Road Records Sale

Road Records 1 Day Sale

Road Records Sale
Road Records are having a 1 day sale this Saturday, just in time for your Christmas shopping.

Road Records are having a 1 day sale this Saturday, just in time for your Christmas shopping.

We are having a one day blowout this Satuday [6th December], we know these are hard times for everybody out there, including us, so we have decided to have a quick sale this week.

We are offering the following reductions on all our stock:

50% off all our second hand vinyl titles
25% off all our 7” singles
15% off all our new cd’s and lp’s

We are open from 10am and we hope to see you all at some stage during the day, get some early Christmas presents at a knockdown price, just don’t tell your mum that you got her all The Smiths 7”s cheap when you hand them to her.

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