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  1. Zeelander

    People who say "brin" instead of "bring"...

    You know, like "I'll brin that in for you tomorrow." Is pronouncing "bring" as "brin" some sort of colloquial thing? It annoys the crap out of me.
  2. Zeelander

    Big bands you've never (knowingly) heard

    Seriously?! The second CD I ever bought was an Ella Fitzgerald compilation when I was around 11.
  3. Zeelander

    Billy and Jo are parents...

    Congratulations! Making your own little family is deadly. Beatrix is an adorable name too!
  4. Zeelander

    Dog fanciers?

    Actually 1 in 5 dalmatians are born with hearing problems- either deaf in one ear or both. It's due to over-breeding and irresponsible breeders. Our dog is deaf in one ear and it means that if his hearing deteriorates as he gets older there's a chance he could go completely deaf. That's why...
  5. Zeelander

    Dog fanciers?

    Without a lot of exercise and attention a dalmatian will drive you bananas as they have tons of energy, but that's the only behavioural problem I've ever witnessed or read about in the breed. I wouldn't recommend them as a pet to someone who didn't have the time to devote to them, but if someone...
  6. Zeelander

    Dog fanciers?

    Where did you hear that? The reason there's so many dalmatians in the US certainly has something to do with Disney, but they're one of the least agressive dog breeds that there is.
  7. Zeelander

    You know when you get a girls phone number?

    Years ago, before my boyfriend and I got together when I barely knew him, he gave me his number and I waited weeks before one day sending him a text saying "Who do I have to sleep with to get on your band's guest list tonight?" To this day I'm still a bit morto about having sent it.
  8. Zeelander

    Tesco Rathmines

    Everything in Rathmines is shit. Except Mother Reilly's. That's ok.
  9. Zeelander

    Dates from hell..

    My tip for first date: Don't double date. My first date with my boyfriend was a double date and we were both so pathetic we hardly spoke to one another and pretended not to realise it was a date. It didn't help that our matchmaking friend Lenny fucked it up from the outset by sitting beside my...
  10. Zeelander

    Dates from hell..

  11. Zeelander

    mortgage stuff

    You'd have to do everything in his name. Myself and my boyfriend did this- our house deeds and mortgage are entirely in my name so that when it comes to upsizing down the line, he can avail of first time buyer status. We explained to the bank mortgage dude that although the mortgage would only...
  12. Zeelander

    Dates from hell..

    Hallo! I like the cut of Phil's jib. Is he currently single?
  13. Zeelander

    Dates from hell..

    You're missing out. Will Smith is the best.
  14. Zeelander

    Dates from hell..

    Um. Because it's a Will Smith song?
  15. Zeelander

    Baby Names

    Billy, you're welcome to these favourite names of mine which John has vetoed in the past - reasons for veto in paranthesis. Penelope (Rhymes with Dermody) Dimitri (Rhymes with Dermody) Pearl (make of drum kit) Ikette (Ike Turner managed a 60s girl group called The Ikettes. Ike Turner is a...
  16. Zeelander


    Free standing! Oh man, I am such a duh brain. Don't tell Homebug.
  17. Zeelander

    'I Went Down' appreciation thread

    "I'm going to be frank with you. Eh, not Frank upstairs, not that Frank"
  18. Zeelander


    Custom built-in shelving is the way to go if possible. You can make the best use of your space that way and getting a pro in to do it can work out cheaper than buying the same amount of shelving from Habitat. On the down side, unlike modular storage you can't take it with you when you leave!
  19. Zeelander

    Have a look at my blog

    It's going really well! Tons of positive response to it! And I'm really enjoying waffling away on it about stuff that bores most people in my life to tears. And oh do please take a picture for me!
  20. Zeelander

    Have a look at my blog

    Today's first post is specifically dedicated to showing you something you can't afford and didn't know you wanted. Seriously!