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  • Before: Nov 24, 2006
  • Users: falsemonkey
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  1. falsemonkey

    nazi metal at the lower deck 28 feb

    I'm listening to David Hasselhoff right now..|..|
  2. falsemonkey

    nazi metal at the lower deck 28 feb

    Sorry if i missed it, but are there any lyrics of these guys around anywhere?
  3. falsemonkey

    In your face Flanders!

    I have no idea if you a rascist or not, i'd assume you're not really, and just say things badly. But if you can't see the difference between a rascist slur and calling someone "a 4 eyed bastard" then maybe you should just not say anything at all.
  4. falsemonkey

    In your face Flanders!

    Having being at school in England, being english as i am, I can tell you that the kids who were too stupid for exams, or who dropped out were the ones who joined the army. Like Ali G said when he was interviewing some Army General. "So is the army just for those that is a but fick?"
  5. falsemonkey

    In your face Flanders!

    What about the 81 year olds, heartless bastard.
  6. falsemonkey

    In your face Flanders!

    Watching Rambo doesn't give you the whole picture. There is more than the stereotypical soldiers out there. The american army have these PR / recruitment type people that corner school kids in shopping malls and promise them the earth if they join up. Most of these that they target are clueless...
  7. falsemonkey

    Anyone into starting a band?

    Good luck with that Sean. What happened to the VD? Taking a break?
  8. falsemonkey

    red ink books to close it's doors (for awhile)

    Sad news indeed. I didn't know the people involved personally. But it was/is a great little place to pick up zines and Records.
  9. falsemonkey

    Nerdlinger Re-Union gig!?

    Rad. I saw Nerdlinger in Temple Bar Music Centre with a bunch of other bands for mixtwitch's album launch It was the first gig i went to after moving to Dublin from Plymouth. They played Astro Zombies, i think. Thats the only thing i can remember from the gig. It was great.
  10. falsemonkey


    Savage stuff. They don't make 'em like that any more.
  11. falsemonkey

    Voodoo tonights gig

    With a chamer like you around i'm surprised anyone kept their clothes on. !cheezy
  12. falsemonkey

    Random news link

    They are living under a fascist government. So its no great suprise.
  13. falsemonkey


    I have a Turbo Rat and a big muff pedal, Rat is better although it doesn't have too much high end output, I usually fix this with an EQ pedal.
  14. falsemonkey

    Ballroom #46: Part Chimp

    You are more punk than "no means no", and less punk than Janer.
  15. falsemonkey

    Abortion debate

    I'm with Dunchee, what does that mean? Punx + Alcohol = yes ? what does that mean? I assume you are saying you are anti-abortion?
  16. falsemonkey

    interesting site

  17. falsemonkey

    flipper the firing dolphin...

    Whats more dangerous a dolphin with a bomb glued to its head or an american redneck called Bud with a rocket launcher and a machine gun.
  18. falsemonkey

    Leftover crack/Choking Victim/Propagandhi/Capdown

    They do have a new album on. There is something about it on fat wreck website. There is an MP3 but i can't listen to that in work so i can't tell you what its like. If its like Todays Empires... it will be excellent. I have one Capdown album, kind of blueish cover, forget the name but it is...
  19. falsemonkey

    Pouges Christmas Concert

    I think thats a bit harsh, Their first two records were good. They were excellent the time the played in Dorans with Runnin Riot. Gone down hill since then but they're not as shit as they're made out to be.
  20. falsemonkey

    film called the edukators

    Go - on then whats the best movie ever? The subtle comments on the effects of science on modern society of Re animator?