2020-21 Football thread (3 Viewers)

Forest Green Rovers yesterday announced that Hannah Dingley has been appointed their caretaker head coach succeeding Duncan Ferguson.
Dingley (39) was already on their coaching staff. She is the first woman manager in English league football.
Luis Suarez (1935 - 9 July 2023)
Attacking midfield general with Barcelona, Inter and Spain who was one the best players of the late 50's and 1960s.

Born in La Coruna, Suarez played for Deportivo before joining in Barca in 1954.
There Suarez played in one Barca's greatest teams (w/ Kubala and Kocsis) who won two Liga titles and a string of Cups but lost the 1961 European Cup Final to Benfica. He won the Balon D'or in1960.

In 1961 Suarez moved to Inter for a world record fee, reuniting with Barca coach Helenio Herrera.
At Barca Suarez had been a prolific attacking midfield goal scorer but Herrera developing his more defensive Catenaccio formation, used Suarez in a more midfield general role and built the Grande Inter side around him.
He won three Liga titles with Inter and two European Cups (1964 and 65). In 1964 Bologna defeated Inter in a Serie A playoff final after they finished level on points.
Suarez crucially missed the 1967 Lisbon Final defeat to Celtic.

In 1970 Suarez joined Sampdoria and finished his career there in 1973.

Suarez won 32 caps and scored 14 goals. The highlight being Spain's 1964 European Championship victory on home soil. He also played in the 1962 and 1966 World Cups.

Suarez had a long career as manager in Italy and Spain.
He was manager of Spain for the Italia 90 qualifiers where Spain won Ireland's group.
At Italia 90 Spain won their group but lost to Yugoslavia in the last 16.
Spain were always second best in the Euro 92 qualifiers to France and Suarez resigned during the campaign which got even worse after when Iceland beat Spain.

The real Luis Suarez was one of Spain's greatest ever footballers and Serie A's best imports.
This Jordan Henderson thing is hilarious

Mr. LGBTQ warrior (good thing) going to play in a country where homosexuality is illegal (bad thing)

Everyone is for something that gets them clout, until it actually costs them money
This Jordan Henderson thing is hilarious

Mr. LGBTQ warrior (good thing) going to play in a country where homosexuality is illegal (bad thing)

Everyone is for something that gets them clout, until it actually costs them money

I don't think it diminishes the good stuff he's done in the past but in future it'll certainly impact his credibility.

I'd like to think, even staring down the barrel of retirement with 40ish years of life ahead of me I'd look at my 23 million pound fortune and think that one thing that isn't for sale is the stuff that I believe in.

Messi is one of the most avaricious athletes of all time and even he said no, though the story is that his wife is down for the odd visit there in return for the big cheque but wasn't prepared to move there and she nixed it.
This Jordan Henderson thing is hilarious

Mr. LGBTQ warrior (good thing) going to play in a country where homosexuality is illegal (bad thing)

Everyone is for something that gets them clout, until it actually costs them money
This time of year I have least interest in football.
Yeah it is disappointing all the players who have taken the Saudi money.

I would say shagging anyone who is not your hetero spouse is very illegal.
One of many things wrong with the Arabian gangster family dictatorships.

My many issue is the western tolerance of the corrupt hypocritical behaviour of the Saudi elite. Squandering money on a huge scale, weapons from UK etc. being used to murder Yemeni people etc.

I strongly advocate relentlessly singing
FUCK SALMAN SAUD (the king) at every Newcastle match next season.
I don't think it diminishes the good stuff he's done in the past
I dunno, man. I see both sides of that.
Puts it in a different light, I reckon.
Easy enough to wear those rainbow laces when no one's gonna stop you, and basically everyone is telling you what a great lad you are for doing so.
It's all upside pretty much.
Now when he could actually take a real stand, he's off talking to his investment manager instead.

"I’m a parent, a husband, a son and a brother and the idea that anyone I love and care about wouldn’t feel safe or comfortable coming to watch me play if they were part of the LGBT community makes me wonder what world we live in.”

Makes you wonder indeed, Jordan.
Yes - you can't argue with that Deadman.
Big time hypocrisy from JH. He is not stuck for money. People are correct to go after him on this.
Firmino and Gerrard too.

Chris Garland RIP who I mentioned above on this page had awful time after football.
He had serious gambling problems, when bankrupt twice and had two spells homeless sleeping rough.
Then he developed Parkinson's...
See his wiki article.
My many issue is the western tolerance of the corrupt hypocritical behaviour of the Saudi elite. Squandering money on an huge scale, weapons from UK etc. being used to murder Yemeni people etc.
My main one is all the whipping and murdering and beheading they do to their own citizens.
And the morality police that keep an anachronistic system in place that punishes women and gay people for being who they are.
One of the worst places on earth to be different.
I dunno, man. I see both sides of that.
Puts it in a different light, I reckon.
Easy enough to wear those rainbow laces when no one's gonna stop you, and basically everyone is telling you what a great lad you are for doing so.
It's all upside pretty much.
Now when he could actually take a real stand, he's off talking to his investment manager instead.

"I’m a parent, a husband, a son and a brother and the idea that anyone I love and care about wouldn’t feel safe or comfortable coming to watch me play if they were part of the LGBT community makes me wonder what world we live in.”

Makes you wonder indeed, Jordan.

I don't think it's good that he's going. He's talked a good game in the past but he looks like a dick now.

But I suppose I mean if people who admired him in general took on board anything he's had to say in the past I don't think they're going to disregard that now that he's a sell out.
Because of the discrimination they face I am very pro Muslim.
I will defend Muslims as people in the face of nearly anyone except dissident Muslims (e.g. Arab feminists or LGBT activists).

But the the likes of the Saud family or Erdogan don't get anything from my bias.

If I was a football manager and I knew a lad I wanted to sign was a practising Muslim, that would be a plus as he would be trustworthy and unlikely to go off the rails.
When I see someone begging who I think is Muslim, I will be highly likely to give them money. They are very unlikely to drink either.
Most times I encounter a woman wearing a head scarf in media or in person I am really impressed with them.

Never any problems with Arab or Muslim folks I have met.

Arabs and Muslims are mostly a younger age profile than 'western' folks
and they deserve better.

There are large parts of the world where USA, NATO and their allies are really unpopular and seen as hypocrites who only act in their own interests - with brutal force.
This is not a new idea by any means.

So in a case of 'the enemy of my enemy is friend' you see things like African leaders doing business with Russia or China.
this is a good interview from The Anfield Wrap pod. The rumour alone caused plenty of dickheads to start giving one of the main fellas from Liverpool's LBGTQ+ group Kops Out plenty of nasty guff online.

JH has pissed in that community's face by accepting terms to go and play there for more money. (and now it looks like it may not happen for financial reasons as things stand). Whether or not it goes through now is irrelevant almost, the great work he has done has been completely undermined by his decision to want to go there for more wonga in the first place

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Because of the discrimination they face I am very pro Muslim.
I will defend Muslims as people in the face of nearly anyone except dissident Muslims (e.g. Arab feminists or LGBT activists).

But the the likes of the Saud family or Erdogan don't get anything from my bias.

If I was a football manager and I knew a lad I wanted to sign was a practising Muslim, that would be a plus as he would be trustworthy and unlikely to go off the rails.
When I see someone begging who I think is Muslim, I will be highly likely to give them money. They are very unlikely to drink either.
Most times I encounter a woman wearing a head scarf in media or in person I am really impressed with them.

Never any problems with Arab or Muslim folks I have met.

Arabs and Muslims are mostly a younger age profile than 'western' folks
and they deserve better.

There are large parts of the world where USA, NATO and their allies are really unpopular and seen as hypocrites who only act in their own interests - with brutal force.
This is not a new idea by any means.

So in a case of 'the enemy of my enemy is friend' you see things like African leaders doing business with Russia or China.
I think we all deserve better.
Not really pro anyone. Pro everyone really.
You develop a code for living and you make your way in the world that way. Taking sides with anything other than your own north star of justice and morality and love, I think leads to problems.

There's great and shitty Muslims. There's wonderful and horrible Jews, Christians and everyone else.
No one's more horrible to Muslims than some of their own leaders.
Very aware of how western hypocrisy is viewed in Africa and elsewhere.

Treat people as you find them, lead with empathy, and try and leave everyone no worse off.

No code is worth anything til it's tested. Henderson was able to do all of his advocacy when there was nothing really on the line for him. When money showed up, the baby was gone with the bathwater.
Muhammad Ali got convicted for not going to Vietnam, he didn't start beating a drum for the war after that. He fought it all the way.
Ali is a very high bar for anyone, but the point stands; you prove what you stand for when it actually counts, or you don't really stand for anything at all.

When we say we love our friends and families, we think we mean it. But do we show up for them?

The only real way to live a fulfilling life, is to make the lives of others better. Being out for yourself is a dead end.
Henderson's only 30-odd, so he's a ways to go on learning about life. But he's lost any and all moral high ground.

Peace and love to all.
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The Reds fans podcast above got the it bang on. It ain't rocket science to be respectful to people - especially the vulnerable. Love the way Scousers use 'sound' in the same way we do.

Glad they gave other examples of Saudi government human rights abuses. There are so many issues around Sportswashing , Saudi and otherwise.

My point was that people in Arabia are overwhelmingly the victims of the Saud regime.
Our neck of the woods perpetuates plenty of bullshit too.

I saw so much homophobia between the age age of 11 - 16/17 (1987 - 92/93).
It was normal, we were given no guidance on it from adults and I was involved in it until I was 16.
I had not got a clue that surveys from then (early 90s) showed at least 1 in 18 in UK people identified as Gay/Lesbian/Bi.
In 1991 aged 15, I hardly knew any LGBT famous folks (it wasn't talked about) and the only Irish person that I might have known about was David Norris.
Until I was 11 (nearly 12) I never heard the word 'gay' or had any concept what it meant.
After 1992 I realised being LGBT was much more common than I realised and there must be kids in my school who were LGBT+ too.
It was terrible realising what they must be going through hearing all the homophobic jokes.
It was ignorance rather than hatred.
I think Freddie Mercury's death was one of first the realisations I had on this.

After the way Patrice Evra was treated by Luis Suarez and the LFC lawyers in the resulting hearing and my huge disappointment with Kenny Dalglish's terrible mishandling of it (I wrote tor the club and had to slag Kenny off) I didn't want to watch LFC matches for a long time or Man Utd v LFC for until two seasons later. Anfield went toxic for a while. I remember buying Well Red magazine and they went on the defensive and didn't want to take criticism.

I was stunned that neither LFC or Chelsea afterwards with Terry, had not consulted with anti racist groups and had a plan in place with how to deal with one of their players being accused of bigotry.

Their should easily have been a pro LGBT+ initiative in football about 20 years ago but it took until about 2014 in the PL.
Compare that with all the soldiers who ended up on football pitches in England after the second disaster in Iraq.

I had an idea about 20 years ago for what I called permission / no means no ideas to be introduced to 12 year olds - now aka Consent classes. Yet that took another 15 years to become normal.

The takeover of sportswashing is truly awful maybe we shouldn't watch it anymore at all. I am part of the problem.

In the Tour de France at the moment there are teams sponsored by UAE, Bahrain, Israel, Astana (Kazakhstan government basically), Ineos (world's biggest producer of single use plastic) etc.

Come on FIFA - countries shouldn't be allowed own football clubs.

I still enjoy watching this but I am extremely wary of admiration of sports people now.
Anyone watch Ireland yesterday?

I was in work but the feeling after seems to be that it was the the higher range of expected performances and results.

I assume the football was as Trap/O'Neill/Mick like as Pauw usually has them playing?
Anyone watch Ireland yesterday?

I was in work but the feeling after seems to be that it was the the higher range of expected performances and results.

I assume the football was as Trap/O'Neill/Mick like as Pauw usually has them playing?
Yeah that was about it - Aussie's had a lot of possession but apart from the penalty, a tame shot from 25+ yards just before HT was their only other real attempt on target.
In last 20 minutes Ireland were better side but only had any chances in injury time (I think?).
Denise O'Sullivan was best Irish player. Bit disappointed with McCabe she made some wreckless tackles and could have gotten injured again or worse.
Not much of a match but Ireland weren't outclassed.

Didn't have time watch 3 matches today.

Lot of penalties missed so far and no trashings. Not a lot of chances in tight matches.
I thought O'Sullivan had a good first half and was poor in the second half. Abby Larkin was very good when she came on, but currently lacks the killer final ball.
Ireland were decent, but for sure it is very O'Neill kind of football - in fairness though, I don't think that's much difference from what the majority of 'second-tier' teams will be doing in this competition (in saying that, Haiti just gave the Brits a real hard time and really should have got a result against the pricks playing good counter attack football).
We've improved massively under Pauw, like an absolute world of difference - but for the most part all that really means is that we are organised and defend well now, which we did neither of before. We still lack belief up front, or maybe we just don't have good enough strikers. I kind of wonder why Amber Barrett is always just held back as a sub, because she seems to have more of a threat about her to me than any of our other forwards.
We'll have a very difficult time getting out of the group now, simply for the reason that we find it hard to score.
Also, the penalty we gave away was a shocker, absolute shit for brains moment. Pauw called it right after the match though, she said at half time they all said it would be a match decided by 1 mistake, and that's what happened. I think the Aussies were very much saying the same thing to each other.
I thought O'Sullivan had a good first half and was poor in the second half. Abby Larkin was very good when she came on, but currently lacks the killer final ball.
Ireland were decent, but for sure it is very O'Neill kind of football - in fairness though, I don't think that's much difference from what the majority of 'second-tier' teams will be doing in this competition (in saying that, Haiti just gave the Brits a real hard time and really should have got a result against the pricks playing good counter attack football).
We've improved massively under Pauw, like an absolute world of difference - but for the most part all that really means is that we are organised and defend well now, which we did neither of before. We still lack belief up front, or maybe we just don't have good enough strikers. I kind of wonder why Amber Barrett is always just held back as a sub, because she seems to have more of a threat about her to me than any of our other forwards.
We'll have a very difficult time getting out of the group now, simply for the reason that we find it hard to score.
Also, the penalty we gave away was a shocker, absolute shit for brains moment. Pauw called it right after the match though, she said at half time they all said it would be a match decided by 1 mistake, and that's what happened. I think the Aussies were very much saying the same thing to each other.
thought Larkin gave the ball away a lot.
Yeah - Ireland could easily go home without scoring goal. Barrett hasn't scored many for Ireland surprisingly, 'cause most of her goals have been hugely important. She rarely starts and there no one else like her in the squad - a real finisher.

Haiti easily trump Ireland in overachievement stakes. Hopeless finishing by England let Haiti off the hook a few times but Haiti got forward really quickly and should have scored a few times themselves.

The ace goalkeepers are saving a LOT of penalties! The Nigerian keeper stopping Sinclair was the best one - great stuff. Never seen so many penalties saved match after match.

The worst miss was Alex Morgan v Vietnam. I'd have saved that.

After watching the Danes and the Tour de France recently, it reminds me how unusual the pronunciations in Dansk seem to me. Hard to get a fix on and they seem to be often very different from Swedish or Norwegian (those folks seem to think so too).

Polish by comparison is easy - something like 'Wroclaw' or 'Wladislaw' or 'Kwiatowski' only require extremely basic knowledge to get right.

Kwiatowski (the cyclist, folks) said 'honest' in an interview after he won a Tour stage. He speaks perfect English but said 'honest' pronouncing the silent 'H'. So English is probably worse.
Chris Bart-Williams (1974 - 24 July 2023)
Sheffield Wednesday, Forest and Charlton midfielder has died aged 49.
Bart-Williams was one of the most promising English players at the dawn of the PL era. He died the same day as his Wednesday boss Trevor Francis who oversaw the best days of Chris' career.
A long time US resident, Chris was involved in coaching kids there.

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