Mumblin' Deaf Ro

Mumblin’ Deaf Ro – The Drowning Man & Restring The Bow

Mumblin’ Deaf Ro‘s last album ‘The Herring & The Brine‘ was widely considered to be one of the best Irish releases of 2007. Here’s ‘Restring The Bow‘ & ‘The Drowning Man‘ in glorious MP3 for those who missed out.

Mumblin’ Deaf Ro‘s last album ‘The Herring & The Brine‘ was widely considered to be one of the best Irish releases of 2007. Here’s ‘Restring The Bow‘ & ‘The Drowning Man‘ in glorious MP3 for those who missed out.

Mumblin' Deaf RoMumblin’ Deaf Ro is a Dublin-based songwriter who writes finger-picking storytelling folk songs on topics as diverse as the longing of a lovelorn mental patient, the exhaustion of a novice priest, the economic failures of an outgoing Latin American President and the last words of a drowning man.

Ro has released two albums to date on Villain records (‘Senor, My Friend . . .’ in 2003 and ‘The Herring and the Brine’ in 2007).  The music is largely finger-picking folk imbued with an idiosyncratic pop sensibility.  Here’s what reviews said about his albums:
"A rare thing: a genuine cult classic."  **** – The Irish Times
"One of Ireland’s most extraordinary talents." – Totally Dublin
"Line after line of telling, thoughtful, witty wordplay tumbles into the music . . . Dublin’s Mumblin’ Deaf Ro really makes it sound easy." **** Foggy Notions
"Brilliant but criminally underrated songwriter."  – Mongrel
"What’s just as interesting about this record is that it sounds like one minstrel’s quest to distance his music from everyone else’s. Such fearlessness is unusual – and deserves to be rewarded." – RTE
"Philosophical as well as lyrical. It will be interesting to see where he brings this special awareness next – 7/10" – Hot Press
"’The Herring and the Brine’ is the best Irish album I’ve heard so far this year." – MP3Hugger Blog
"A debut home-recorded work that dazzles with talent throughout. Each one of the ten folk-tinged songs is instantly memorable, and branded with a refreshing individuality." – Cluas

{mp3}Mumblin_Deaf_Ro-The_Drowning_Man{/mp3}The Drowning Man (5.5MB)

{mp3}Mumblin_Deaf_Ro-Restring_The_Bow{/mp3}Restring The Bow (7MB) 


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