Shai Hulud Split Up! (2 Viewers)

once again you're missing the point mr stabmasterarson. i was simply pointing out that you cannot seperate hardcore and punk. what you regard as 'hardcore' is clearly something entirely different from the majority of users of this board,. this should be obvious from the amount of flak you continually attract for your baffling 'lingo' and sexist attitude, both of which seem to stem from the american ghetto culture that was introduced to impressionable young white males by nu-metal.

you're right, i don't like what you say, precisely because it's got fuck all to do with hardcore.

geddit, bro?
B for the Spree said:
once again you're missing the point mr stabmasterarson. i was simply pointing out that you cannot seperate hardcore and punk. what you regard as 'hardcore' is clearly something entirely different from the majority of users of this board,. this should be obvious from the amount of flak you continually attract for your baffling 'lingo' and sexist attitude, both of which seem to stem from the american ghetto culture that was introduced to impressionable young white males by nu-metal.

you're right, i don't like what you say, precisely because it's got fuck all to do with hardcore.

geddit, bro?
never lizened to "nu-metal" so ain't quite the expert on it you are, but from what i see of it, that genre of music has more to do with appearance, clothin', hot topic bullshit etc, than anything else & i can happily say i don't fall into any of them catagories.

you can very easily seperate todays hardcore & punk, cuz all i see left over from punk in hc is power chords & the DIY ethic. anybody screamin' "unity" is full of shit (as this board & thread plainly show).

said it before & lookey here i gotta repeat myself for the visually impaired- hardcore is what you make of it, ain't no rules, ain't guidebook: so don't try to tellin' me what is right thing for me to do, i know for myself & it ain't any suggestion you, or anyone else gunna post on here.

never lizened to "nu-metal" so ain't quite the expert on it you are, but from what i see of it, that genre of music has more to do with appearance, clothin', hot topic bullshit etc, than anything else & i can happily say i don't fall into any of them catagories.

you can very easily seperate todays hardcore & punk, cuz all i see left over from punk in hc is power chords & the DIY ethic. anybody screamin' "unity" is full of shit (as this board & thread plainly show).

said it before & lookey here i gotta repeat myself for the visually impaired- hardcore is what you make of it, ain't no rules, ain't guidebook: so don't try to tellin' me what is right thing for me to do, i know for myself & it ain't any suggestion you, or anyone else gunna post on here.

duuuuuuuuh i never none lizened to nu-metal
I'm not even getting involved this time except to Quote the Faith song "subject to change" in relation to what punk/hardcore is.
"subject to change what I say
subject to change in every way
subject to change what I do
subject to change,and so are you"
I think it's about time you started thinking and changed your opinions on people
likewise, im not going to get involved in this, except i would like to think that hardcore embodies a broad area of ideals that aspires towards a more unified and undivided community, but guess its open to individual interpretation.
and corm you're right Newborn are fuckin class, we played with them in limerick with catharsis 2 years ago, they blew catharsis off the stage! they've broken up now. what a shame, they were special.
Fuck Shai Hulud, Maiden had 'da Dune-core down years ago...

He is the king of all the land
In the Kingdom of the sands
Of a time tomorrow.

He rules the sandworms and the Fremen
In a land amongst the stars
Of an age tomorrow.

He is destined to be a King
He rules over everything
On the land called planet Dune.

Bodywater is your life
And without it you would die
On the desert the planet Dune.

Without a stillsuit you would fry
On the sands so hot and dry
In a world called Arrakis.

It is a land that's rich in spice
The sandriders and the "mice"
That they call the "Muad'Dib".

He is the Kwizatz Haderach.
He is born of Caladan
And will take the Gom Jabbar.

He has the power to foresee
Or to look into the past
He is the ruler of the stars

The time will come for him
to lay claim his crown,
And then the foe yes
they'll be cut down,
You'll see he'll be the
best that there's been,
Messiah supreme
true leader of men,
And when the time
for judgement's at hand
Don't fret he's strong
and he'll make a stand,
Against evil and fire
That spreads through the land,
He has the power
to make it all end.
hardcore is what you make of it? absolutely anything i make of it?
then by that logic i could reasonably say:
"Lo, I do declare that starting a boy band, signing a recording contract with Sony, and conquering the pop world is Hardcore, and therefore I shall do it and be Hardcore, and ye shall suck on it, for ye are all but pieces of pussy anyway."

or how about:
"I am quite a confused young man with a vague idea of what I would like to be, hence I shall adopt ghetto slang and talk about resssspect while simultaneously contradicting myself with my sexism, and yo bro, it'll be Hardcore, cos Hardcore is what I make of it, and what's more anyone who disagrees with me is a close-minded mofo and ain't hardcore, cos I said so, and all that stuff that makes it so special and so strong as a community forum for ideas and independent culture is just old-fashioned shit about power chords, and that's the way it is. Yo"

which would be *completely* hardcore, right?
Up the Frank Herbert punx!
So, Stab Master A, juz have ta say dat I is much lookin fo'ward to yo' next release. Da lyrix is da bomb. And yo, keep it real. Dere should be mo' Irish peoples speakin' ebonics, coz dat shit really is dope.

An' all.
Hey -I've got a great idea!

Let's all wait until someone makes a throwaway comment that the rest of us find politically incorrect, and rather than opening up a dialogue, just pick holes in an unbelievably easy target -e.g., tough-guy hardcore!
Exquisite Corpse

As I stepped over the dirty rubble covered with arcane glyphs I came upon a bloodied nurse's uniform. I scoured the scene for any signs of its owner, but I found nothing. Just when I was about to give up hope an almost inaudible whimper caught my ear, which sounded to be of either female human origin or that of a lonely young canine. Unfortunately, I have an irrational and sometimes self-defeating fear of dogs; thus, I fell to the ground in a panicked frenzy, curling into the fetal position as an act of defense. However, when the whimper repeated, I realized that it was indeed a human being, as I could make out the word: seventeen great invocations to the night are opened up and the horrid dogma stumbled through his eyes.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Amsterdam a lonely woman cries in the night. She is unloveable. She had composed a number of short piano pieces, whose eccentric titles (such as "Ogives," "Trois Gymnopedies," "Trois Gnossiennes") and unfashionable and yet convincing simplicity of melody were matched by an individual sense of harmony. Her first volume of poetry was published in 1909, and her involvement as a librettist for the Ballets Russes and its impresario Serge Diaghilev began the same year. She first gained recognition as a member of Les Six, a group of young Danish composers who rebelled against romanticism. Their music was condemned universally, and it caused many suicides that year among grocery clerks. They had a special way of communicating with people who were in constant contact with fresh vegetables. There would have been more deaths if it weren't for the birds. The gelatinous cube of fahrvergnügen glistened in the sun. The birds were drawn to shimmering beauty and for a brief moment no one died anywhere in the word.

But as a hundred and eight medical specialists will tell you time and again, this absolutely will not do! I locked myself out of my apartment. Someone was muttering about being the poison. The horror of loneliness and playing the fool struck far too deep in the fanfolds of my heart, and the screaming did not cease. I spread your palms and licked the flaps of your pockets. I was not to be denied, for I had instant conductors all over my body. I ran down the middle of the street with grocery bags on my feet."In the Name of James Franciscus," I screamed, "you've beenbabysitting yourself again!"I carefully laid my jacket on the chair nearest the door and nervously checked the pocket to see that the tape recorder was still running. The ringing excitement of eavesdropping hummed though my delicate body. 23 A great armed mass of darkness fish was approaching, and i could only question the pettiness of the human soul. I had the girl, the records, and the jeweled knife, but he had the time machine. If he didn't send us back I was going to kill her. I demanded that we test the settings on the machine before he sent us. At first he refused, but finally he capitulated. We used the girl as a guniea pig and I never saw her again, but we were able to communicate across the barrier of time by writing in the jacket of a hardcover book. There were many people there, and I think they were cowboys. It seemed that the horrors of the great armed fish were spreading throughout the ages as well, and being Cowboys and never having seen an armed fish in their lives, a great cry for nurses went up amongst the people. The hardcover book was quickly becoming tattered with our scribblings. We are now contending with the artificial entities of passage. Revolutions are brewing on the Artichoke-platz, or as one writer put down so eloquently "smoking simulacral cabbage". Whatever somewhere is whenever, granted the dissolution of mind falls under the 23rd parallel resulting in breakthrough (or more likely) breakdown, then shall increasingly sophisticated collectives breed. Semantics is a toy of cartoon messiahs. Wallowing in a diet of constituted rice and opium, they transmogrify the landscape to reveal: Pataphysical Entity, that repeats on and on like so much corset of rats. Platonic dialogue speaks to no man but as far as pseudo-patience and affectations of kindness dot the ontological horizon, they are the Resurrection. Ha! Kant revealed as the starlit souffle: thy ocean is sperm.

As she shrank she cried out:
From this day on she would forever be afraid of the dogs. But the dogs would never see her again because they had been blinded by a branding iron in the shape of the Taj Mahal. She smelt hospital smells and the woolen numbness of anesthesia. Through a bright, metallic door she saw a patient on an operating table split down the middle. A doctor with grey plastic forceps was extracting crab parasites from his brain and spine and squeezing green, fishy symbiotes from the separated flesh. His body hummed like a queen bee. I pushed the red button, but everything happened and i locked myself away in fear because I thought red was for stop. I screamed and screamed the nurses name in hatred for teaching me wrong and went back to my potatoes, because they always told me what to do. I sat at the table dressed like a giant steak and watched as the vegetarians greedily ate deer. I only wished I had eaten more for my Mother. Orthogonal? three fearless jellyfish asunder, choking furtively. typical airhead hours wasted faceless people hello shooting bullshit I needed more mindless bantor I went bonkers without (a) single thing. I don't have opinions but immediately repulsed general disenchantment. That impact of broadcast is much quicker textual conversation. But then keywords are very quick. Saying something about each others general philosophy. There are not many who can sit being strangulated and feel refreshed afterwards at least not violated. Everything seems like a dream. Bring me a light bulb and a coelocanth. One of his glass eyes was severely fogged. He'd not realized how many aphids he'd ate for Walpurgisnicht. His grandmother (God damn her soul) desperately needed a new electric chair; her old one had begun to speak to her in Portugeuse, but with a distinct unidentifiable reverb-sorta-thing going on. He couldn't get the voice out of his misshapen head: ROCKETTE MORTON ROCKETTE MORTON ROCKETTE MORTON ROCKETTE MORTON ROCKETTE MORTON ROCKETTE MORTON ROCKETTE MORTON ROCKETTE MORTON ROCKETTE MORTON ROCKETTE MORTON ROCKETTE MORTON ROCKETTE MORTON ROCKETTE MORTON ROCKETTE MORTON ROCKETTE MORTON ROCKETTE MORTON ROCKETTE MORTON ROCKETTE MORTON ROCKETTE MORTON ROCKETTE MORTON ROCKETTE MORTON ROCKETTE MORTON ROCKETTE MORTON ROCKETTE MORTON... Meanwhile, his sister felt a strange burning sensation in her left hand whilst dwindling a thin elephant. She inhaled sharply and inadvertently swallowed the foetus she'd been sucking on since breakfast. It'd lost its flavor three hours before three hours before three hours before. "EMMA!," she heard the one-armed albino dwarf call from his cage. "Why is it that you always put too much salt in my crankcase when you service the rototiller?" The blood vessels in the Dwarf's left eye began to stand out and take the shape of Gordon Bennet's profile from the left, "What is wrong with your aorta?" He continued to rant until he was swallowed by an oversized silverfish. Emma smirked and continued to douse herself in kerosine and concentrate on spontaneous combustion. Won't want the hesitation to become part of the action...
brianMy Remorse said:
likewise, im not going to get involved in this, except i would like to think that hardcore embodies a broad area of ideals that aspires towards a more unified and undivided community, but guess its open to individual interpretation.
and corm you're right Newborn are fuckin class, we played with them in limerick with catharsis 2 years ago, they blew catharsis off the stage! they've broken up now. what a shame, they were special.
some of the guys from newborn have formed a new band called a bridge to solace. they reciently toured uk. there's another hungarian band called fallen into ashes who are simmilar to newborn/shai hulud& there touring uk in november with d-rail& beecher.|..|
Corm said:
Hey -I've got a great idea!

Let's all wait until someone makes a throwaway comment that the rest of us find politically incorrect, and rather than opening up a dialogue, just pick holes in an unbelievably easy target -e.g., tough-guy hardcore!

it was a 'throwaway comment' indicative of an underlying fucked attitude that was the problem, but for the record andy (stabmaster) emailed me explaining that it wasn't about women in general but about people who pressure their boy/girlfriends into staying away from their friends; 'piece of pussy' still admittedly being an unfortunate choice of words.

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