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  1. Mark King

    Daemien Frost 'News'

    Don't forget this one kids. Sahurday, 9ish, upstairs in Toners.. if this one goes well it'll be a regular thing.
  2. Mark King


    That's not fair... I'm big-boned...
  3. Mark King

    Nomeansno - all ages cork gig - July 11th

    I said... U CALL WOR LASS A POOF!?
  4. Mark King

    Nomeansno - all ages cork gig - July 11th

    u call wor lass a poof?
  5. Mark King

    Nomeansno - all ages cork gig - July 11th

    ya wha?
  6. Mark King

    This one's for Buckrake

    Lies lies lies - clearly another attempt by the dublin meedja to denigrate and run down daycent honest-to-jaysus offaly men. :mad:
  7. Mark King

    This country just got a whole lot lamer (a thread for disgruntled smokers only!)

    it's true. all these years people have been farting in pubs then lighting up and blowing a bit of smoke around to camoflage the stink. i noticed some stinky hoor the other night too. ban the bum!
  8. Mark King

    This country just got a whole lot lamer (a thread for disgruntled smokers only!)

    you mean more expensive than the real thing? why would you want do that?
  9. Mark King

    This country just got a whole lot lamer (a thread for disgruntled smokers only!)

    i'm am totally ridin the wave. and it is a deadly buzz. it's like surfin' on some sort of moral-high-groundy, healthy, few-extra-quid-in-me-pockety, deadly head wreck RAPID buzz. i can't believe people buy patches to help them through the deadly buzz. i bought some just in case, but if anyone...
  10. Mark King

    This country just got a whole lot lamer (a thread for disgruntled smokers only!)

    Hello everybody. My name is Mark. I've been clean of cigarettes since Sunday night. I gave up partly because of the ban. Seemed like a good opportunity to get the fuck off these bastard fags. I had 12 good years smoking, loved every minute of it, doctor told me to give up a year ago...
  11. Mark King

    last meal and tune.

    Cake with a file in it. Electricity by Cap'n Beef.
  12. Mark King

    NOFX want to play Kilcoole

    what part you from? tullamore was the kilcoole of the early 90s. lots of cider crazed young lad bands. :) there's some plans afoot to start puttin on gigs in tullamore again, local bands, irish bands, touring bands. watch this space. well not this exact space, but y'know, i'll let yis know...
  13. Mark King

    Galaxie 500

    splendid news! when i was a nipper i had a great home-made galaxie 500 t-shirt which i got signed by kurt cobain and courtney love in stephen's green the day before nirvana played the point. but my ma washed it... :eek: :mad: :(
  14. Mark King

    Road Relish News

  15. Mark King

    Road Relish News

    ready since december, ackshully...
  16. Mark King

    Road Relish News

    i've a suggestion! what about boxes and giraffe running!?
  17. Mark King

    even i don't find this funny.....

    conor, with all due respect... 1. hurling is a game that civilises wild men, not creates them; a game of artists and poets, of daycent men, honest as the day is long. 2. in the early-mid 90s i was in the old foggy dew with a bunch of people i didn't know very well. when we left the pub...
  18. Mark King

    Paper Cut Out/Tracer Amc/The Coldpoon Conspiracy gig

    i might be there too. but late.
  19. Mark King

    Paper Cut Out/Tracer Amc/The Coldpoon Conspiracy gig

    i was kinda hoping you'd all fuck off back to dublin once we'd had our way with you. will annouce gigs soon. you mean those level 42 reunion gigs, right?
  20. Mark King

    Paper Cut Out/Tracer Amc/The Coldpoon Conspiracy gig

    i'm the one who shot rollins's friend. yes, i was going for rollins.