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  1. São Paulo Punk

    this tuesday! (dec 11) high on fire & pelican

  2. São Paulo Punk

    this tuesday! (dec 11) high on fire & pelican

    Ive got an exam tomorrow. Should I... 1. Pick up a ticket for this on the way home, keep rockin the studies until about 9 or so and then fly down to the gig, have a pint or two, rock out and go straight home to bed (realistically: get fucking bolloxed drunk, smoke loads of dope after the gig...
  3. São Paulo Punk

    Plagerizing others work....

    As a mature student, I take particular offence to Janer's remarks. Even if i AM a whore.
  4. São Paulo Punk

    Plagerizing others work....

  5. São Paulo Punk

    Organised Ideas Presents: BATS EP LAUNCH With Crayonsmith ,Terrordactyl + Sarsparilla

    Re: Organised Ideas Presents: BATS EP LAUNCH With Crayonsmith ,Terrordactyl + Sarspar Sounds delish! We're looking into sorting out some gigs in COrk, Limerick and Galway for the new year so that would be savage. Once we figure out how to take down the deflector shield along the Cork border...
  6. São Paulo Punk

    this year has been a shit year

    Really bad year. So bad I'm terrified of the next one. Luckily though, I got really drunk last Friday and agreed to go to RoadBurn Fest (tickets payed for n'all, absolutely nothing I can do about it now) so if I can build myself up towards that then hopefully it'll all work out from there...
  7. São Paulo Punk


    I'm covered in dog shit.
  8. São Paulo Punk

    world bank in dublin

    Seems fairly careless for a bank to be travelling around like that. I hope they have a big money belt.
  9. São Paulo Punk

    Hearney's on the block.

    I think that the doctors in this country are very well organised with regard to keeping the numbers entering the profession down so that they can keep their salaries high. That and the points required from the Leaving Cert are artificially high, I think. There's a lot of red tape in the way of...
  10. São Paulo Punk

    Guitarists:anyone wanna loand me a flight case?

    I'll drop it in tomorrow night so.
  11. São Paulo Punk

    Hearney's on the block.

    Do people think that we should have the same level of health care for all in the state, or is it better to have a public/private system? (ideally)
  12. São Paulo Punk

    social acceptability query

    Dress up as a granny or a nun and politely ask the offender to turn the music down. No one can say 'no' to a granny.
  13. São Paulo Punk

    Guitarists:anyone wanna loand me a flight case?

    Or mine, just give us a bell. I'll be going to the Lower Deck tomorrow night.
  14. São Paulo Punk

    Nazi Camp Raided by the Pigs - lol!

  15. São Paulo Punk

    bbc4 this friday

    Any kind souls out there with the fancy channels into recording this for me? I'll be your best friend! Em... I'll do you a mix tape of old tropicalia stuff...
  16. São Paulo Punk

    New to!

  17. São Paulo Punk

    Petition rte for a real music tv show

    Just finished watching the entire series of V the other night. 10/10 for nostalgia but Jesus, what a shit ending to an otherwise amazing show. They must have run out of ideas as well as money at the same time. That Diana, what a woman!
  18. São Paulo Punk

    Franch raiways hit by striking saboteurs

    Yep. If you sample the right kind of people then you'll get the desired results. But at the same time, there were enough dumb fucks out there to get Sarkozy into power in the first place. Just as Shorty said, this is much like the shit that went down in Britain in the 80's. It's a crude and...
  19. São Paulo Punk

    buying laptops on ebay

    Anytime Dunch!