giving money to beggars (3 Viewers)

The last time I gave money to someone who looked really needy, he ended up spending it in the same pub as me later, having a rare oul' time.

If you give money to a person begging on the street its really up to them how they spend it. You cant really go out in search of the deserving poor.
The fact that he begged on the street in the first place Probably meant that he was very much in need of that pint. I don’t think that anyone would beg on the street for the fun of it.
I think I'd rather let the professionals handle it. So long as the following still applies:


Noone in dublin will ever starve because you dont give them your spare change so you shuoldnt feel guilty for not giving over money.

Because I don't have a clue about the circumstances of the people involved. Yes, some of it is organised. But there are a hell of a lot of people out there who just need help.

But I don't think, in good conscience, I could give money to someone who might spend it (insert substance to be abused here), thereby hastening their demise.

It doesn't mean my heart doesn't break sometimes.

We used to deal with a lot of homeless in my old job. And, although we had only a small role to play in their life, trying to provide some form of payment/subsistence for them, it was important. But there's only so much you can do. And we lost some of them.

Things are slightly better these days though.
The fact that he begged on the street in the first place Probably meant that he was very much in need of that pint. I don’t think that anyone would beg on the street for the fun of it.

Ah, no. Not this guy. He's a professional. He gets off the bus, dresses himself down and then "works" the public. That's his job.

And he's good at it.
One time when I was plastered on Dame Street I sat down for a rest beside some well to do looking beggar. He asked for a fag so I gave him one. We got chatting and it turns out that he was just like me, locked and sat down for a rest on the road. He said people had just started putting money into his aberakebabera cup. He even gave me some of the change! I bought more fags. Result.
But I don't think, in good conscience, I could give money to someone who might spend it (insert substance to be abused here), thereby hastening their demise.

it's not your prerogative to say what the people do with your money. if you feel it would be better spent in the poor box, put it there. you cant give some one money and tell them to spend it on something you think is better than another thing they might use it for.
One time when I was plastered on Dame Street I sat down for a rest beside some well to do looking beggar. He asked for a fag so I gave him one. We got chatting and it turns out that he was just like me, locked and sat down for a rest on the road. He said people had just started putting money into his aberakebabera cup. He even gave me some of the change! I bought more fags. Result.

similar thing happened to me in san francisco. was at a party in berkeley, missed the last BART. slept under an ATM machine, woke up the next day surrounded by quarters and dimes.
it's not your prerogative to say what the people do with your money. if you feel it would be better spent in the poor box, put it there. you cant give some one money and tell them to spend it on something you think is better than another thing they might use it for.

I agree, it goes back to the really old fashoned idea of deserving and undeserving poor.
Just because someone has a substance abuse problem dosent mean they are any less poor than someone who is homeless because of bad luck. They are both in the same situation and i dont think anyone had the right to decide which one has the most right to our spare change. I would have more pity in a way for the person with the substance abuse problem because the person who's only issue is lack of accommodation will most likely only be homeless of a short time but the person with a substance abuse problem is looking at a mush longer time within homeless services (I think Buzzo could prob talk about the lack of services for drug using homeless much better than me).

it's not your prerogative to say what the people do with your money. if you feel it would be better spent in the poor box, put it there. you cant give some one money and tell them to spend it on something you think is better than another thing they might use it for.

When I did give money to people on streets, it was never with a condition and always with the assumption that , y'know, this will probably just go to fuel their addiction. But if that's what they want to do, then they can.... At that stage, it ceased being my money.

My point was that nowadays, I won't do that. When I was younger, I suppose I was more cavalier. But, having, seen many people destroyed because of addictions, I now don't think it's right. But that's just the way I feel about it personally.
And here, where did the idea that I go looking for deserving and undeserving poor? Or that I even think there's such a distinction?

I never made any such comment. What I did say was that I can't tell the difference between who the organised begging gangs are and the genuine people in need. The implication was that I would rather give to people who genuinely need help. Hence the giving to an organised charity instead.
yeah i always say get a fucking job. how hard can it be? and those guys have the life, do you know how much overheads i have? it's all bills bills bills and then the missus wants new shoes. anyway, next time you encounter a beggar, show them this thread on your blackberry. that'll put the shame on them.

i once saw a begger oust another one from a prime spot by saying, "you fuck off, these are my customers". customers is it? what do i get in return, eh? what?
i once saw a begger oust another one from a prime spot by saying, "you fuck off, these are my customers". customers is it? what do i get in return, eh? what?

Ya different guys have their own patch. The haypenny bridge and The banklink on georges street are particularly good ones.

One of my lads made €900 over the two days before christmas begging by the college of surgeons. He was able to buy his kids savage presents.
for all i know they could go spend it on booze.

To quote a song I know "what were you going to spend it on"?

I usually give ciggerettes if they ask me for some, have taken to giving eastern europeans money for buses outside busaras if they ask me.

Egg_ will know of Maggie Hurley!! I give her nothing. I know where she lives.
I'm not saying that all beggars are homeless, or that all homeless people are beggers, but there's a pretty strong cross over. There's a whole load of shit that these dudes have to go through everyday. I don't know the half of it but I've learned some from working with em over the past couple of years.

I don't speak for the homeless when I say this, and this might sound simple, or stupid, or obvious, (and I don't mean to imply that people haven't thought about it at all) but have you ever really thought what it's like to be homeless? Have you ever missed the last bus and not have enough for a taxi? Have you ever felt the dread of having to walk really far on a cold winters night on your own? Do you remember ever being so poor you couldn't afford to go for a coffee while you were waiting to meet someone in town? It feels really crappy. Can you imagine having to kill at least 5 hours in the cold in town every day? Sleeping in a room with 20 adult strangers who were so poor they'd rob the shoes off your feet? Have you ever felt in fear for your safety walking down dark lanes? Can you imagine feeling the need to go down those same dark lanes for shelter or to hide from the police? If you've travelled you'll know the feeling of having to carry your world on your back. Can you imagine not once in a 6 month period having somewhere to leave your bags while you get your shit done during the day? Have you ever felt the fear of spending one night on the streets or in a homeless shelter, never mind your entire life? Can you imagine for months on end not being able to share a bed with the person you love? These things petrify me when I think about em. And I haven't even touched on a million other problems associated with it.

I don't mean to be patronising or over emotional, nor do I wish anyone to feel guilty, these are just things I never thought about until I began working with homeless people. I don't think it should make any real difference to whether or not you give them money, like Sufi said, you'll never go hungry in this town (unless you're in fear for your safety from other homeless people and you're afraid to access services for fear of their being there) and most nights you can get a bed (unless, same circumstance as I just said or the beds are full, which happens).

And now for my point,after all that: bear in mind that very often, drink or drugs is the only thing that kills the boredom and keeps you sane when you're in that position.

Of course, like Broken Arm and Goff said, the problem is bigger than citizens giving citizens a few sheckles to get by. It's a massive, structural problem that needs to be addressed that I won't even begin to get into. And as for me, same again as Sufi, I know a lot of the dudes so I'll give em a smoke if they approach me, but I won't give em money.

Rant over.
And as for me, same again as Sufi, I know a lot of the dudes so I'll give em a smoke if they approach me, but I won't give em money.
Rant over.
i'm the exact same way - don't mind parting with a few smokes a day, but not cash....hell, i'm usually more broke than some of these dudes, seriously.

actually been thinking lately about doing some volunteer work at a shelter or something on a permanent basis, cuz this giving them smokes doesn't really begin to help the guilt i feel when i see some unhealthy looking bugger on the sidewalk, whether that guilt is rational or not.
well said. i would never expect that someone begging is gonna spend it on booze, and if they do, well that's up to them.
it's such a huge issue that needs addressing; it goes much further than asking for a few euro. out of interest is homelessness getting worse in ireland? or have proper steps been taken to alleviate it?
you imagine having to kill at least 5 hours in the cold in town every day? Sleeping in a room with 20 adult strangers who were so poor they'd rob the shoes off your feet? Have you ever felt in fear for your safety walking down dark lanes? Can you imagine feeling the need to go down those same dark lanes for shelter or to hide from the police? If you've travelled you'll know the feeling of having to carry your world on your back. Can you imagine not once in a 6 month period having somewhere to leave your bags while you get your shit done during the day? Have you ever felt the fear of spending one night on the streets or in a homeless shelter, never mind your entire life? Can you imagine for months on end not being able to share a bed with the person you love? These things petrify me when I think about em. And I haven't even touched on a million other problems associated with it.

Very well put, Buzzo. I'd give you rep but can't yet as I repped ya last week for your soup post.

I don't smoke so can't give smokes out. I'm curious - someone mentioned foreigners at Busaras asking for bus money. Are they from new EU countries and are they going home?? I've heard there are more and more foreign homeless in the country, but am not sure what the story is there. Homelessness must be horrific, but add to that being in a foreign country...I can't fathom it.
well said. i would never expect that someone begging is gonna spend it on booze, and if they do, well that's up to them.
it's such a huge issue that needs addressing; it goes much further than asking for a few euro. out of interest is homelessness getting worse in ireland? or have proper steps been taken to alleviate it?

Steps are being taken to alleviate it but its not happening fast enough.
The numbers of homeless people are going down but the numbers of long term homeless people (people who are homless for more than 6 months) is pretty static.
Also some of the emergency hostels are bleak to say the least so many people will prefer to sleep rough than go into these places.
Theres also a huge problem with the lack housing for single people on rent allowance that is causing people to stay homeless way longer than they need to.
The homeless Agency (Statutory body responsible for co-ordinating homeless services in dublin) plans to have the need for rough sleeping gone by 2010 but thats not soon enough.
I'm not saying that all beggars are homeless, or that all homeless people are beggers, but there's a pretty strong cross over. There's a whole load of shit that these dudes have to go through everyday. I don't know the half of it but I've learned some from working with em over the past couple of years.

I don't speak for the homeless when I say this, and this might sound simple, or stupid, or obvious, (and I don't mean to imply that people haven't thought about it at all) but have you ever really thought what it's like to be homeless? Have you ever missed the last bus and not have enough for a taxi? Have you ever felt the dread of having to walk really far on a cold winters night on your own? Do you remember ever being so poor you couldn't afford to go for a coffee while you were waiting to meet someone in town? It feels really crappy. Can you imagine having to kill at least 5 hours in the cold in town every day? Sleeping in a room with 20 adult strangers who were so poor they'd rob the shoes off your feet? Have you ever felt in fear for your safety walking down dark lanes? Can you imagine feeling the need to go down those same dark lanes for shelter or to hide from the police? If you've travelled you'll know the feeling of having to carry your world on your back. Can you imagine not once in a 6 month period having somewhere to leave your bags while you get your shit done during the day? Have you ever felt the fear of spending one night on the streets or in a homeless shelter, never mind your entire life? Can you imagine for months on end not being able to share a bed with the person you love? These things petrify me when I think about em. And I haven't even touched on a million other problems associated with it.

I don't mean to be patronising or over emotional, nor do I wish anyone to feel guilty, these are just things I never thought about until I began working with homeless people. I don't think it should make any real difference to whether or not you give them money, like Sufi said, you'll never go hungry in this town (unless you're in fear for your safety from other homeless people and you're afraid to access services for fear of their being there) and most nights you can get a bed (unless, same circumstance as I just said or the beds are full, which happens).

And now for my point,after all that: bear in mind that very often, drink or drugs is the only thing that kills the boredom and keeps you sane when you're in that position.

Of course, like Broken Arm and Goff said, the problem is bigger than citizens giving citizens a few sheckles to get by. It's a massive, structural problem that needs to be addressed that I won't even begin to get into. And as for me, same again as Sufi, I know a lot of the dudes so I'll give em a smoke if they approach me, but I won't give em money.

Rant over.
get a job, like. problem solved.

this one beggar attacked me the other day. she was waearing a yellow high vis jacket and had a clipboard. listen to my problems, she said. get bent, i said. anyway, i called the government and asked them could they use my hard earned tax dollars to sort this out, so bertie is gonna walk up and down grafton st with a bag of money (it's loan) and that'll sort it out, i'm told. simple eh?

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