COME BACK, PATH! (2 Viewers)

Argh! Grow up?
There is nothing I hate more than Grow Up.
This made me so angry that I had to go call my workmate a prick.
Looks like if I can't take out my aggression here I become a danger to society.

Growing Up is what caused the cynicism with regard to Path and Ste's scene-based unhappiness.
Growing Up should be avoided if at all possible.

Surely the THiNGS ideal is a more tech-savvy (albeit more self-serving too) version of this scene you speak of Ste?
I recall how excited I was finding out about Hope, going to Barnstormers etc. But there's plenty better now too.
Problem with memory is it's habit of hiding away the bad stuff.
Although perhaps that isn't really a problem.
Conor (05 Feb, 2002 02:20 p.m.):
Stephen (05 Feb, 2002 02:18 p.m.):
Where is that feeling of inclusion?

isn't that what we're trying to do with things?

True but we're still working on a very professional level. A level I'm sure can be intimidating to some.
I feel THiNGS should push the ground up buzz/the helping hand/the you're crap but we like you anyway way of putting on gigs and releasing records.

I'll be the first to admit I don't do anything for anyone I don't like personally. I've put on however many gigs and to be honest I put on most of the bands cos I like them as people I really coulldn't give a shit how good or bad their band is.
I guess this the way I came into the scene (playing in shit bands that some head siad they'd gives a chance and just having a laugh) and it'll always be the way I am.
viva friendship not musicianship.
re: growing up - Joss

yeah, ok... you're right.

That was a stupid Primary-School-Teacher-Who-Can't-Keep-Control-Of-The-Class thing to say. There are some people on this board who need reversion therapy.

And I wasn't making any sweeping generalisations either. I was making a specific observation. I still have a pain in my arse with the board.

So that's me then. See you in Dystopia.
Tracy_Eminent (05 Feb, 2002 02:34 p.m.):
And I wasn't making any sweeping generalisations either. I was making a specific observation. I still have a pain in my arse with the board.

What - with everyone?
Pantone247 (05 Feb, 2002 02:27 p.m.):
I remeber Path was plugging the buy nothing weekend and I, at the time, was really pissed off about the graffitti "promoting" this event. So I asked Path how he felt the right on attitude of Buy Nothing day could sit with the childish and dumb practise of Graffiting shop fronts and stuff (one shop on Parnell Street I had in mind... I mean its bad enough were encvouraged to boycott this poor chap trying to make a living but spraypainting his shop!!... its not like it was Champion Sports or McDOnalds.. just some guys shop!!)

This is the thing with an event like BND the path didn't orgainise it. He helped and promoted it but it was an un-orgainised event. You know? Anarchy? Where everyone can do what they feel is for the greater good.
I too do not personally agree with property distruction but can see how it can be justified.
That poor guy's shop? That I'm afraid was casuality of war.
Stephen (05 Feb, 2002 02:31 p.m.):
True but we're still working on a very professional level. A level I'm sure can be intimidating to some.
I feel THiNGS should push the ground up buzz/the helping hand/the you're crap but we like you anyway way of putting on gigs and releasing records.

Stephen I think you're a victim of your own success. Your point of view can't be the same as it was back then 'cos you know so much about the biz now. Speaking as one who doesn't - there are plenty of bands involved in things that i wouldn't listen to but everyone seems friendly enough and we have the same goals and that's good. Also only a couple of people have even bothered asking me about the band/commenting on our music and stuff when i meet them so i don't think the music is that important, the friendship/goal is. Plus we're all alot older than we were back then and (some of us) have more money and less time so professionalism does creep into it.

i was looking back further on the archive to my first encounter with path before i knew who he was and what he did:

I was defo in the wrong here, but the argument got me riled up som much. Anyways the only thing i can point out from this is that it took other people (egg -thank you) to point out what a dick i was by calming me down. path was just winding me up even more. and as pantone says, when he's in the wrong he sometimes just ignores the question - very annoying.
That thread was about Low?
And page 2 had CGI error.

I like the idea of re-hashing old threads with director's commentary on them :)
Reminds me of something....

Casualty Of War = Bullshit!
4 O'Clock at the schoolgates, Doyle.
Pantone247 (05 Feb, 2002 02:27 p.m.):
I remeber Path was plugging the buy nothing weekend and I, at the time, was really pissed off about the graffitti "promoting" this event. So I asked Path how he felt the right on attitude of Buy Nothing day could sit with the childish and dumb practise of Graffiting shop fronts and stuff (one shop on Parnell Street I had in mind... I mean its bad enough were encvouraged to boycott this poor chap trying to make a living but spraypainting his shop!!... its not like it was Champion Sports or McDOnalds.. just some guys shop!!)

This is the thing with an event like BND the path didn't orgainise it. He helped and promoted it but it was an un-orgainised event. You know? Anarchy? Where everyone can do what they feel is for the greater good.
I too do not personally agree with property distruction but can see how it can be justified.
That poor guy's shop? That I'm afraid was casuality of war.
joss (05 Feb, 2002 02:49 p.m.):
That thread was about Low?
And page 2 had CGI error.
I like the idea of re-hashing old threads with director's commentary on them :)
Reminds me of something....

I can get to page 2 ok - I'll do my commentary:
We was going on aboot all this stuff we remember from being a kid and then path posted a bit from one of the zine's about how retro-referencing kids tv was a sign of a wasted childhood so i got really mad and cursed and fecked but did actually manage to direct some questions at path that he answered (annoyingly) by pointing to another article and then egg told me i was being a dick and i said sorry and everyone was happy and we started talking about wham bars and battle of the planet bars. i however learnt a valuable lesson that day that getting angry and fecking someone out of it isn't a good way to put your point across. unfortunately path did not learn this lesson from the evidence of the earlier threads.
joss (05 Feb, 2002 02:49 p.m.):
Casualty Of War = Bullshit!
4 O'Clock at the schoolgates, Doyle.

omelette? eggs?

This is why I find hard to justify property destruction. The argument goes from being about anarchism to nihilism.
It's about smashing the system man not everything.
Stephen (05 Feb, 2002 02:41 p.m.):
Pantone247 (05 Feb, 2002 02:27 p.m.):
I remeber Path was plugging the buy nothing weekend and I, at the time, was really pissed off about the graffitti "promoting" this event. So I asked Path how he felt the right on attitude of Buy Nothing day could sit with the childish and dumb practise of Graffiting shop fronts and stuff (one shop on Parnell Street I had in mind... I mean its bad enough were encvouraged to boycott this poor chap trying to make a living but spraypainting his shop!!... its not like it was Champion Sports or McDOnalds.. just some guys shop!!)

This is the thing with an event like BND the path didn't orgainise it. He helped and promoted it but it was an un-orgainised event. You know? Anarchy? Where everyone can do what they feel is for the greater good.
I too do not personally agree with property distruction but can see how it can be justified.
That poor guy's shop? That I'm afraid was casuality of war.

Ok, I don't really buy the whole its anarchy thing... but thats not the point

if path had said the above I would've been happier

if he had acknowledged my question rather then gloss over it and then tell me to go to the rally, I would've been happier

if you put yourself in a position of plugging an event like that, you have to be ready to field the questions it brings up

oh and "Casualty of War."..ha ha ha!!! :D
Point taken.

I also thought the path was taking himslef too seriously and told him but he was way too bitter by then.

some people do believe it's a war you know?

I mean my comment was tongue in cheek but I've meet people who are "preparing for the revolution".
You can't turn your back on a war.

Stephen (05 Feb, 2002 03:25 p.m.):
Point taken.

I also thought the path was taking himslef too seriously and told him but he was way too bitter by then.

some people do believe it's a war you know?

I mean my comment was tongue in cheek but I've meet people who are "preparing for the revolution".
Stephen (05 Feb, 2002 03:25 p.m.):

I mean my comment was tongue in cheek but I've meet people who are "preparing for the revolution".

al-Qaeda? George W. Bush? The CIRA? Charlie Manson? FARC? This fine young lady (see below)?
socialist workers party. some of the more misguided and less intelligent of them mind.
Workers solidarity movement they definitely believe in year zero and "after the revolution".
Those guys selling the workers vanguard & workers hammer(they're the scariest, not only are they talking 'bout over throwing the state they hate just about every other group involved in the movement) ?sparistists? I think they're call. Whilst the others are waiting and encouraging a popular up rising I think these guys are the most likely to go blow something and have a the fuck blown out of them.
so, i guess it's my turn. before i begin, first and foremost, i am a music fan.

there's a couple of things after cropping up here which people seem to be a bit annoyed about ... maybe path was good for something after all, serving as a catalyst of some sort (now i am joking. now i am not taking the piss out of path).

first of all, there's the 'king of the playground' / 'bullying' thing. most people who post here regularly know me quite well and know that i'm an OK kind of guy, if somewhat annoying. but, i am not a bully. in real life, i don't speak to people in the way i post on thumped. i have a tedious job and i get bored some times. my 'alter-ego' on thumped allows me to escape from it all, if only for a few seconds, and take the shape of 'hag the prick'. i didn't think i could have made it any clearer, i had the word prick under my name for ages.
i know path may not have been aware of all this but path did know that we'd met before and talked, civilly i might add, at gigs in the funnel. i was even on a cd he helped put out. weird as it may seem, i could not decipher any character in path's posts, they seemed to be spat out by some kind of eco-friendly robot with a malfunctioning humanity chip. i know path is a human, i think he just needs communicate more and dictate less ... maybe then he might find more like-minded people who are willing to work with him and fewer pricks like me to annoy him.
if you read through those posts where we had all those heated words together, most of my posts made very little sense but still seemed to annoy him. believe it or not, i was not sitting here trying to dream up different ways of annoying him, i just wanted him to start speaking normally. you know? like 'how's it going?' and stuff like that. touching and feeling, all part of the same thing.
i agree completely with the idea that it was path's delivery that got him into trouble. the truth be known, i read all the path zines i came across and had a good laugh. i found his tone unbearably funny because it was so patronising but the subject matter did interest me and continues to. i'm not apathetic, i'm active in areas i don't need to be active in and it's because i think by doing what i do, i enrich or better what it is i'm involved in. and, at any given moment, i encourage people to do the same thing. i tell them what mistakes i've made and try to help them out in any way i can. and i'm continually helped out by like-minded people who are interested in the same things. but, if people aren't into getting involved and just want to watch, great. i have to assume that they must have their own thing which they like to do or get involved in or enrich. this is where myself and path stop hearing each other.
path, i still think you need to put your ideas across in a more accessible way but heck, i love you, you wanna go on a date?

and then there's steven and his crazy nightmares about the crumbling scene. steven, i love you so much, it's crazy. i read a flyer which made me really happy at GZ a couple of weeks ago. it was written by one of the people who organises GZ and it was simply someone saying how much they liked being in dublin at the moment because there was so much going on and how people were working together. personally, ever since i started college (1992), i have thought about nothing but going to live in another country because no matter what i did, there was always someone in the corner commenting on how what i was doing or what other people were doing was a load of crap because it didn't conform to their way of thinking. curiously, these people tended to do nothing about it or anything else and just complained. dublin seemed to team with these kind of people, even people i thought were my friends turned out to be closet bitches or members of the 'pink network'.
it's only really in the last 2/3 years that i've started to take pride in what we're doing. when i say 'we' i mean everything/everyone i like about/in dublin, the bands, the clubs, the videos, the records, the people, everyone i see at gigs, everyone i smile at when i'm dancing.
for me, it's been a long time coming. i remember going to see jackbeast playing in charlies bar and talking to derek from hope about getting a gig for a band i was in at the time. i had no idea what hope was at that stage but we got to play a gig in the fusion bar and it was like the ground opening before me, all these people i'd never met, talking to me about what we'd just played and asking if we'd do a gig with their band. hope was doing something which never occurred to me, they were putting on their own gigs.
niall mcguirk was at the first gig i ever put on, u.s. maple in the funnel. joss was talking to him about the demise of hope which happened around that time, 5 years ago and niall told joss that, as far as gigs were concerned, it didn't really matter because people had started putting on their own gigs.
granted, hope's aspirations were a long way off mine, all i wanted was to see bands i'd miss unless i put them on, but i learned from hope and i guess that's the point i'm trying to make. and i can only guess that what dublin's like now is a direct result of things like hope which started all this stuff off. people will always find something to complain about ... i'm guessing the people you're talking about are people who've already made up their minds as to what we are/do and haven't approached us about working with us on common goals. no one's making the assumption that 'things' is perfect but, in my opinion, it's up to the people who find fault with it to make it better for themselves. otherwise it will become exclusive, through no fault of out own. it's an open invitation for Pete's sake!

so, that's my lot, i can go back to being a prick now. but before i go, a few last words.

anne o'malley, fuck you! and as for Tracy_Eminent, i know you and you know me. funny, i didn't figure you as a cock-sucker. now go away and be annoyed at the board somewhere else and punish us some more with you absense, haven't you heard? i'm king of this here playground ... fuck you too!

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