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  • Users: Dixer
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  1. Dixer

    Indiana Jones 4

    TOD FTW.
  2. Dixer

    Indiana Jones 4

    I think I agree with all points of your post especially this part: "Temple of Doom is the best", but you did forget to metnion that uselessness of the one liner after he lands on the truck and before elbowing the dude in the face. 7/10.
  3. Dixer

    My ipod is full

    Here, here.
  4. Dixer

    US Presidential Elections 2008

    Larry Lessig for Obama, found it sorta interesting:
  5. Dixer

    thumped census

    "Have you ever been mistaken for a man?"
  6. Dixer

    XBox 360

    I bought Ghost Recon 1 at the weekend for 10 yoyo's (I'm cheap like that) 2nd hand coz I heard it was the business, 'cept homey in xtravision put the GRAW2 in the box. I'm guessing they're more or less the same and it's not worth my while looking for a swap but convince me otherwise if I need to...
  7. Dixer

    Are all landlords wankers?

    I like mine on a personal level but business is business with him. He's got to put spuds in his babies mouth too, y'know?
  8. Dixer

    When is LOST starting up again?

    Am I alone in thinking this show is a fckin joke at this stage? + Jeremy Davies (Daniel?) is THE most annoying cunt ever. In everything.
  9. Dixer


    And its Good Night Vienna!
  10. Dixer

    Dublin congestion charge.

  11. Dixer

    Dublin congestion charge.

    Where was this published, as a matter of interest?
  12. Dixer

    blade runner ultimate edition

    Criterion Laserdiscs BROWSE CRITERION DVDSThe Criterion Collection published laserdisc editions of important classic and contemporary films from 1984 to 1998. The following is a complete list of all Criterion laserdisc titles. These laserdiscs are now out of print and unavailable. TITLE...
  13. Dixer

    the wire episode 4

    Takin' my time with it, lettin' it breathe and watching as they get broadcast. Someone said on here that it's way more cop show this season. I'm in concurrance. Not sure what to make of the McNutty/Freamon sub-plot. Anybody on here make it to the David Simon STI talk in town last week? Summa...
  14. Dixer

    the wire episode 4

    Cheese is my boy. (was my boy?)
  15. Dixer

    the wire episode 4

  16. Dixer

    the wire episode 4

    Who did Partlow and Snoop give to Cheese in order to get him to do what he did to Joe? Couldn't make out who was tied in the chair? Got to be somebody of substance for Cheese to have did that thing, right?
  17. Dixer

    Dublin Film Festival

    There will be Blood I believ has PT Anderon and DD Lewis attending, hence the ayteen dead taoisigh. Surprise film is the new Indiana Jones. 4 real bitches.
  18. Dixer

    Extracting audio from a DVD

    0sex on mac should let you rip to elemental streams, i.e. just the audio.
  19. Dixer

    Afro Samurai

    Never got to finish this but liked what I saw of the first few volumes. Doesnt' sustain? Have similar cautious reservations to Afro Samurai as expressed by others in this thread. Wunna dese days i'msa gi' it a day in court.
  20. Dixer

    Blu-ray vs HD-DVD

    Neither the Blood on Satans Claw or Repo Man have been released on either format. Possibly.