Queen Kong / Ladyfest Berlin Hassle (2 Viewers)

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"They named the show Flavor of Love because VH1 decided the original title 'Black Guy Impregnates Twenty Whores' wasn't catchy enough".

Ah, Jimmy Kimmel, you little fucking scamp. Anyone else see the Flavor Flav roast? Before youtube spoiled the fun by removing all the videos, I mean.
"They named the show Flavor of Love because VH1 decided the original title 'Black Guy Impregnates Twenty Whores' wasn't catchy enough".

Ah, Jimmy Kimmel, you little fucking scamp. Anyone else see the Flavor Flav roast? Before youtube spoiled the fun by removing all the videos, I mean.

I'm dying to know how many pregnancies there were in that house, or if indeed Flav's sperm didn't just shrivel up and die anytime that harpy "New York" opened her pie-hole. Gotta grill someone for info about it. My cousin works for VH1, maybe I can get it out of him.

I didn't see the Flav roast. Damn Viacom, taking all the best things off YouTube!
It was your original username that I was enquiring about. But there are quite a few people on here who know my real name, about a dozen or so who know where I live and a good few more than that who know where I work... but they're decent enough that they don't go splashing it about the internet to make themselves feel powerful.

If corey loses any weight he'll disappear when he turns sideways - which would be an interesting ability to have.

Pete asked us to stop. I will be respecting his request.
Pete asked us to stop. I will be respecting his request.

right. i wasn't there and i reckon the plug shouldn't have been pulled. along with stuff that siobhan said waaay back, i'd imagine that the thing that got some people's heckles up the most was the pretending to burn the bra? there's a few levels on which that joke might have been taken as threatening leading to escalation of feelings - i dunno - as i say i wasn't there. an unfortunate incident...

anyway, i've spent a stupid portion of my evening trawling through this ever-growing thread, and i know i shouldn't bother - but i will -
to pelviscostello:
you've said a lot of wrong/mean/misguided stuff but i'm just going to pick up on this...

I would wholly support any gig that who proceeds go to supporting planned parenthood clinics. Does "you're magical girl" or "ladyfest" do that?

i know for a fact that at last count Magical Girl Promotions had a net profit of 4 fucking euros. siobhan does all this work for women out of her own time and her own pocket, not cos she's trying to make any profit or create some counter-sexist anti-man ghetto, but because women's voices and talents are lost in the abyss of our still-too-male-centred culture. what she does is fucking brilliant and uplifting and validating for a woman.
you grow up feeling - no - believing that you can't do loads of shit cos you are female. it sucks that we need active promotion to believe in ourselves but we do. i applaud siobhan, and all women who get up there and perform and all men who support them.

your derision is fucking ugly.

and as for this comment...

Pete asked us to stop. I will be respecting his request.

i am going to go out on a limb here and say that you either have a truly unhealthy respect for authority or you are a liar and a coward.
by "stop" i didn't actually mean "stop yisser discussin" i meant "stop doing whatever it is that's causing me to get angry emails when i'm in the temple of solitude*"

* = pub
I'm amazed at some of the ignorance shown on this thread by people who would profess to be above such things.

Upon reading through the thread, I find that pelviscostello has put across his points for the most part fairly. This is anyone's right whether you agree or disagree with it. Everyone has the right to an opinion, whether you like it or not.
In return, pelviscostello has been utterly harrassed, derided, insulted, and hounded to the extent that people are trying to guess his identity.
This sort of thing is the basic foundation of internet bullying, an issue which has arisen on Thumped before, and I am only relieved to know that pelviscostello probably won't pay any attention to this behaviour.
In fact, despite one or two digressions, pelviscostello has shown far more restraint and control than the majority of users on this thread who have been harrassing him simply because they do not agree with his views.
I actually think it's quite disgraceful how some of those users are acting here, they are just coming across as narrow-minded, cliquey, and elitist.
Even when this has been pointed out by other users, they have pretty much just been ignored.
How dare someone we don't know start using Thumped and give their opinions in a debate??? Opinions that we don't agree with too!! We'll have to find out who it is!!!
Some people here need to grow up and stop acting like children. Ironically enough, learning pelviscostello's restraint would be a good place to start.
If you can't answer someone in a calm manner without resorting to insults and pointless in-jokes, then you should probably just shut the fuck up, because all you're gonna do is make yourself look fucking stupid.

can I have that half-hour of my life back?

on a serious note, im looking forward to finally being able to attend some magical girl gigs when im back. and im totally cool with boys taking their shirts off. girls too.

I'm amazed at some of the ignorance shown on this thread by people who would profess to be above such things.

Upon reading through the thread, I find that pelviscostello has put across his points for the most part fairly. This is anyone's right whether you agree or disagree with it. Everyone has the right to an opinion, whether you like it or not.
In return, pelviscostello has been utterly harrassed, derided, insulted, and hounded to the extent that people are trying to guess his identity.
This sort of thing is the basic foundation of internet bullying, an issue which has arisen on Thumped before, and I am only relieved to know that pelviscostello probably won't pay any attention to this behaviour.
In fact, despite one or two digressions, pelviscostello has shown far more restraint and control than the majority of users on this thread who have been harrassing him simply because they do not agree with his views.
I actually think it's quite disgraceful how some of those users are acting here, they are just coming across as narrow-minded, cliquey, and elitist.
Even when this has been pointed out by other users, they have pretty much just been ignored.
How dare someone we don't know start using Thumped and give their opinions in a debate??? Opinions that we don't agree with too!! We'll have to find out who it is!!!
Some people here need to grow up and stop acting like children. Ironically enough, learning pelviscostello's restraint would be a good place to start.
If you can't answer someone in a calm manner without resorting to insults and pointless in-jokes, then you should probably just shut the fuck up, because all you're gonna do is make yourself look fucking stupid.

I appreciate that cormcolash. I'd have to say that encompasses my opinion of this discussion as well. Thanks for having the guts to say it.

I come to the conclusion that a large amount of users of this forum can't handle their views challenged and can not have a debate without insulting others and acting like children.

It's certainly not worth my time trying to communicate with these people.

Reading this last night in it's entirety, my flatmate had this to say...

"these are the same kind of stupid statements I have heard feminists say in every argument about feminism."
To everyone else:

You may disagree with my views but there are independently minded people on this forum who do agree with me.

I think feminism is bullshit. Outmoded. I think there are no social injustices that exist in Ireland today that warrant feminism. That is to say the social injustices that plauge us today plauge us all irregardless of our sex.

These social injustices are not unique to women and they do not suffer more than men at the hands of it.

I believe, in Ireland, men and women are completely equal.

If you don't like it, and don't agree: I do not fucking care.
To everyone else:

You may disagree with my views but there are independently minded people on this forum who do agree with me.

I think feminism is bullshit. Outmoded. I think there are no social injustices that exist in Ireland today that warrant feminism. That is to say the social injustices that plauge us today plauge us all irregardless of our sex.

These social injustices are not unique to women and they do not suffer more than men at the hands of it.

I believe, in Ireland, men and women are completely equal.

If you don't like it, and don't agree: I do not fucking care.

You are a truly hateful person. What Cormoclash called 'restraint'? I dunno, you compared feminism to white power rallies, then you verbally abused a few of us in your boring, sad, passive-agressive manner, then pretended like because people got pissed off with you, they are the ones with the problem. And yeah, I've got a problem with you. you've posted the full name of someone without her permission, refused to tell anyone who you are, then, when things got ugly for you, you went and played teacher's pet because you thought Pete was trying to shut down the discussion.

You are not 'restrained'. Cormcolash, to suggest that he was in any way restrained absolutely demonstrates how little respect you have for the views of others. Comparing people who campaign for gender equality to racist hatemongers is anything but restrained, it's sick. Sad.

People were trying to be even-handed here, and then pelvis refused to respond to my posts, although he was not afraid to call me names. Now, you may not believe that I or my views are deserving of respect, but you can't suggest he treated everyone with anything resembling respect if even one person was called a 'ridiculous fucking person'. I was asking a serious question, and he responded by calling me a name. How is that restraint? Or don't I count? Because rather than read anything I wrote, all of which was about advocating equality, he refused to read it and then continued to call me names that were based on nothing I said. Now, I can't speak for anyone else, but his responses to me were way out of line, and then, I fucking just gave up because what's the point of someone who not only refuses to listen to reason, instead of walking away, continues to do the internet equivalent of shouting the same hateful bullshit in my face?

He's like a little twat who picks a fight in the schoolyard and then runs behind the teacher when he can't handle the fallout. That's not restraint, and no one who lost the rag with him, or who just gave up and started pulling the piss out of him is probably feeling all that chastised by someone who is such a nasty, hate-filled person. If you don't think feminism is relevant, then fine, don't go to rallies or sign petitions, or even think about it -- whatever. I don't agree, but it's your right. However, if you think feminism is 'bullshit' and needs to be stopped -- because this is what his behaviour certainly demonstrates -- and is somehow a threat to you, then you're just reading into it things that aren't there. And that means that you're either just a deluded saddo, or you're experiencing the paranoia of a bone fide psycho.

All he did was repeat the same things over and over again, and when people asked him questions, he name-called and then refused to respond to any questions. It's not that people don't want their views challenged, it's that calling someone who is asking you a serious question 'a ridiculous fucking person' and then repeating "Women are equal, end of story" does not amount to challenging anyone's views. That's just called being a fucker. Or maybe he is actually genuinely psychotic, in which case, he has my sympathy and I hope he gets some professional help.
Re: Magical Girl Gig Sat 18th Aug - Das Wanderlust+Estel+Sweet Jane

but the woman at ladyfest berlin was obviously pissed off because so many spaces whether the lads realise it or not are male spaces.
most lads are socialised to be louder, more active, encouraged more to be dominant and in control.
so when it comes to gigs lads nearly always stand at the front and take up alot of space and look next time youre at a gig- women hardly ever push themselves forward to the front because we are brought up to think we shouldnt take up much space.
instead of people getting pissed off with me saying this - think about whether its true first and then imagine being born a female and having to cope with this.
we should push to the front more its true- but sometimes it would just be cool if we didnt have to push for what we'd like and it would just happen.
this is why bikini kill always asked to boys to stand at the back of their gigs and asked the girls to stand at the front.
I really don't agree with any of the above. Any gigs i've been to recently there's been as many women at the front as men, or at least a ratio that represents the general attendance at the gig. I stand at the front of gigs most of the time and it's not because i'm "socialised to be louder, more active, encouraged more to be dominant and in control", it's because i want to be able to see the band. Just because there's more men in a space doesn't make it a "male space". It's not like dudes stand around the front comparing muscles (unless it's a metal gig). And i've always found the bikini kill thing of getting all the boys to stand at the back ridiculous, why not just suggest more women come to the front, why "banish" the boys out of sight?

Anyways, i have no problems with ladyfest or gigs celebrating women or whatever, just this point's been bugging me since i read the thread.
Re: Magical Girl Gig Sat 18th Aug - Das Wanderlust+Estel+Sweet Jane

I really don't agree with any of the above. Any gigs i've been to recently there's been as many women at the front as men, or at least a ratio that represents the general attendance at the gig. I stand at the front of gigs most of the time and it's not because i'm "socialised to be louder, more active, encouraged more to be dominant and in control", it's because i want to be able to see the band. Just because there's more men in a space doesn't make it a "male space". It's not like dudes stand around the front comparing muscles (unless it's a metal gig). And i've always found the bikini kill thing of getting all the boys to stand at the back ridiculous, why not just suggest more women come to the front, why "banish" the boys out of sight?

Anyways, i have no problems with ladyfest or gigs celebrating women or whatever, just this point's been bugging me since i read the thread.

Do you think maybe some of the increase in chicks standing at the front could possibly be due to the increasing visibility in chicks in music around here in general? And that that could maybe be due to people making a conscious effort to encourage them?

The point of these gigs -- and I know you said you don't take issue with them -- is about giving women the nudge that says, "Hey, you know what? You're not being deliberately excluded, you're just conditioned to think you need permission. Guess what? You don't. Just show up. Dance, sing, whatever. It's cool." And the more people -- women or men -- who really feel they belong, the more fun it is for everyone.

I dunno, you see the Bikini Kill thing from a male perspective, which I can't see myself because I'm not a dude, but in the early days of Bikini Kill, the situation in the music scene was a bit different than it is now. In some ways, people look back at Riot Grrl, and they go, "Ohh! Why did they have to be so extreme? Look around! It's not so bad!" but maybe it's not so bad now because they weren't afraid to be a bit extreme. It looks problematic now, but I'll tell you what, in 1991, the thought that a girl could stand at the front of a punk show -- at least where I was in 1991 -- that was unusual. Someone can argue in the abstract all they want, but I was there, and for a 15-year old girl, I felt a bit like it was up to someone else to give me permission. Saying nothing about whether or not anyone actively or consciously made me feel that way -- very unlikely -- these kinds of gigs are about trying to make sure no chicks feel that being a girl needs to be a hindrance. I'm sure there are issues for dudes, too, and there are issues shared by both girls and boys, and there are queer issues as well, but just because you're not dealing with all the issues at once doesn't mean the one you're dealing with is invalid.

But that said, I'm not knocking your response to the Bikini Kill thing. I think it's important to acknowledge how men experience feminist activities, especially men who are generally supportive of feminist activities.
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