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    Means To An End Fest, Bradford.

    just keep me away from the distro table lads!
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    Means To An End Fest, Bradford.

    im out in londodn for that so if i can make my way up to bradford im gonna deffo go to this!
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    Without Punk I would ...

    if i was withoutpunk...... id deffo be a rather be a forest than a street,yes i would,if i only could,i surely would!
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    Least Punk Thing You Listen To

    i like you
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    wait till i tell ya!

    yeah specialy when they are brandished at based on reason..... someone put that piture up to prove my point
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    Least Punk Thing You Listen To

    it was dark blu...... that never happened
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    Iron Hearse, this Friday

    thats what ya told me last night qweh qweh ah i love ya realy eoin haha here email me soon im lonley in the ingo-land
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    Least Punk Thing You Listen To

    hey listen it was only one day and i just bought lipstick insted of lip balm by accident ok!
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    Least Punk Thing You Listen To

    gary its me oli well i dont know you decied am i a goth?
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    Least Punk Thing You Listen To

    dr.sues books on tape and the sound of scumbags shouting GOTH! when i walk throught temple bar
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    Gig in bohs on sunday (oct 2nd) - do come along now folks.

    ahh shit im not here or uhh there but yeah her corm slam danceontop of an exploding wedges truck for me would ya and uh il............. il make a go cart and bomb around bristol in it koopa troopa style
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    Vitamin X in Dublin?

    here ill take one of everything haha pm me with ways so i can find ya when your back ppppplllllllllleeeaaaaaassssseeeeeeee!
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    fegan whats wrong with town?
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    Vitamin X in Dublin?

    cant fooking wait to see these guys its gonna be fooking savage and eoin what gig is going down in greystones? whos paying?
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    please take these shite CDs off my hands. free to good home..

    if you dont feel like sending them to the land of oz ill take the circle jerks one! uhh but how the fook am i gonna get it from ya
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    Complan anyone?

    hey eoin start writing some lyrics aobut stealing southern comfort, pizza and krudtugle now thats what i like to hear
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    ahh damo cant wait to see ya again boss and to be reunited with ed once again haha break out the rum
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    as far i knew it was me,sean and eimear on the plane but sean told me there was a huge big group coming on the same plane
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    hey there its come to my attention that there is a big aul bunach off people all going to copenhagen on the 21st from dublin write here if ya are
  20. D

    K-Town Festival full-line confirmed:

    ahh cant fukcing wait to see edyy there havnt seen em in so long!