nazi metal at the lower deck 28 feb (1 Viewer)

Unclealo said:
The Lower Deck have cancelled this gig. I presume the guys promoting this are going to try to put it on somewhere else..

Great self imposed political correctness and censorship wins again. This sort of stuff (which in fairness really makes no difference) is only encouraging the growth of the extreme right. They may not play here but i gurantee we've given them more fans and generated alot more interest in them and who do you think the majority of middle ground people will sympathise with?I reckon it'll be the right wing because they're not the ones imposing censorship and political correctness and trying to get fucking gigs banned. Aren't we suppoused to be the tolerant open minded ones?
rotten tropics said:
maybe some of they wouldnt,but lookin at what others say,it seems to be the case.the very basis of their beliefs supports imposing these on other people.
violent hooliganism?i never said anybody should go down and beat them up,i wouldnt stoop to their level.
no you decided to stoop lower and post links to pics of these people in the hopes that someone with more of a spine than you have might stand up to them face to face( i cant see any other reason why you would post pics of em!) and to add to it you make asumptions about people you dont even know! iv had political debates with some of these blokes and never once have they forced views on me its always ended with havin a good auld laugh
Odd the way this thread has introduced new members to this site lol and thats a metally looking avatar
you sir are a metalist :eek:
cpt spaulding said:
no you decided to stoop lower and post links to pics of these people in the hopes that someone with more of a spine than you have might stand up to them face to face( i cant see any other reason why you would post pics of em!) and to add to it you make asumptions about people you dont even know! iv had political debates with some of these blokes and never once have they forced views on me its always ended with havin a good auld laugh
if they werent referring to people who had a problem with this gig as 'scum' on those pages,i wouldnt have posted links.....a picture of a bunch of skins standing at hitlers podium?fuck them,i dont have any respect for people like that,and to be honest im not fucking bothered talking to anyone whining about free speech for racist scum for listening to bands that are kind of dodge...its doesnt mean i've financially supported them in any way or would go to any of their gigs.....just agreeing with yr point that yes,there probably is people who dont give a fuck about politics that are interested in this

im glad this gig is out of the lower deck anyway.
billy said:
.the very basis of their beliefs supports imposing these on other people.


Ive never heard of any of the people your talking about imposing their views on anyone, maybe you should make yourself more aware of things and how they really are before you go around imposing your own beliefs, ie trying to get gigs cancelled.
im perfectly aware what extreme right wing beliefs entail,if there was nothing wrong with the gig,why would the venue cancel it?everyones entitled to say whatever they want to a venue if they have a problem with whats going on.
You're perfectly aware of what extreme right wing beliefs entail are you? Well, you are 19, and 19 year olds know everything. Just like I did when I was that age.

So the gig's pulled from the venue then?
Obviously mate, they pulled it because people such as yourself put pressure on them to do so, not because the staff would know anything aboug GBK. Even the sniff of any hassel and a venue like that would pull out of a gig. Understandable from their point of view.

As regards the "racist scum", you don't even know these people to be offering opinions like that. Only an idiot would make asumptions about people they've never met.
Only racists would visit Hitlers podium then yeah?

After looking at the profiles, I don't see anyone refering to anyone as scum either, unlike you're good self.
Jaysus' Jisim said:
As regards the "racist scum", you don't even know these people to be offering opinions like that. Only an idiot would make asumptions about people they've never met.
here's some bits and pieces to support those assumptions. i've highlighted the most relevant parts since you seem to be having trouble picking them out yourself.

Hellvomit's Blurbs
About me:
26 years old. Into Weightlifting, kickboxing, fitness, reading obsessively, ancient civilisations, WWII and the persuit of objectivity and truth in relation to it, world history, Irish history, seeing the remains of european culture, Death/Black metal, guitarist in Irelands fastest and most brutal band Primal Dawn. General self improvement in every way that I can.

Who I'd like to meet:
People who share the same perspectives and interests as myself. I'm not interested in halfwits, illiterates, egalitarians, wasters, drug users etc etc.

Weightlifting, kickboxing, fitness, reading, history, war, Irish and European culture and history and movements/organisations dedicated to it's preservation, Death/Black metal etc.

Not interested generally. Downfall was the only film that comes to mind recently, except of course for the disgusting disclaimer at the end.

[note: this is a movie about the downfall of the third reich in case you couldn't guess, jaysus' jisim]

Recently read or presently reading - Hitlers war - David Irving, The lightning and the sun - Sevetri Devi, Origins of Christianity - Revilo P Oliver, The holocaust industry - Norman Finkelstien, Creed of Iron - Ron McVan, Decieved, damned and defiant - David Lane. Next on the list - Mao, the Untold Story by Jung Chang and John Halliday.

[note: david irving: holocaust revisionist; david lane: former neo-nazi leader, KKK member, currently serving life sentence for involvement in murder of a liberal jewish radio show host, also the brains behind the '14 words', which are "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children"]

Heros who have been wrongly recorded by history as villains. The men who wanted to create a new order in harmony with the laws of nature and make one last glorious stand against the corrupt forces of degeneration, even though their stand lasted only just over a decade. The great Irish patriots and also the great men from history who are the embodiment of sheer will, force and determination, the subjugators of enemies and creators of new civilisations.

Jaysus' Jisim said:
Only racists would visit Hitlers podium then yeah?
maybe you should go back to when you were 19 and knew everything, because you're thick as shit now.
JANER said:
Good points.......

They were terrible points, saying that somehow people opposed to censorship and in favour of free speech are somehow going to move to the right because this gig was pulled is bullshit and illogical. The far right is no bastion of free speech until they are being denied a platform for their half-baked ideas.
Nearly all "middle ground" types I know were in favour of going down with a bag of doorknobs.

Janer you're loving this, I'm putting it in the Janers dodgey right-wing sympathys file.

No Pasaran.
Weeler your full of bollocks, I am against censorship in any form, I like to hear the arguments of the opposite side, it's people like you that have marginalised the left to what others see as extremists and know nothing mouths.
The points I agreed with him where that the Right end up getting more publicity and members when you pretend anarchists start mouthing off on a forum/grassing em up to venues managements, your no better then the Cops that you allegedly "despise".
You wanna have a conversation with me over a pint today in abbey street next to your Seomra Spraoi and tell me how your views are more correct then mine? Or as usual is it just gonna be mouthing behind your monitor?
I am more then willing to tell you were you are going wrong and I prove my points far better with live debate then on a forum.

/does'nt hold his breath
weeler said:
Nearly all "middle ground" types I know were in favour of going down with a bag of doorknobs.
Would never have happened :rolleyes:
weeler said:
Janer you're loving this, I'm putting it in the Janers dodgey right-wing sympathys file.
Plz don't try and tell me how I think, you would not even have an iota how I think, I was more left then you b4 you had your 1st bandana bought for you.
Of course I'm thick Nooley, good point, well argued. Quite the self-righteous little man aren't you. There is actually nothing on that making a political statement, not that it's any of you're business what it says anyway. The point obviously still stands that only an idiot would make sweeping assumptions about someone they've never met. If you're so concerned about policing what people think, go and talk to them yourself and form an opinion that actually means something.
rotten tropics said:
im perfectly aware what extreme right wing beliefs entail,if there was nothing wrong with the gig,why would the venue cancel it?everyones entitled to say whatever they want to a venue if they have a problem with whats going on.

Of course the venue was going to cancel it as soon as people started phoning up protesting and threatning to take business away from it. Venues owners dont care about polotics they care about profit margins.
Its beyond me what you think was going to be going on in there that night!
You are an arrogant, self rightous, bigoted, stupid fuck who spends his time pathetically attempting to run the world from behind a computer because your too spineless to face things head on. Your also a fucking hypocrate, you listen to the music yourself. Clearly like myself you can seperate music from lyrics but as an experienced 19 year old you seem to think everyone else cant! Your a fuckin dickhead. Jaysus a 19 year old punk rocker whose a student, the sooner you finish college and get a job ect the better for everyone! Wanker!
Heres to teenage angst at its silliest! Im sure GBK album sales will be at an all time high in this country! Thanks to all this publicity ys have prob introduced loads of people to em!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha heres 2 yr victory......
Ha ha ha ha ha ha........
I dont see the problem, everyone knows real Black Metal bands have to be from Scandanavia, which these clearly arent...they'll be laughed off the stage...
JANER said:
Weeler your full of bollocks, I am against censorship in any form, I like to hear the arguments of the opposite side, it's people like you that have marginalised the left to what others see as extremists and know nothing mouths.
The points I agreed with him where that the Right end up getting more publicity and members when you pretend anarchists start mouthing off on a forum/grassing em up to venues managements, your no better then the Cops that you allegedly "despise".
You wanna have a conversation with me over a pint today in abbey street next to your Seomra Spraoi and tell me how your views are more correct then mine? Or as usual is it just gonna be mouthing behind your monitor?
I am more then willing to tell you were you are going wrong and I prove my points far better with live debate then on a forum.

/does'nt hold his breath

Well for a start seomra spraoi isn't mine, in fact my mate in revolt video has been evicted (from the building) so I'm not too fond of the space at all at the minute.

I don't need to get in a who's more left than who debate with you, you have come out with racist, pro-life and in favour of giving fascists a platfrom all the time - everyone sees you for what you are. Your politics are inconsistant and to put it bluntly - shit. A fine example would be your dodgey comments about "jews" in the lower deck.

What do you mean about "mouthing behind your monitor" - I've put on benefit gigs, organised meetings, demos, debates, film showings. It's not as if i'm scared to speak/express or argue about my views in public. I'd be more than happy to debate with you sometime.
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