hector & happy, part 2 (1 Viewer)

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Apr 10, 2002
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happy says:
so much for that then...

Geebag says:
for what then?

Geebag says:

Geebag says:
don't be a cockingob

Geebag says:

Geebag says:
<some emoticon>

Geebag says:
don't make me come over you

happy says:
i see what you did with the words there, very clebber

happy says:
ah nothin, so much for life in general i guess

happy says:
overrated pile o' crap if you ask me

Geebag says:
life in general....tell me about it

Geebag says:
women, eh?

happy says:
women? women don't matter

Geebag says:
you're right. nothing matters no more

happy says:
well, if everything was in place and okay, then maybe they would but things are so messed up, in the greater scheme of things, they don't matter a shit

Geebag says:
jeez, what's got the goat there hag?

happy says:
what do you mean? you have eyes don't you?

happy says:
i thought we saw the same things dip, i really did

happy says:
obviously not, you're like all the rest

happy says:
living for the weekend

Geebag says:
we do buddy, we od

Geebag says:

happy says:
sure we do

Geebag says:
come, tell old dip yer problems

Geebag says:
i won't laff, honest

happy says:
they're not my problems, they're everyone's

happy says:
if you can't see them, not my fault

Geebag says:
ah, you mean the state of the world

Geebag says:
i'm with ye buddy

Geebag says:
it's all buffy the vampire slayers fault

Geebag says:
her and the english

happy says:
yeah, they've got to you too

happy says:
quick solutions all over the place

happy says:
hey, how do i get 'ICEMAN' on my number plate?

Geebag says:
we must be strong, comrade

Geebag says:
strong, and above all , handsome

Geebag says:
of yer car?

happy says:
handsome don't count for shit when you can't love anyone

Geebag says:
you buy it for about 20 grand

happy says:
20 grand for a licence plate?

happy says:
fuck that

Geebag says:
<some emoticon>

happy says:
i really want it though

Geebag says:
they are seriously expensive, them vanity plates

happy says:
it's not about vanity

happy says:
i want crash my car up, make it look really shitty and knackered but keep the licence plate real pristine

Geebag says:
i like it

Geebag says:
it's having the cleanest car in the world, but writing 'wash me' on it in biro

happy says:
kind of

happy says:
it's got to do with the 'ICEMAN' too

Geebag says:
who that?

happy says:
an iceman, no feelings

happy says:

happy says:

Geebag says:
like me

Geebag says:
dead inside

happy says:
i know you're not an iceman, you're really sensitive underneath it all

happy says:
i've seen it in your drunken eyes

Geebag says:

happy says:
no shit dilah, i know

Geebag says:
no you don't

Geebag says:
hard as nails me

Geebag says:
dead inside

happy says:
yeah? just like me?

happy says:
no way

happy says:
i can imagine you crying

happy says:
i bet you can't imagine me crying

happy says:
that's the differencxe

Geebag says:
i never cry

Geebag says:
but youhave that big soft bear face

Geebag says:
i can picture tears streaming down it

Geebag says:
so upset you are with the state of the world

happy says:
it's never about the face dip, you know that

happy says:
it's the eyes, eyes never lie

happy says:
you have gentle eyes. mine are grey and small

happy says:
and i'm only 27

Geebag says:
you have the eyes of puppy

happy says:
i can't wait to meet me in 10 years time

happy says:
like some kind of vinny or something i'll be

happy says:
some kind of young vinny

Geebag says:
gentle eyes?

Geebag says:
i think you fancy me

Geebag says:
NEVER say that hag

Geebag says:
there's allus hope

happy says:
i love you dip, i love the love you have inside for things

happy says:
i know i can never have it

Geebag says:
i'm brimful with the loving, me

Geebag says:
i'll stick some into you if you want

happy says:
i felt it once, when i was about 17 or so. it was like 'a ha, i know what i'm here for now. i'm supposed to love people'...

happy says:
then she went all crazy, had to go into care and i was left there, all alone

Geebag says:

Geebag says:
you not alone.....

happy says:
it was like my life support machine had been switched off and i was just left there, life seemping out of me at such a rate that i should be already dead

Geebag says:
mentallists are never alone

happy says:

happy says:
i'm not a mentallist.

Geebag says:
<some emoticon>

happy says:
mentallists, i wish i was one. they have fun.

Geebag says:
<some emoticon>

Geebag says:
of course, my mistake

Geebag says:
you're still full of life buddy. i see you whince everytime i kick ye

happy says:
wince? it's me closing my eys, praying you'll kick the last bit of life out of me. i pray so hard that when i open my eyes, all i'll be able to see will be whiteness, neverending whiteness but i always see you, your kind eyes, mocking my empty heart.

Geebag says:
<some emoticon>

Geebag says:
such tender words....

happy says:
do you believe me now?

Geebag says:
as life leaves us bereft of feeling, we begin to understand ho wmuch they mean to us

happy says:
this is why i wanted to do the SIPTU building thing with you, i thought you understood

Geebag says:
i hear yolu yearning, hag, yearning for stability, yearning to ushered into a new dawn of acceptance and understanding

Geebag says:
there's so much love for life inside you right now, and you don't even realise it

happy says:
i just want people to relaise what's going on around them and say 'hey, i don't like this, no one does, let's stop doing it'.

Geebag says:
you see, you do care about humanity

happy says:
how can i? i've never experienced it.

happy says:
am i chasing a dream?

happy says:
i've only ever known disappointment

happy says:
of varying degrees

happy says:
it never surprises me. kindness surprises me.

happy says:
everyone is so selfish.

Geebag says:
ah come on

Geebag says:
well, no, you're right

Geebag says:
i'm a selfish cunt

happy says:
that's jumping from the siptu building makes so much sense. it's sticking a finger up at ugliness and will leave a desperate taste in people mouths.

happy says:
having a note saying 'please knock down this building' in our pockets and nothing else.

happy says:
it's beautiful

happy says:
i can imagine what people will say, two bright upstanding young men ... it makes no sense ... etc.

happy says:
but people will subconsiously understand

Geebag says:
but i'm sensitive... i feel love... how could i leave it all behind?

happy says:
when the flowers start grwoing out of the ground where we fall, people will understand

happy says:
who do you feel love from?

Geebag says:
it's a beautiful imagine

Geebag says:
from? or to?

Geebag says:
from people

happy says:

happy says:
who loves you? truely loves you?

Geebag says:
from my friends, hag. from you

happy says:
true, i do love you

happy says:
i love my friends

Geebag says:

Geebag says:
and i love all back, selflessly

happy says:
but i don't have very many friends and it's not from lack of people in the world, let me tell you

happy says:
you're being flippant and smart now

Geebag says:
not me.

Geebag says:
i'm with ya

Geebag says:
but you can't have too many friends, otherwise you dilute the love
Deep man, deep. I want to use that extract in a play, I'd call it "Happy and geebag, the love, loss and architecture" it would be bigger than Romeo & Juliet. My favourite line was "but you have that big soft bear face" that when the music comes in....probably the theme from buffy.
happy says:
you read what that sparsiarse said?

Geebag says:
getting to it

Geebag says:

Geebag says:
genuinely classic

happy says:
i think he missed the point

happy says:
maybe it's just me

Geebag says:

Geebag says:

Geebag says:
it's me too

happy says:
it's not me, it's you

happy says:
such a brilliant line

happy says:
did you read what pissy pants said about it?

Geebag says:
on the nail

happy says:
you think? getting a ride was the furthest thing from my mind, i don't know about you...

Geebag says:
i try me best, pal. but it's never that far from me mind

Geebag says:
i suppose it's cos i'm such a sensitive bastard

happy says:
well, that proves it. we're not the same

happy says:
you're not my siptu partner any more dip

happy says:
i need someone untainted by lust or the flowers won't grow

Geebag says:
ah, hag

happy says:
you can see my point?

Geebag says:
i'm not lusty

Geebag says:
i'm just sensitive

happy says:

happy says:
you're the same as everyone else

Geebag says:
i fucking kill ye for saying that

happy says:
you'll probably try .. the next time you're drunk or something

happy says:
i'm worried about your drinking

Geebag says:
i will and all

Geebag says:
really? so am i.

happy says:
no seriously, you drink heavily pretty much every night, right?

Geebag says:

happy says:
it's not the best way in the world to be dip...

Geebag says:

happy says:
it's just not dip. why do you do it? i mean, you're in a shitty job all day and then you just go and get blotto... you must have hardly any memories of the pst few years...

Geebag says:
hardly none

happy says:
you happy being like that?

Geebag says:
being drunk?

happy says:
not having memories nd living for the weekend

Geebag says:
i don't live for the weekend. you just said i get drunk every night.

Geebag says:
what's so special about memories anyway? do you want to be reminded about the people who have hurt you?

Geebag says:
i'm sick of chasing the chimera of my own dignity down the slippery gutters of everynight

Geebag says:
you'd be glad to be as abandoned as myself, you woul,, you'd be glad if you could feel one tenth of the numbness you aspire to

happy says:
i guess i would but i'm finding it hard to believe you feel like this

happy says:
i know you have a brain

happy says:
i know about you

happy says:
the bottom line pip

happy says:
the bottom line

happy says:
you know it, so do i
Geebag says:
the bottom line, hag....

happy says:

Geebag says:

Geebag says:
all are cunt

Geebag says:
oh man, that's brilliant

Geebag says:
the whole thing is brilliant

happy says:
i like it

happy says:
all is cunt

happy says:

Geebag says:
<some emoticon>

happy says:
so pissarse reckon we ain't up to much

happy says:
that's pretty funny

Geebag says:

happy says:
you'd swear she was something to write gome about the way she goes on

happy says:
ever notice the pictures she had ... she thinks they look like her ... if only she was a zillionth as hot as them, she might get boned some night...

happy says:
maybe she'd be more bearable then, maybe people might actually genuinely like her

happy says:
for who she is like... you know what i'm talking about
duh happy.
thats betty page.
its there cos i like betty page.

and if we are gonna get bitchy:

at least my ears are in proportion to my head.
Random Man says:
let teh love in hag, let the love in

Random Man says:
feel it cleanse you

Random Man says:
yes, yes you can cry

happy says:
okay, i think that's waht i needed, i've been in the toilets crying for nearly 10 minutes.

happy says:
i'm sorry for being mean.

happy says:
i love everyone.

happy says:
i really really do.

happy says:
i have smiles for everyone in the audience, and dip, you can drink as much as you like...

happy says:
you know what? i might just join you...

happy says:
hey, let's everyone just go and get drunk.

Random Man says:
thanks, buddy, thanks for that

happy says:
that's okay buddy, i love ya.
I'm depressed that Dip gets to go to the pub every night.

I can never get anyone to go to the pub. It's all "eurh! let's go for a meal somewhere nice", or "euhr, Uisce and myself are having a meal on Friday night, would yourself and herself like to come? Oisin and Derv are coming along, sew are Tuiseal Ginideach and Uachtar Reoite. It'll be leurvely, bring some wine"
the horrible thing across the river from tara st. station? you have no idea how much i want to blow it up. a friend was given a present of a flying lesson. 'deal is, you do ten lessons, get a cert, then you can hire a plane and fly it on your own. each lesson is around 150 euros. 1,500 euros to get a chace to fly a small plane into it ... totally worth it. thing is, do you eject?

Originally posted by pete
liberty hall

"the siptu building" is called liberty hall.

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