Insomnia (1 Viewer)

Been a rough week with work and my commitments

Barely getting 7 - nevermind the 8+ I need

Same old story, getting up is easy. Going to bed is hard.

Starting to feel the lag now and seriously considering taking the rest of the day off
I'm an enthusiastic napper. Will do for a 20 minute snooze most days.
Yeah, taht's where I am

I can pretty much crawl up anywhere and snooze

Any empty room in this building that I can lock and won't get distrubed in, I can get a nap in

It's like taking drugs
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i've not tried it, but have read that the best approach is to have coffee and go for a nap - the coffee takes about 15 minutes to kick in so as you wake, you get a double boost.
5-6hrs is my regular
I'd be in bits after that

College in England in 1994-95 was pretty much the only time in my adult life when I didn't have a girlfriend around and could set my own routine. Typically would go to bed at 1am and get up around 11. 10 hours sleep every night, and I was razor fucking sharp

These days if I get longer than 8.5 hours for more than a few days in a row I have trouble falling asleep. No longer as sharp as I was in my early 20s either
I slept really badly for years, particularly 2014 and 2016. It was extremely limiting. Took hours to go to sleep, kept waking up every 20 minutes and if I was awake for 30 mins. it would take an hour+ to go back to sleep - if at all.
Medication was changed in autumn 2017 and immediately rectified everything.
I slept from 11:20 to before 6 am last night was typical night with great quality sleep.
Fell asleep for 15 mins at 2:30 this afternoon and immediately was alert and ready to go again. This was unimaginable until 2017 when I felt tired most of the time and could never sleep easily.

Dr. Michael Mosley made a BBC4 documentary (before he became household name) on insomnia about 15 years ago. I was much worse off than he was: one experiment to measure how long it took to fall asleep involved holding a spoon. When the subject fell asleep they would drop the spoon on a metal tray beside bed and the bang would wake them. The people inc. Mosley all took little more than 20 minutes or less. It usually took me several times longer than that.

I never met Dtkr. Faustus who started this thread when he posted here but eventually looking through old 'Recently purchased' posts I realised knew him more recently from gigs and we seem to have very similar taste in music.
I'd be in bits after that

College in England in 1994-95 was pretty much the only time in my adult life when I didn't have a girlfriend around and could set my own routine. Typically would go to bed at 1am and get up around 11. 10 hours sleep every night, and I was razor fucking sharp

These days if I get longer than 8.5 hours for more than a few days in a row I have trouble falling asleep. No longer as sharp as I was in my early 20s either

There was a point were i stopped calling it insomnia and just decided that i sleep about 6 hrs a night and wake up in the middle for an hour and it's way more relaxing even though it's literally the same thing but without the stresful sounding name. You need less sleep as you age, i think.

I do sleep longer sometimes like. Lastnight was defo 1am for a 7am kickoff with a youtube break at some point around 4am.
You need less sleep as you age, i think.
Well I guess I need less sleep than the 10 hours I used to get in the mid-90s, but I'm 10 years older than you iirc and I'm glum and yawning my head off all day if I get less than 7

If I only needed 5-6 hours a night there would be more than 2 Stoat albums in existence

They left out Prince and Jill Hives

Various famous/historical individuals have been known to sleep for 4 hours or less across human history, these include:
  • Barack Obama.
  • Donald Trump.
  • Thomas Alva Edison.
  • Mozart.
  • Martha Stewart.
  • Elon Musk.
  • Jim Cramer.
  • Margaret Thatcher.
It's utterly unscientific, merely a tool, but a friend recommended this to me. He had been told this by a court ordered psychiatrist after he got expelled from school and it helped him.and it has helped me immensely also. Life changing, in fact:

We all know the four stages of sleep. They go in a cycle. Some people cycle through that in three hours, some people in five. Whatever it is for you, figure it out and try to do at least one complete cycle, maybe two. The important thing is to complete the cycle. Interrupting the cycle is going to wreck your day and life.

Hence I sleep 6.5 hours/night. Two cycles. I also occasionally like a 3.25 hour nap on a Sunday or whatever.
There was a point were i stopped calling it insomnia and just decided that i sleep about 6 hrs a night and wake up in the middle for an hour and it's way more relaxing even though it's literally the same thing but without the stresful sounding name. You need less sleep as you age, i think.

I do sleep longer sometimes like. Lastnight was defo 1am for a 7am kickoff with a youtube break at some point around 4am.
Yeah, I do have trouble sleeping regularly. But one thing is just get up, watch an episode of family guy then head back to bed. Really helps instead of lying there for hours getting frustrated about not being able to sleep

Also a big fan of napping where and whenever possible
I tried something new last night. I went through the alphabet, "Apple" count to 8 (with beat of heart) "Boat" count to 8 "cat".... by the time I got to Z I had shut out all racing thoughts and drifted away. It's the first time a tik tok video proved useful.

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