Ladyfest Dublin in the Media PLUS Art & Film Update! (1 Viewer)

they are doing it themselves, just doing it differently than how you would.
perhaps one of you dudes could photcopy them the dummies guide to being right on, or something?

re: fundraisers etc etc - maybe if more of you lot actaully went to them the ticket price would be less?
blah blah blah blah

Yeah and I'm sure Denis Desmond did it himself, just differently to how we would.

I think we're talking about slightly stricter criteria than DIY, a term as broad as it is wide if that's the case.
byrneos said:
i don't think it is female only they've changed that ,anyway i heard you really just want to help out with the sex toys and have no interest in birdism!
Sex toys you say? Interesting. :p ;) !cheezy !ninjaaaa
ian bastardcore said:
your ideas interest me and i wish to subscribe to your newsletter.surely people have a problem with paying 15euros into a "punk" gig on the sunday or whatever it is , that has been doing fund raising for how feckin long ? and isnt a good load of the money going to put bands up in hostels ? for fucks sake , what kind of DIY band asks for a hostel ? are HYSTERIA looking for a hostel , i doubt it ...

if it were not for playing , i really dont think id be going to this..

ian i think a lot of this is confusion is from ladyfest posting this on here

"You just pay in by the day. 10 for friday, 15 for saturday and 15 for sunday.

The way it breaks down is as follows:

15 for underagers for the weekend until 6pm and all day sunday for the all ages gig

30 for adults for everything all weekend (all workshops, talks, film, art bands)

10 for friday
15 for saturday
15 for sunday"

when in fact it seems its just ten in on the sunday not 15 so a lot of people were complaing about a price that was apparently posted wrongly. i know i was complaining about 15 for the all ages gig but that apparently was a mistake by whoever posted here as ladyfest.
just one thing in regards to the price, personally i have several female friends who are unemployed or students who now feel they cannot afford to pay thirty yo's for this thing, and one friend who has been left doin a workshop on her own cause her partner (for the workshop) cant afford the fee in, it's kinda shitty that people doin workshops have gotta pay when some bigshot dj gets 300sterling, personally i think that isn't too positive, regardless whether ur male or female.

but anyway i've got the cash so i'll be there, just thought that maybe they should reduce the price for the ladies to get more involved.
Shorty said:
Yeah and I'm sure Denis Desmond did it himself, just differently to how we would.

I think we're talking about slightly stricter criteria than DIY, a term as broad as it is wide if that's the case.

oh well that's me firmly put in my place

but seriously dudes, use yer heads...nobodys out to swindle anyone. bizarrely enough genuinely popular electronic artists (or "DJs" if you know nothing about music) who people actually own records by, on well known labels are a bigger draw than unknown punk bands and thus cost more money to get, who'd have thought??

my point was that DIY doesn't necessarily mean your own blinkered punk as fuck definition of diy...and you pick up on this by picking the most polar opposite example ever. good goin. (oh and for all your nonsense ideals of inclusion, i only ever see the same faces at "your" gigs...y'know the ones that i go to and have been going to before you were, so you can't really call me on not going to or anything..)

the thing that's impressed me most about ladyfest is how they've managed to gain a presence outside of your droll photocopied zine lets buy the same records in the same shop and hold the same opinions and maybe just occasionly have a bit of an auld difference of opinion on eirecore world (yeah i'm being overly harsh, whatever)..and yet you think 'mainstream media' coverage is terrible. god forbid someone that doens't read this poxy website might check something new out...although seeing as 2/3rds of the weekend (more if you take into account the art / movies / talks /etc) has little or nothing to do with punk, it really shouldn't be an issue to you, should it? yet you still complain.

i'm playing somewhere else on sunday so i won't have to witness how retardedly some of you suckers boycott the sunday gig or whatever (honestly - i hope this won't happen) but i'll to miss 2 of my friends bands..oh well.

anyway, if you don't like it, don't go. i could go off on a tangent about how many of you have have some weird reliance on 'community' (- go join a youth club or something) and i never really understood the strange infatuation a lot of you have with other peoples money. remember the converge gig guys!? i heard they wanted a guarantee of 11 billion dollars!

(age 69)

ps - totally sucks how a celebration of art and music and etc, can be broken down into finance by you junior wallstreets.
pps - i just paid a tenner to watch a guy bang on the same bits of metal he did 5 months ago and it was worth it. i guess i'm focus too much on music or something. (cue the dumb "you're mad" response)
some nicely worded points there andy, i think that the thing that annoys alot of people who are involved in ladyfest is that if you look into various ladyfests that have been organised around the globe they are very closely aligned with the punk ethos (don't give out its just a word!) and the ladies i know who are involved with this feel that this ladyfest seems to have kinda drifted away from that.

There is nothing wrong with a difference in how people interpret the term DIY, there is no such thing as a correct or incorrect view of DIY in my humble opinion. As for paying 15 yo's for a gig, i personally dont think it's too much, and i'll pay the cost because it's something i wanna support, but then again i have a full time job that pays a pretty decent wage, maybe if i didnt i'd feel different about it. BUt anyway yeah it boils down to if ya dont agree with it don't go, if ya do then go. At the end of the day it'll be a bit of a buzz in a usually shitty grey fucked up city so thats gotta be positive .|..|
Don't crucify me.
Maybe punk gigs are too cheap? Don't a hell of a lot of them struggle to make enough money? Considering inflation etc punk gig prices have not gone up very much in the 17/18 years I've been going to them.
meanwhile, it costs far more these days to watch a bunch of gay cowboys eating pudding than it did 16/17 years ago.
Please at least get your facts right. People doing workshops do not have to pay in on the day that workshop is held. They get more for free than even the organisers, who are buying our own tickets. Why? Because if we didn't contribute ourselves, all of us would end up filling the capacity of the venue and we wouldn't even come close to breaking even.

This is no different from the way many Ladyfests have worked, where you don't get in free except on the day that you work, and only if you work a certain number of hours or are performing/exhibiting/hosting a workshop. If we didn't do it this way, tickets would be quite expensive.

Additionally, DIY does not have to equal only something 'punk', and just because it isn't free, doesn't mean it somehow goes against an ethos of independent organisation. Ladyfests have varied widely in their organisation, and in what they involve: from Ladyfest Vienna, which was held in a long-standing squat premesis, to Ladyfest Melbourne, which had some sponsorship from Qantas. Ladyfest Glasgow was £15 sterling per day. Ladyfest London was £40 sterling for the weekend.

Thanks to everyone who supports us! It means a lot.
Okay, I know you have quoted me in your response, but I'm not taking this as a personal response, and I'm not attacking you personally either in my response, just addressing some of the points you raise, though I may use personal ( "I" ) references and responses.

but seriously dudes, use yer heads...nobodys out to swindle anyone. bizarrely enough genuinely popular electronic artists (or "DJs" if you know nothing about music) who people actually own records by, on well known labels are a bigger draw than unknown punk bands and thus cost more money to get, who'd have thought??

I don't think anyone is accusing the organisers of swindling anyone. And speaking from a purely subjective viewpoint, I would have gone to this anyway, no matter who was playing, because I see it as something positive. This may not be the case for others, so maybe a little bit of bait is needed to expose ppl to a more 'feminist' (for lack of a better word) way of thinking. And perhaps simply seeing girls up on stage will go along way, but I think that discussion of ideas, etc. in the workshops, etc. is just as if not more important. There have been debates/discussions had before over tokenism versus recognition, and yes I think this would be something more productive than this squabbling over price.

my point was that DIY doesn't necessarily mean your own blinkered punk as fuck definition of diy...and you pick up on this by picking the most polar opposite example ever. good goin. (oh and for all your nonsense ideals of inclusion, i only ever see the same faces at "your" gigs...y'know the ones that i go to and have been going to before you were, so you can't really call me on not going to or anything..)

I haven't called you on anything andy, ( though you did call ppl on not going to the fundraisers and fair fucks to you), but Doing It Yourself is a pretty pointless word to be throwing about when in that limeted or unlimited definition it can mean anything, so it wasn't too much of a polar opposite. I think that's why non-profit is included in the sentence on the first page of the ladyfest website. But I feel that part of a non-profit ethos, is keeping costs to a minimum ( hell, that's even part of a capitalist ethos). But maybe ( and I think internally, from my understanding, in the ladyfest organisation ) that's were the problem lies.

the thing that's impressed me most about ladyfest is how they've managed to gain a presence outside of your droll photocopied zine lets buy the same records in the same shop and hold the same opinions and maybe just occasionly have a bit of an auld difference of opinion on eirecore world (yeah i'm being overly harsh, whatever)..and yet you think 'mainstream media' coverage is terrible. god forbid someone that doens't read this poxy website might check something new out...although seeing as 2/3rds of the weekend (more if you take into account the art / movies / talks /etc) has little or nothing to do with punk, it really shouldn't be an issue to you, should it? yet you still complain.
Yes, i think that's brilliant too. But I didn't criticise anyone about the use of mainstream media, I don't think anyone has. I don't have any problem with this. In fact, my entire argument is based on trying to get as many ppl as possible exposed to the ideas behind ladyfest.

i'm playing somewhere else on sunday so i won't have to witness how retardedly some of you suckers boycott the sunday gig or whatever (honestly - i hope this won't happen) but i'll to miss 2 of my friends bands..oh well.

I don't think many if anyone has said they were going to boycott ladyfest, and it is pretty stupid for the punks to only turn up on the sunday or for it to be perceived as the sunday being the 'punk' day, when there is so much else going on and is also important over the rest of the weekend. I think what most people are saying, is that out of necessity, they can't afford to go.

ps - totally sucks how a celebration of art and music and etc, can be broken down into finance by you junior wallstreets.
But I ( and maybe others don't ) think that ladyfest is about more than just art and music. And maybe others are breaking it down to purely financial concerns, but I'm not.
I agree with Ed. From what I understand Ladyfest is predominantly being drawn away from punk/hc, and that does seem to go against it's roots. Is anyone else wondering if it would have been cheaper if more acts had been brought in from those scenes? It's just that 30 seems a little extraneous......
can't believe how petty some of you people can
be, people should be appreciative of the fact that the ladyfest idea will be
spreading to a much larger audience due to the fact that ladies from all different backgrounds and tastes have collaborated together on this.

Well done to all at ladyfest!
Aaargh...this thread has turned into a pat-on-the-back fest and an all-youse-punx-are-dickheads fest...

I guess that there's just a punk DIY and an indie DIY. But I didn't think the two were so far removed from each other.

I agree that punk gigs could/should cost more in and better care could/should be taken of bands and that (la-dee-da, see my last fanzine for more in-depth analysis :rolleyes: ), and people CAN afford it really, it's bullshit when they say they can't and spend whatever amount on cans and cigarrettes and dope.

But it really stood out to me too that the punk bands on the flyer seemed like an embarrassing footnote while the rest of it was spent on over-the-top Hot Press style bullshit hype. Maybe the stories I heard about sponsorship for free salon haircuts for all the the women involved in Ladyfest were made up, exagerated or untrue, and maybe people didn't actually want sponsorship from Vodaphone, and maybe the belittleing attitude felt by many of my friends involved from the other non-punk organisers was only a misperception, but I've heard more than enough to give me the impression that a lot of people "closer to the action" than I am have legitimate questions about it, and the overall picture I've been presented with doesn't fit with my idea of DIY. Maybe I'm the snob and maybe it's just not strictly DIY; that issue at least won't be resolved.

The money was never the issue.

Whoever wrote about it being the best thing to happen for DIY in Dublin in 10 years is so full of shit it's coming out their nostrils.

Did you see the posters and flyers? The billboard poster has La Fraction and Hysteria in the biggest font on the Sunday listing (check it out here: Saturday gets the biggest box due to the majority of events happening on Saturday. Friday and Sunday's boxes are slightly smaller. Sunday's bands names are slightly smaller as there are other things going on that day too. Friday's band names are slightly bigger because there isn't much else on on Friday except films, the details of which weren't available when the poster went to print.

In the programme everyone is listed in alphabetical order.

On the handmade flyers (see below) 2 acts (the big draws) get a big font. 2 more, jessie and layla and katell keineg (fairly well known - i.e. a draw) get a slightly smaller one. AND THEN EVERYONE ELSE GETS LISTED IN EXACTLY THE SAME SIZE FONT. Weirdly, none of them are complaining about being persecuted and segregated. They are in fact, behind us and really pleased to be playing.
lads please get a fuckin grip.....
this is utter drivel and reminds me alot of the converge posturing that went on when shock horror a band asked for a garuntee...
can we not just support this????
me and a few friends are probably going to come from cork for the sunday gig so if it was to cost 2cent or 20euro we're still forking out for transport....
so ticket price is a redundant arguement for people who don't have the luxury of living in dublin....
this is a one off event and something that is a first for the irish diy scene, despite whose definition you go by, and this pointless bickering smacks of an ugly self-righteousness and is ultimately self defeating.....
go if you want...
don't go if you don't want...
and finally go on the girls.......

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