COME BACK, PATH! (1 Viewer)

path (07 Feb, 2002 11:38 a.m.):
herv (07 Feb, 2002 07:58 a.m.):
actually, speaking of path, i met him last night by chance. appearantly hes bought himself a round the world trip. lucky guy.

'allo 'allo, wots all this about...

Just saw this thread now, someone mentioned it to me in the last couple of days but didnt get around to coming here. Will try and reply to some of it, but a lot of stuff to do today and tomorrow (last two days of work, got laid off - "global strategy adjustment", I liked that one).

That was you with E. last night Herv yeah? That photo dont do you justice.. hee hee..

On a brief but completely unrelated topic, what the fuck is the story with casinos in Ireland?? Are they legal or what? After I left the IFC bar last night I went to this place - - which had seriously full-on gambling with blackjack tables and roulette wheels (people betting around 20 thousand Euro on red or black, jesus christ) along with standard Hold'em (tournament) and Omaha (50 Euro Entry cash game) poker tables. There are loads of them dotted around town - the Jackpot, the Collossus, the 78, and that scary looking place with the blacked out windows on Parnell Street opposite the Welcome Inn which allegedly serves drink til all hours as well (any of the ones I've been in dont serve alcohol at all).

howdo. yep that was i. hope you enjoyed your meal. we had a nice pint.
regarding the picture, i found it on hotornot but i'm almost positive someone here had it before. i've not been sleeping much as a result.

snakybus (07 Feb, 2002 01:37 p.m.):
herv (07 Feb, 2002 01:14 p.m.):
regarding the picture, i found it on hotornot but i'm almost positive someone here had it before. i've not been sleeping much as a result.

I actually thought that's what you really look like.

eh, is that a man peeing on another mans head in your picture?
I have the impression casinos are legal so long as they're 'members only' type affairs.
There's 2 on Montague St there opposite Whelan's - I once spent hours waiting for a taxi around there, and when a parked car got a window accidentally broken by some unfortunate drunken fucker, one bouncer detained him while another went inside to get the owner. Within about 2 minutes Montague St was full of Chinese people and there was a cop car with 4 cops inside on the scene
Very strange

(enjoy your trip, path)
snakybus (07 Feb, 2002 02:19 p.m.):
snakybus (07 Feb, 2002 02:17 p.m.):
herv (07 Feb, 2002 02:05 p.m.):
eh, is that a man peeing on another mans head in your picture?

no, I think it's a guy and his shadow

oh, PEEing
I thought you said PEERing

yes, em... he's having a wizz on another lad's head...and the other lad is loving it.

as am i snaky, as am i. what happened to your other picture anyway? i thought that was quite amusing.
maybe you should get a picture of the real "snakybus", or "de bendy bus" as they call it round my way.
[/quote] yes, em... he's having a wizz on another lad's head...and the other lad is loving it....[/quote]

Isn't it from the cover of "The Soft Bulletin" by The Flaming Lips?
Pantone247 (05 Feb, 2002 03:10 p.m.):
if he had acknowledged my question rather then gloss over it and then tell me to go to the rally, I would've been happier

Pantone: apologies if I seemed as if I was skating over your questions, was not intentional, didnt even realise it: but for the record I have no problem with political graffitti, I think its actually more effective and less polluting than postering, and even after the spectacle of the event of running through a shopping centre, the message remains. I dont particularly see the problem with doing it on a shutter on a Parnell St shop (as an ex black-marker lampost-and-bus shelter vandal I couldnt possibly condemn it :). Also that wasnt myself who did the graffitti, I wasnt aware they were going to do it, a girl who did some of it was caught and fined 800 punts but I think all the charges were dropped in the end. Funnily enough I only came around to this opinion recently, had a very long back-and-forth email dicussion/argument with a stranger who advocated graffitti as a valid media (he/she seemed very into the Situationists and the methods of May 1968 in the Sorbonne district). If you would like to continue this discussion please drop me a mail privately.

As for telling you to read the article on hypocrisy, it was because I would like people to read it because I put time and effort into getting the freesheet together, and its always good when people actually bother to read the damn thing and then feed back on it... And yeah of course I'm wrong sometimes and dont act exactly as I'd like, I dont think I ever claimed never to be hypocritical - there's hypocrisy everywhere and I'm no less guilty than anyone (as said in one issue of the path, I cant remember which one its called), but I'm trying to right the wrongs in my own mind and heart with the knowledge I have now.

More to follow...
egg_ (07 Feb, 2002 02:11 p.m.):
I have the impression casinos are legal so long as they're 'members only' type affairs.
There's 2 on Montague St there opposite Whelan's - I once spent hours waiting for a taxi around there, and when a parked car got a window accidentally broken by some unfortunate drunken fucker, one bouncer detained him while another went inside to get the owner. Within about 2 minutes Montague St was full of Chinese people and there was a cop car with 4 cops inside on the scene
Very strange

(enjoy your trip, path)

See that's what I always though was the future with the whole scene> We buy a premise make it a "members only club"(wink wink). Sell beer all day and night, have strippers and gambling. Oh and a vegan cafe too.

excuse me I think I just came.......

maybe you know who I am and I certainly know who you are - we've passed through the same circles more than once. But just what do you achieve by calling me a 'cocksucker' - and for criticising nasty comments you made about someone else? if anything that just proves my point. Maybe you're a lovely chap off the board, but how the hell would I know? Either way, you're scalpel sharp, like many others on tis board, which is what drew me here in the first place... but a scalpel is only useful in the hands of a good surgeon, who knows where to make the incision and which parts to remove. Random punctures kill the patient.

So, now you're king of the playground... I guess that means you won't be making captain of the debating team!
egg_ (07 Feb, 2002 02:11 p.m.):
There's 2 on Montague St there opposite Whelan's

Yeah thats the Jackpot and the Collossus. The Jackpot is just a card playing room, quite comfortable actually, and a nicer atmosphere than the place on Merrion Square I was in last night because all the tables are next to each other. They have a 20 Euro buy-in Hold'em tournament on Wednesday nights which is a good laugh. They have a cash Omaha game going on as well but thats only for the hardcore.

The Collossus is owned by the same people but theres only Roulette and Blackjack in there I think.

(enjoy your trip, path)

Cheers, should be interesting...
hag (05 Feb, 2002 06:16 p.m.):

i know path is a human, i think he just needs communicate more and dictate less


i just wanted him to start speaking normally. you know? like 'how's it going?' and stuff like that. touching and feeling, all part of the same thing.


and as for Tracy_Eminent, i know you and you know me. funny, i didn't figure you as a cock-sucker. now go away and be annoyed at the board somewhere else and punish us some more with you absense, haven't you heard? i'm king of this here playground ... fuck you too!

Hag: I cant believe you're saying you wanted to me communicate more humanly. You have a strange way of going about getting someone to communicate more openly, by calling them a prick on a BBS and challenging them to fights. Even when I tried to post about stuff like my favourite records of the year you were still abusive, for no apparent reason. I mailed you personally (before you went on your abuse bender against me, still dont know what prompted that) asking who you were and if we had met before, seeing as how you knew my tattoos, and saying that I was involved with "sl@nted @nd ench@nted" a few years ago. I actually regret sending what I thought was a reasonably friendly and open mail considering how abusive you were to me publicly afterwards. You never bothered mailing me back privately - why not? Please answer this question, its the only remark I'd really like you to respond on. If you dont want to post up about it here then you can mail me privately - although seems fucked today, yet again.

You say that you write stuff on bbs that you wouldnt say in real life because you're bored in work. That thumped allows you to escape from your boredom. Perhaps thats the crux of the matter - that people do things on the internet because its detached from real feelings and doesnt have consequences in the immediate time you do it. Imagine if anyone came up to you in real life and started shouting "PRICK PRICK PRICK" in your face. I wouldnt react very kindly to it, dont think you would either. Your thumped "alter-ego" as you put it - its still you, you cant detach your words from the person, so even if you paint yourself as a nice guy in the real world, I'll forever think of you as a complete and utter shithead because of what you have posted here.

More to follow...
Herv, I liked my old picture all right but I just got bored. Maybe I'll bring it back for a reprise (God am I a nerd or what)
I'll look into the ol' "bendy bus" situation.

Rothko, yes you're right, it is the Flaming Lips. A pretty strange album but I like it.

And Tracy Eminent, your scalpel metaphor was mad altogether. Don't mind hag, whatever you do with cocks, I'm sure you don't suck 'em.

On the subject of buses, I knew this woman who got drunk one day down in Tuam and stole a bus for a laugh. It was full old folks who were supposed to be going to an old folks home. She was chased by the cops and drove along the rail tracks and all. It was on the news (I know that's totally irrelevant but just the bendy bus thing reminded me of it and it's a pretty funny story, you know?)
'And Tracy Eminent, your scalpel metaphor was mad altogether. Don't mind hag, whatever you do with cocks, I'm sure you don't suck 'em.'

ah, I do occasionally... that's what I do when I'm bored at work... somebody should tell Hag
Welcome back, Path.

Just saw a mob of photographers running along Merrion Square after the van containing Liam Lawlor.

At least, I think it was the van containing Liam Lawlor. It had a large dunce's cap mounted on the roof with a sign reading "I THINK I'M GOING FOR ELECTION AGAIN THIS TIME ROUND".
Forgive me (I'm human ;-) ) but abusive words towards from virtual strangers on a screen dont just bounce off me. I think I decided not to bother any more posting or reading thumped (and also, admittedly, a small factor in wrapping up the path) one night after being at being at a pre-Christmas meet up in the Lord Edward pub. I was pretty hammered and enjoying myself when Hector Grey walked in (but I had no idea who he was until someone asked if he had talked to me yet).

Hector was sitting sort of across from me and asked me later on if I wrote the path, I just grunted a yes and stared him out of it, but I dont know how aware he was of my presence. I think I was a shot away from glassing him in the head, I was boiling with rage, I was picturing in my minds eye how many Jimmy Cake members I would have to fight off ;-) . I had to leave, I didnt want to spoil this girl Carol's night with a fight (she had organised the get together).

That's not much fun when you do a freesheet or a fanzine and because of some idiotic internet detractor, I was on the verge of seriously assaulting someone. Its very disheartening reading mindless criticism of your efforts, and yeah it put me off doing freesheets a lot, there are about ten half-finished paths now that I'm not bothered completing.

Stephen (always a quiet, subtle arguer) good man yourself, just mailed me one day and said something like "dont know why you let hag and the dickhead boys get on your tits, you should just tell them to go suck your dick". Maybe I was out doing pills or trips the night before or something but the simplicity of it made sense. Its just a couple of mouths/trolls on a bulletin board, probably programmers or software testers with far too much access to a PC, posting any old shit that comes into their heads, I thought.

I'm over the whole bbs row thing, its last year, its nothing, I dont even read the BBS any more as a guest, I just came here now cos someone said there was a thread about me (and I feel I should reply to some points raised). There are loads of other BBS's, both local and UK, where I've never experienced any abuse like the level of that on thumped, not sure what that says exactly, but just the general atmosphere on some yahoo groups and urban75 is much nicer. I dont ever reccomend to people to go here as a BBS or a resource.

More to follow... (doing fuck all in work, as you can see)

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