappy chart production there's a real song hidden underneath. Other contenders: The Notwist - Johnny and Mary (especially the addition of the thrash metal bit in the middle) Beck -...
  10. T


    This should be great. The new album's really cool. Hella dancey, much less guitar stuff. Some of it's really Prince like, some like the dancier Q and not U stuff from the new album (which Supersystem recorded). Anyway it should be a lot of fun live.
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    Go to the Dentist!

    I dunno. Old Dentist: been there, seen it, fixed it. Young Dentist: Read it in a book and eager to try a new technique. hmmmm
  12. T

    Go to the Dentist!

    Oh bum! Way to make me go to the dentist Kirstie. Now I ain't never goin...
  13. T

    happy songs

    Ah only buzzing ya. I only smirked once.
  14. T

    happy songs

    Man I laughed my fucking ass off at the last Tremors gig.:D
  15. T

    Go to the Dentist!

    It's not that I've been afraid to go to the dentist more the hastle and the money (I'd prefer spending the 80 euro per filling on chocolate, sweets and fizzy drinks). Anyway everyone knows that we'll all have mechanical teeth in the future that'll do the chomping for us (this also goes for not...
  16. T

    happy songs

    Bobby Conn - Winners Anthrax - Got the Time Spongebob Squarepants- Best Day Ever The Futureheads - Meantime The Proclaimers - I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) All = :D
  17. T

    xmas atp

    Agreed. END THREAD!
  18. T

    Venue Design

    All venues should either be at ground level with the load-in door right behind the stage or if it has to be on a different level it should have a big fuck-off lift to put the gear in. For some reason most venues in the world seem to be in the basement or the attic and it's just no fun lobbing...
  19. T

    Go to the Dentist!

    I've been living in Dublin for a good 8 years or so and have never been to the Dentist during this time. I'm well aware that I need a number of fillings so just wondering if anyone could recommend a good dentist on the nothside/city centre who won't cost me my life savings (of which I have...
  20. T

    ow - necks

    I was getting these totally insane headaches at the back of my head for a couple of months a couple of years back. Really freaked me out. I was also waking in the morning with really stiff shoulders and neck so the Doctor told me it was probably due to slouching at my desk at work and the tense...