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  1. Thomas Brunkard


    I hope I was alright! Some people in bands are arseholes as are some people in Castleknock, Honolulu and Timbuktu. There is no institutionalised membership of Gigsmart. You are not a Gigsmart member. The only person who represents the Gigsmart organisation is, well, an organiser. It's like...
  2. Thomas Brunkard


    Again nonsense and opinion there is no official representation that communicates that message. There is no bias towards any type of music. What you call 'a deluded cock rocker' is a classic retro band to someone else. If Gigsmart was in reality the all exclusive zone everyone makes it out to...
  3. Thomas Brunkard


    No. no, no but with a grain of truth. When Gigsmart started four years ago I had the idea of running a card whereby you earned the plum spots and all to motivate a bit of a team ethic. Obviously it was a bit ridiculous and unmanageable and was never initiated but it was mooted. In my defence...
  4. Thomas Brunkard


    Yeah, yeah. And by the way I robbed his wallet while I was talking with him. Jokes on you dumb ass, I haven't been involved with Gigsmart since Christmas. Cut the lies and the crap and get back to work before your boss catches you scoping out mule porn again or at least get back posting using...
  5. Thomas Brunkard


    Ah yeah. The Last Rites affair was before we got our new board so it was probably someone mouthing off. The old board didn't have the facility to show off IP addys. The new board does as they are visible to mods but to be honest I don't know what purpose anyone would serve threatening that...
  6. Thomas Brunkard


    The reason why I think the story is embellished is because what your saying has never, nor could ever have, happened as far as I'm concerned. What I'm saying to you is that if you think you've had a hard deal then it should be dealt with properly. Whingeing about it behind a computer screen...
  7. Thomas Brunkard

    where to live in dublin??

    Kilmainham, Inchicore, Liberties, Rathmines, Ranelagh, Arran Quay, Ringsend, Phibsboro and Manor Street area all ring the centre of the city and have relatively cheaper rent rates compared to the city centre (except Ranelagh maybe). All are generally cool spots to live and are fairly convenient...
  8. Thomas Brunkard


    Got mine from an alcoholic ancestor who couldn't spell. .|..| ...the bastard.
  9. Thomas Brunkard

    Civilisation returns to Iraq

    Re: Piers Morgan Presumably an objective press but if the press pursues an agenda through lies it can't be trusted ergo the only way you will be able to have any epistemological surety of the state of play in Iraq is to hope on a plane and find out for yourself. If the press can't be...
  10. Thomas Brunkard

    Civilisation returns to Iraq

    Re: Piers Morgan Sting them all up by the nuts and beat them silly with bags of frozen jelly beans I say. (Dishonest journos and warmongering saxons alike). Whether any potential good came from a lie is irrelevant. Its still a lie. The media should not be allowed lie on matters so serious...
  11. Thomas Brunkard

    record labels

    I remember doing a session for a DJ before and showed up with me electric. I asked the producer for the music or for a description of what they wanted. It took a while for me to work it out that Baleric = spanish =twiddly spanish/pseudo-flamenco stylings were the order of the day. Anyway the...
  12. Thomas Brunkard

    Music body may act on illegal downloading

    Night of the weird surnames (Since this the first and possibly last time I'll get to post anything like this!) .|..| This is me on Prime Time last Thursday discussing with Dave Pennefather (MD Universal Ireland and President of IRMA).
  13. Thomas Brunkard

    That tit on Grafton Street

    You're all whingey hippy liberals and I hate you all and wish you'd all die from some sort of ball rotting pox that also makes your hole permanently itchy and your breath smell like poo. Oh and I'm having your ma right now... Thats probably what he'd post if he read this thread...
  14. Thomas Brunkard

    Waiting Room

    Nice .|..| Can't beat the aul ebow
  15. Thomas Brunkard

    Need gigs, Please read Important

    You lot don't have to put up with him every day...
  16. Thomas Brunkard

    Things You're Missing: Task tracker

    Re: Things You're Missing: FAQ & Task tracker Just to say again lads if theres anything we can do to help ya with give me a shout. We culdn't get a distributor for GS vol II until we charted but there are plenty of local shops with chart track machines who will take CDs if you have a local...
  17. Thomas Brunkard

    ISH Magazine - feedback on your feedback

    You're a reincarnated Socrates Roxy. Respect! .|..|
  18. Thomas Brunkard

    Thumped is starting to really piss me off.

    Those comments are not about thumped (though some elements to whom it applies may post here as they post on GS Its an internet wide problem!), that was a general whinge about a certain set of people I have to encounter quiet regularly, too regularly (in the real world and online). Reading back...
  19. Thomas Brunkard

    Thumped is starting to really piss me off.

    They smell nice boyo but they only do that shit to sting you int arse as quick. 27th so...
  20. Thomas Brunkard

    Thumped is starting to really piss me off.

    The time for peaceful harmless text based release hath passed! Seriously though, where is the love? Its Christmas. I propose all parties on this board relive their youth and come knacker drinking on Howth head on Stephens day. We could all gang together and hurl abuse at those that...