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  1. slurms

    S Club Bored In Work 7

    no it's not. it's full of lime green and bright pink paint, like it was decorated by brendan courtney. everything's packed too closely together too... and it's full of buggys and cappers. but anyway, it's been rather boring 'round these here parts of late so tell you what. me and morgan'll be...
  2. slurms

    wonky 2

    thanks for letting us all know whether you'll all be availiable or not lads. i don't care what they say about youze, yer alright in my buke.
  3. slurms

    Save Dunphy!

    "ahhh!" says slurms as he kicks back and puts his feet up on the desk in front of him. he is wearing a white shirt, red tie, red braces, paisley underpants, black socks and black leather slip on shoes, "mission accomplished". he looks out the window at the city below. he is the kingpin...
  4. slurms

    Spielberg vs. John Carpenter - who's th e daddy

    that's me! here i was painting my gaff earlier, i used my dulux, my jew locks! get it! boom boom! seriously though, they've been a great patron to shelbourne f.c. over the years.... yeah. phew, where is everyone today? -quiet day today! sheesh, i'm so bored at work today! hey here's an idea...
  5. slurms

    Save Dunphy!

    binky, your command of the english language is truly astonishing. i read that last post of yours twice and it still makes little if any sense. but yeah, any time i feel like going out for some lentil soup i'll definitely give you a buzz you sandal wearing sprout. i've said it before and i'll say...
  6. slurms

    Save Dunphy!

    PTCHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! regard the list. y'know nine, sometimes i'll willing to put up with a bit of sproutliness on your part but i feel it my moral duty to tear you limb from limb every now and then. try not to take it too personally. now, get back in your box.
  7. slurms

    Save Dunphy!

    chorkle! i've obviously ruffled your feathers there sonny! here's an idea, why don't you post something along the lines of "i'm not going to rise to this" and then rise to it, just like you've done for the past 6 months. i admire the way you avoided addressing the points i made regarding the...
  8. slurms

    Save Dunphy!

    meep! meep!
  9. slurms

    Save Dunphy!

    nine, nine, nine. tut, tut, tut. you're obviously a bit special so i'll destroy you slowly and in point form. 1-"Everyone is pattin dunphy on the back for going against the grain etc. " no they're not. check out this pissmonkeys on this thread for a start. 2-"Thats fine,fair play to him,but i...
  10. slurms

    Save Dunphy!

    you are an idiot. dunphy is the fucking king. it takes some nerve to stick your neck out and go against the majority of public opinion (assholes like you binky). selling out would be changing his public opinion just to satisfy geebags like you. keane was completely right to do what he did...
  11. slurms

    Bored in Work

    (return of the mack....) here herv, read over this again will ye? do you live in a world where you constantly think you're giving an interview to woman's way? and by the way, i've heard some of your muck so you no longer deserve an opinion. anyone notice the shape of the bald german striker's...
  12. slurms

    There was a character in He-Man called Fisto

    get off me cock will ye? now go fetch me a beer and make sure it's cold this time or i'll have to brutalize yer ma some more... she loves it though really, the bitch.
  13. slurms

    Good Charlotte fans read it and weep!!

    you're excused, but first it's time to clear a couple of things up. the list isn't just for homos (although that is one requirement) it's mainly just for ungrateful whelps, now go fetch me a cold beer sonny and you WILL respect your stepfather! anyway, being a member of the jimmy cake is also...
  14. slurms


    sheesh, those pants must be cutting off the circulation to .... everything.
  15. slurms

    Dating and sex chat

    you're far better at it when you're not making a conscious effort.
  16. slurms

    Good Charlotte fans read it and weep!!

    what do you mean 'on this board'?! round and round, round we go, tupacalypse now don't stop for hoes......... INGLEWOOD!
  17. slurms

    Talking a load of poo aren't wee..

    just had a good listen to the new goodtime john, or, just sat through a redneck manifesto gig.
  18. slurms

    Good Charlotte fans read it and weep!!

    time to make a few changes to the list of infinite homosexuality.
  19. slurms


    well well well. snakybus and lorkanzo eh? tut tut tut.... your intellectual (and sexual) impotence has earned you both a place on my list. in all seriousness i'm shocked (not really) by the poverty of wit and imagination around here in the absence of the pibb/vox/10yearz/slurmz crew. by the way...