COME BACK, PATH! (2 Viewers)

re: BR night out

there was no chance of you ruining the night Path - at least, I don't really believe you would have bottled anyone. I'll say no more about a certina person't behavious on teh night. Suffice to say that you weren't the onlyone who felt the brunt of it. tsk tsk...

We were just sorry you felt you had to leave... but hey, be sure to mail folks for a brew before u leave the country altogether.
hey path, i'm sad to see you're still down on thumped as a resource and a bb. people like yerself make it a good place to find/argue things out. to hear you came v close to having a physical encounter with someone else off the board is a bit of a wake up call i suppose but if you're over it now then you should give it another chance. don't let a minority put you off (even if i'm one of 'em that pisses you off). anyhoughs, enjoy your travels, take it easy. and you never know - you might find yourself checking thumped out when you're awa' just to see what's going on...
path (07 Feb, 2002 03:29 p.m.):
Forgive me (I'm human ;-) ) but abusive words towards from virtual strangers on a screen dont just bounce off me. I think I decided not to bother any more posting or reading thumped (and also, admittedly, a small factor in wrapping up the path) one night after being at being at a pre-Christmas meet up in the Lord Edward pub. I was pretty hammered and enjoying myself when Hector Grey walked in (but I had no idea who he was until someone asked if he had talked to me yet).

Hector was sitting sort of across from me and asked me later on if I wrote the path, I just grunted a yes and stared him out of it, but I dont know how aware he was of my presence. I think I was a shot away from glassing him in the head, I was boiling with rage, I was picturing in my minds eye how many Jimmy Cake members I would have to fight off ;-) . I had to leave, I didnt want to spoil this girl Carol's night with a fight (she had organised the get together).

That's not much fun when you do a freesheet or a fanzine and because of some idiotic internet detractor, I was on the verge of seriously assaulting someone. Its very disheartening reading mindless criticism of your efforts, and yeah it put me off doing freesheets a lot, there are about ten half-finished paths now that I'm not bothered completing.

Stephen (always a quiet, subtle arguer) good man yourself, just mailed me one day and said something like "dont know why you let hag and the dickhead boys get on your tits, you should just tell them to go suck your dick". Maybe I was out doing pills or trips the night before or something but the simplicity of it made sense. Its just a couple of mouths/trolls on a bulletin board, probably programmers or software testers with far too much access to a PC, posting any old shit that comes into their heads, I thought.

I'm over the whole bbs row thing, its last year, its nothing, I dont even read the BBS any more as a guest, I just came here now cos someone said there was a thread about me (and I feel I should reply to some points raised). There are loads of other BBS's, both local and UK, where I've never experienced any abuse like the level of that on thumped, not sure what that says exactly, but just the general atmosphere on some yahoo groups and urban75 is much nicer. I dont ever reccomend to people to go here as a BBS or a resource.

More to follow... (doing fuck all in work, as you can see)

path, you are an unbelieveable dipshit. :D
Especially in my unhappy old job I wandered through plenty of BBS places. Haven't found many to compare with here, despite it not always being to my taste.
Thumped is a great resource and getting better.
Not least because we can have this sort of discussion/post mortem of a month of sniping.
(Which may actually mean we're growing up, Tracy ;) except when I also type pricks, gay, etc in an attempt to be all good-natured and disarming. But that's cos I'm an idiot.)
It caused the outbreak of THiNGS which could be a very good thing indeed. It's provided free hosting for Path, SciLabs, Kids, Corpo, JOA, Stoat...
It also has a lot of decent people on it (even Hag).
Obviously you liked it here at one stage.
It's a shame that a brief period of nastiness has sullied your opinion.
This is probably a fairly pointless post, but I think Thumped can only, overall, be a Good Thing.
And I feel a little protective.

Have a nice time on your world tour, Mr Path.
Hope to do the same thing before I hit the Australian temp work visa barrier of age 31.
Because obviously then all people want to do is procreate and buy houses.
Although Anthony isn't actually 31 yet.

Edit: Hag, thanks for getting in just before my post. Now feel like I was defending the indefensible.
While you're a top bloke in real life on here you're either nice, retarded or just a cunt.
Tracy_Eminent (07 Feb, 2002 03:21 p.m.):
'And Tracy Eminent, your scalpel metaphor was mad altogether. Don't mind hag, whatever you do with cocks, I'm sure you don't suck 'em.'

ah, I do occasionally... that's what I do when I'm bored at work... somebody should tell Hag

oh man! marty feldman...blow jobs...[grasping hair in Einstein like fashion]it's aaalll toooo muuuuch!!!
actually you know that club75 on georges street. well the bouncer wouldnt let us in there cause we had too much mustard on our noses.
hag (07 Feb, 2002 03:48 p.m.):
path, you are an unbelieveable dipshit.

Is that your "I'm really a nice guy, really I am, people DO like me, please be my friend" outside persona saying that, or is it your "I'm only an asshole on this BBS because I'm frustrated on a daily basis" internet persona saying that..? :D

Are you going to answer my previous post to you? Your silence speaks volumes.

Sure go on and insert another childish insta-jibe after a complete non-edited quote why dont you... yawn...
joss :
Edit: Hag, thanks for getting in just before my post. Now feel like I was defending the indefensible.
While you're a top bloke in real life on here you're either nice, retarded or just a cunt.

spa, you forgot 'funny'. :D
path :
Is that your "I'm really a nice guy, really I am, people DO like me, please be my friend" outside persona saying that, or is it your "I'm only an asshole on this BBS because I'm frustrated on a daily basis" internet persona saying that..? :D

no. yes. i honestly believe you're a dipshit.

path :
Are you going to answer my previous post to you? Your silence speaks volumes.

i did answer it. i said "YOU'RE A DIPSHIT". duh!

path :
Sure go on and insert another childish insta-jibe after a complete non-edited quote why dont you... yawn...

path is gay.
Stephen (07 Feb, 2002 02:45 p.m.):
See that's what I always though was the future with the whole scene> We buy a premise make it a "members only club"(wink wink). Sell beer all day and night, have strippers and gambling. Oh and a vegan cafe too.

excuse me I think I just came.......

With all the things stuff happening, has anyone gave this type of idea more than a moments wet dream? How difficult\legal would it be to do something like the Warzone collective in Belfast? If a small chunk of every 'things' event or release went towards putting a deposit on some sort of cheap warehouse, The place would surely pay for itself, especially if it ran hookers and mah-jong on the side. Anyone know of any warehouses going cheap on grafton street?

ps now wants money for spell checking it seems , so you'll have to excuse any dodgy speling on my pat.
Hmm me proxies are poxied... try this again then... nearly done... my fingers are sore... the [path] is finished now, time to move on to other things. I will miss Dublin lots when I'm gone, the Critical Mass is amazing, we got a really big crowd down for the first one of the year on Jan 26th (not wanting to blow me and Stephens trumpet or anything [oo-er missus] but I really really hope theres some other fucking insane lunatics out there willing to staple flyers to 2000 bikes around town in the freezing cold) there's some really nice people in the city (constantly meeting more), there's loads of stuff to do and see, musically the city is vibrant with independent releases all the time; Indymedia.IE just got launched, after having gone to every ever-decreasing and ever-depressing meeting in the last x months, seeing this up and running nearly had me in tears (again, might have been doing yokes the night before ;-) ) There are obviously a lot of pathetic arseholes in this city and in different "scenes" (Stephens word) that I hated but they dont bother me at all any more... there are far too many sound heads to outweigh them. Its a really cool place and its getting better all the time. I will be homesick.

Its kind of strange the way the path worked out, remembering and looking back at the first one it was more of an experiment than anything else.. didnt think it would run to more than three or four issues. S@E was on a completely different tip obviously - S@E was total fucking drug fuelled mayhem, we'd write about any old shit that came into our heads, if I had a new type of kebab in Iskanders I'd write a review of it. If some new yokes came on the market I'd write a review of it. If a dog went for a shit in front of me I'd write a review of it. We got out 38 issues (including three full sized fanzines) in 2 years and 9 months, and looking back on the quality of some of it, admittedly we could have produced less material.. but we wanted to overtake Gearhead Nation in the issue count as well :)

Loads of things had changed personally since the end of S@E in October 1998.. the nihilistic/rave/"I just want to get fucked out of my head" ethos kind of organically changed and matured into... into looking into different types of freedoms, Suppose the first manifestation of that was the "Sugar Riot" zine during my self-imposed unemployment stint in 1999, getting six people to write about more than a gig they saw or yet another average album by some band was an eye opener. I guess the [path] was trying to reflect these changes in some ways, and to encourage people to experience the pleasures I was getting from them as well, I also wanted to write better and more on specific topics because it meant I was learning new things all the time, historical stuff like the Limerick Soviet and Monto I think is amazing. A Critical Mass or something like the Street Football is ten times better than any rave/club/gig for me now (but my love for music/drugs has not died, IMO it is just way less important on both a personal and much larger scale). I have a few ideas that I'd like to pursue when/if I ever come home... but there's no rush...

Dont think there's any other freesheets running in the city, hopefully someone will take up the slack because even if the medium has been slightly eclipsed by the internet, I still get the same buzz from picking up a sheet on a counter today as I did when I picked up React about 12 years ago (still have it, should really frame it), and I presume other people out there feel the same, it would be a shame to lose it.

Right so thats all folks... take it easy.
i didnt know you did s@e . that was a great zine. i still have issue 1 around somewhere. fair fucks. have a nice trip.
by the way how do you find out about critical mass things.? cheers
A Critical Mass or something like the Street Football is ten times better than any rave/club/gig for me now....

that was class. that's me and me mates in the locked.avi file on the path site. great days, great days. unfortunately i'd just spent a wad of cash on me bike and was too afraid to leave it to go play ball.

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