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  1. L

    back to bacon..

    just thought i'd add this: veal is slaughtered at around the same age as most lamb and pork.what do yis think spring lamb means.fact!
  2. L


    no burning of leaves please its bad for the environment. ah no but seriously though it really is.why don't you compost those weeds...or just throw them over your neighbours wall.
  3. L


    i've been lucky so far.peas are just coming up now and only a few have been eaten.i also have some lettuce growing,hasn't really been touched at all by slugs,i have a little home made polytunnel over them.i find thats working really well. for those with serious slug and snail problems you could...
  4. L

    Making Mayonaise

    love making mayonaise top tip for making it well and to banish any taste of raw egg(which i hate)is to heat your vinegar in a pan for about a minute or less and whack that with the eggs and done in a processor or liquidizer thingy.hellman's is rubbishy crap.
  5. L

    ham sandwich.......

    ok then.ham sandwich are absolute bollox(my opinion).I opened a thread because i wanted to see what others think and at the end of the day it doesn't matter what i think.i may choose to confirm or change my opinions at any time.dont call me an asshole.fuckface.
  6. L

    ham sandwich.......

    ham sandwich...der bleedin shiite. there we go now,thats better.this thread's got too serious. you're all right though,it really is just the case that i dont care for the sandwich.thats it simply. no hard feelings then to all you M.O.H.S.F.C.(MEMBERS OF HAM SANDWICH'S FAN CLUB):D
  7. L

    ham sandwich.......

    no i agree with you actually.i'm willing to overlook the late late show gig but it still doesn't change the fact that they're(ham sandwich) rubbish. "as for loose" indeed,oh how i hated that song of theirs,i mean really hated.thankfully they have fizzled out,and hopefully never to return.:D
  8. L

    ham sandwich.......

    have read some of the other posts about them on thumped.i dont get all the hype,i think that so far they are overrated .phantom wont stop playing that new song...but its shite,absolute shite.i dunno,i just think that they've gotten too much too's a little suspicious actually?;) p.s...
  9. L


    yeh i saw it.glad too that little Steven won it.i never liked that other guy anyway,what the fuck was he thinking with that desert.the girl was good as well,but probably the weakest out of the three.and what the fuck am i gonna watch every day at half six.there's a large void in my life...
  10. L

    Anyone here work as a Chef?

    24 is a grand age to start out.when i was working in rolly's last they took on a 64 year old commis, it was quite funny actually now that i remember.don't know about where ever it is you are going but generally here the pay is really shit,even for some of the sous chefs.also from experience of...
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    But do they server HEADCHEESE?

    menu is a bit weird,kind of Italian meets deep south.a nice caprese salad with some catfish gumbo.pretty cool,those movies,however,were a load of shite.:D
  12. L

    Smash instant stuff...

    this smash deeply offends me.all moral reasoning would suggest i eat my own waste before i would that stuff(which would be kinda ironic actually). Anyway,would agree with you la la about the steaming to feck bit but if there's enough time,i like to roast mine for ages.this gives a really dry...
  13. L

    asian market

    not really a rice steamer but i suppose you could if you were like that.anyway they are really worth getting.just stick them on top of your wok(or you can use a wide pot).put some water in the wok (obviously) but make sure the water is not touching the base where you put the food.stick in your...
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    asian market

    I got a 10" bamboo for about 7euros.10 mins later i went to the other asian shop(the one that smells) and saw a double layered 10" one for only 10squids,that really annoyed i'd say shop around for your steamers cos i got ripped off.them crazy asians will try anything you know...(easy...
  15. L

    asian market

    im talking about the one up from georges arcade,not the one opposite waltons(that one smells funny).anyway i love it,go there every saturday.loads of weird cool stuff,like pigs ears and tripe(yummy),and chicken feet.the spices are also really cheap compared to supermarkets.bought me a bamboo...
  16. L


    plantains are used in 3 different stages: 1:completely green all over.contains all starch and you can use em like a potato,mashed,boiled,roasted,whatever. 2:turning yellow with some black patches.more sugary.usually fried up and served up still as a savory thingy(with a curry or something)...